Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone,

Just a short post to wish each of you, who have been reading my blog, a happy New Year.  I do hope that if you are going out to celebrate this evening and there will be booze included, that you have a designated driver so that everyone gets home safely. Drinking and driving, kills people and/or does permanent damage to them. 

This is foremost on my mind just now, because shortly before Christmas, of last year, a drunk driver ran into my Son-in-law and did him permanent damage.  That driver later died in the hospital.  As for my Son-in-law, he'll never be able to work as a policeman again, as he is unable to hold and shoot a gun in both hands.  Also, it's been over a year now and he's still going for therapy for different issues.  That accident, which could have been prevented, should not have occurred, but it did.  Now my innocent family suffers because of one persons decision to drink and then drive. 

Please be responsible if you are drinking this evening.  Remember:  the next person to die, could be you or someone you love. 

Have a wonderful evening and a great first day of 2017 tomorrow.  Please be safe!

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Happy Wednesday to everyone...

Good evening or whatever time of day it is where you are...  I here on my laptop and listening to the Solid Gold Oldies on the TV station.  I love the old songs.  I mean the ones from the 50's and 60's.  That would be my childhood years.  I also enjoy some of the Big Band Music from the 30's, 40's and 50's.  My parents loved that type of music so I grew up with that and then rock and roll, which was my forte. 

I just thought I'd remind you all of the novels and booklets that I have available for electronic reading on  Here's a few of them:

You can go to and fill my full name in the search block and all of my novels and booklets will come up for you.  Also, most of them have a page here, on my blog.  Just thought you may be interested in some heart-full reading

Have a wonderful evening and stay safe.  God bless each of you.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Are you ready?

Hi everyone,
Well, we only have four more days left in 2016.  Are you ready to start the new year of 2017?  Well, ready or not, it will be here.  What is your hope and wish for 2017?

As for me, I am ready for whatever happens throughout the end of this year and in 2017.  I will, certainly, do whatever I can to keep myself as healthy as I am able.  Ultimately, how long I live is up to God.  I do work very hard not to do anything which will harm my health. 

I hadn't been out to visit my friend in the nearby nursing home for the past two weeks.  the reason for this was because they had a quarantine in effect, because of illness within the home's patients.  As much as I truly wanted to go, I stayed home because I needed to keep myself healthy.  So, I called this morning and spoke with a young woman who told me that there is still some illness but it is not airborne but through touching something.  She said that as long as I wash my hands as soon as I leave, I should be fine.

So, I prayed and then I got ready and went to visit my friend.  I took my hand sanitizer with me and as soon as I left the building, I used it.  Then when I arrived home, I ran hot water and washed my hands with soap and hot water.  So, now I did everything that I can to stay healthy.  So, now it's up to God.  I loved visiting with my friend and I took her a few homemade goodies to enjoy.

I had a wonderful Christmas Eve with my family.  As for Christmas Day it was just my husband and myself.  I have to tell you that I now love spending Christmas Day with just him and I.  There's no rushing around and we eat whenever it's ready.  We have no time schedule to keep and that's very relaxing for the both of us. 

I hope your Christmas Eve and Day was as happy and fulfilling as mine was.  Family is extremely important to me and it always has been.  I hope it's important to you, as well.  Be happy and stay healthy.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

It's here....

Hi everyone,

This will be a short blog, but I wanted to make sure I took the time to wish each of you, who takes the time to read my blog, a blessed Christmas Eve and a loving Christmas Day.  Christmas is the time for family and friends to spend time together.  What ever worries or concerns you may have, just fill yourself with love for one another this Christmas Eve. 

Remember that it's not about the gifts we give or receive, it's about loving each other.  Showing kindness and sympathy to one another today and every day.  Having people you love in your life, is the most blessed thing you can have. 

Enjoy today and tomorrow and be safe always.  Merry Christmas and may the New Year, of 2017, be filled with love and many blessings for you and your family.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

It's almost here...

Merry Christmas, everyone! 

Well, if you're ready or not, it's almost Christmas.  I'm ready and have been, all except for last minute food preparations, that is.  I've been ready for some time now.  Because of my illness, I need to start very early in the year.  That would be as soon as Christmas is over!

You see I make a lot of hand crafted items for gifts and I need to start early on them.  I even hand make my own bags to put gifts into by using felt, ribbon and embroidery floss.  I embroidery designs on the front of the bags (which is two pieces of felt, blanket stitched together.) 

I truly need to keep busy all year round.  Since my life is pretty sedentary, and since I'm creative, I do things working with my hands.  I love it and it makes me feel good to give those I love and care about, homemade items.  I just hope they appreciate all the time and effort that goes into them.

I want to sincerely take this time to thank each and every one of you, who have been following my blog, whether you're a new comer, or have been a follower for a few years now.  My sincere good wishes for a wonderful, a joyous and a blessed Christmas to each and every one of you.  Enjoy your families and thank God for them.

Merry Christmas and all my best good wishes to each of you for a prosperous New Year of 2017!

Thursday, December 15, 2016

Happy Thursday!

Hi everyone,

Man oh man, is it cold and blustery out there.  This morning, when I was on out sun porch using my washer and dryer, I could hear the wind blowing outside.  It was actually howling!  I was going to go to the grocery store this morning, but I asked my husband if he'd go without me.  I just couldn't bear the thought of going out in this weather.  Ever since I became chronically ill, going on eleven years ago, I can't handle the extreme cold or heat and humidity.  The doctor keeps my blood pressure pretty low and because of this, I need to stay indoors in the winter and also during the heat and humidity of the summer months.  I was so thankful to my husband for going without me.

