Thursday, April 24, 2014

Happy Thursday evening...

Hi all,

How's everybody doing this fine Thursday?  I had a visit from my Sister today, who lives in North Carolina.  She comes up to Pa. two or three times a year.  It's always so good to get together with her.  We were reminiscing about our Mom and Dad and in which ways we are just like them.  I always thought I was more like my Mom, but in the last ten years, I've realized that I'm a lot like my Dad, also.  Since they passed away quite a few years ago, I miss them very much. 

It sometimes surprises me how much Mom and Dad come to mind.  But, when I really stop and think about it, I spent the first eighteen years of my life with them.  They taught me to be the person I am today, and that's a good thing.  I live by good morals, ethics, faith, traditions, values and all the other good things I learned from the two of them.  I guess it's no wonder that I think of them so often and miss them so much.

So, what have you been up to lately?  I've been working on hand embroidered Christmas ornaments for my family.  Here's a picture of the two different styles I've made so far.  They have fiberfill on the inside.

I simply love doing hand embroidery.  It relaxes me and takes away any stress I may have.  I've been giving my family members an ornament at Christmas, for many years now.  This type of work is called "red work".  The Santa ones took a little longer to embroider, but I like the way the turned out.

I need to get started on another writing project, but I just can't decide what it should be.  Any ideas?  I haven't ruled out publishing my memoirs, but I haven't decided on doing them either.  I will soon make up my mind, one way or the other. 

Well, I believe spring is finally here, at least, more so than not.  It was pretty cold here on Tuesday, only getting into the fifties.  I don't want summer to arrive yet!  I so enjoy the temperatures when they are in the mid to high sixties.  One can just grab a sweat shirt or a sweater and head outside to enjoy the sun and mild breeze.  Personally, I hope it stays this way until at least the beginning of June. 

Where have your creative abilities taken you?  Have you gotten a chance to get out in those flower beds or gardens as of yet?  My tulips are now blooming, but unfortunately tulips don't last very long.  Perhaps tomorrow I'll go out and take some photos of them while they're still beautiful.  I was going to do that today, but never got around to it.

One of these days, I'd like to start another pencil drawing.  Of course, the problem is that I don't know what I want to draw.  Maybe I could draw my tulips, it's something to think about anyways.

My youngest daughter and her husband are in Cancun.  I saw some pictures that she took and it looks like a beautiful place.  The water there is that aqua blue color that I just love.  I have a 5' artificial tree in my bedroom that is slightly frosted.  It has the mini white lights on it and it is decorated in the colors of the Caribbean ocean.  Even the tree skirt has the same color scheme.  So, when I'm laying in bed at night, watching television, I look at the tree and I can almost imagine I'm at the ocean.  The tree lights are the only lights I have on in the room.  I feel peace and serenity in those moments.

Well, before we know it, the weekend will be upon us.  Just one more work day to go!  Be safe and remember to save some time just for yourself.  It's so important and it definitely is not being selfish.

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