Even though I've been indoors all day, every time I get up from where I'm sitting, I get cold once again.  The weatherman says that this wind should calm down sometime over night.  I am so thankful for that! 

I'm about as ready for Christmas as I can be ten days before hand.  I've made my lists reminding me which days to do what.  Yes, I am a list person.  I always have been and always will be!  I suppose that's because I worked in finances most of my adult life.  I still need to do things by hand, you know, like writing a check to pay my bills and not doing it electronically, like so many younger folks do.  I suppose they'd say that I'm just 'old fashioned' and that's okay with me. 

This winter I hand crocheted about 60-65 scarves for two local nursing homes.  Now, it's been on my mind as to what I can do to keep myself busy and to give back for the many blessings God has bestowed upon me during my entire life.  I was talking with God the other day, asking for some suggestions and then soon after that I saw a commercial for St. Jude's Children's hospital. 

This reminded me that young children like to have a blanket for security.  So, that made me think that perhaps God was directing me to think seriously about crocheting small blankets for the children who are hospitalized.  After all, my blankets in bed at night, still make me fell secure.  I like to pull them up around my neck and close to me.  I suppose that is a security feeling that never leaves many of us. 

I need to do so research to see if any of the local hospitals, children's wards, would accept an offer.  I'd love to send blankets to St. Jude's, or perhaps the Hershey Children's Hospital, which would be much closer to me.  So, I thank God for putting this idea into my head.  You do know that He listens to us when we speak with Him.  It's just the normally, He doesn't speak directly to us, but rather He puts an idea into our heads.  It's then up to us to follow through on the idea.

Whenever I do anything by hand, (crocheting, hand embroidery, hand made greeting cards, etc.) I feel very relaxed and comforted.  So, that's why I have a need to continue doing this things for other people, especially children and the elderly.  Perhaps you could try doing this sometime and see how it makes you feel! 

God is the most important person in my life, for without Him, I would have no life, literally!  I am in a very good place in my life, mostly because God is with me always.  His Mercy is so very important to me and for my immediate and extended families, friends and everyone throughout the world, especially those who suffer from any illness.

Have you ever wandered what you can do to help another person?  If not, perhaps you should make a new year's resolution to try, each month, to do something, no matter how small, for someone else.  Trust me, it's not just them who benefits, but you also.  Remember, we never know what is ahead of us. 

I hope you make some time to enjoy yourself during this Christmas Season.  Experiencing the joy of the season is so important.  Just relax and let go for a few minutes each day.  Be safe always and may God bless you and your families.

Remember that God is present in every single day...

Thursday, December 8, 2016


Hi everyone,
I don't know what the weather is where you live, but here in South Central Pennsylvania, it's getting quite cold with a lot of strong winds.  It's to go down into the low 20's tonight and not be much warmer than that tomorrow.  Actually, it's to be cold and windy for the next seven days. 

I know it's December, but I don't really like the cold weather, especially when it's windy, also.  I can handle temps. in the upper thirties or low forties, but I'm not liking this low twenties stuff.  Of course, I will be pretty much staying indoors and only going out if I absolutely have to! 

Tomorrow is the 9th of December already.  Christmas Day is just a little over two weeks away now.  I've been hosting Christmas Eve ever since my Parents have passed away.  You see, when they were living, we (me, my husband, children and grandchildren, and my siblings and their families) all went to Mom and Dad's for Christmas Eve.  So, I suppose I've been hosting this celebration for almost twenty years now.  What do you do on Christmas Eve?  I hope you spend it with family and/or friends.

I've made my menu and I already purchased most of the meal items I will be needing.  Earlier this week I made chocolate covered pretzel rods and added candy sprinkles on top.  Today I made a large pan of 7 layer bar cookies.  I plan on baking a double batch of chocolate chip, walnut cookies tomorrow.  These are my husbands favorite.  I also have already made two batches of chocolate bark.  One is peanut bark and the other is raisin and date bark.  I like to share my home made goodies with my family on Christmas Eve.  I'm sure that many of you also do patches of home made cookies and candies.  My Mom always had plenty of home made treats for us to enjoy. 

The Christmas Season is and always has been, my favorite time of year.  People just seem kinder and friendlier during this season than any other time of the year.  It's too bad that folks can't be kind all year long. 

I do hope that your Christmas Season is a blessed one.  Enjoy yourself throughout this time and be safe.

                                  This is one of my small, lighted trees.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Happy Sunday thoughts....

Hi all,
Hi everyone, I hope your Sunday went well.  Of course, Sunday evening means that tomorrow is Monday and for many of you it's back to work.  Perhaps you should be thankful that you have a job, which allows you to earn the money to keep a roof over your head and food in your stomach.  Yeah, I know Mondays are hard, but if I remember correctly, those Mondays always go very quickly because you're usually quite busy.  So smile, because Monday will be over before you know it!

I hope your weekend was a good one.  Mine was a quiet one as I spent the weekend at home, which is okay with me.  I have been busy working on wrapping gifts for Christmas and other preparations for the upcoming Christmas Season.  I started addressing my hand made Christmas cards, but I haven't gotten too far as of yet.  No hurry though, because I won't mail them until around the tenth of December, or so.

How's you Christmas shopping going?  Mine is pretty much done and I'm very happy about that.  I hand crocheted about forty scarves, which I wrapped in tissue paper and attached a Christmas card to them.  I'm going to have my husband take them to a local nursing home and hand them out to the residents there.  It's not much, but most of them will not get anything for Christmas.

I have to tell you that I just love the Christmas Season.  I believe that people are just kinder, more sensitive and caring, during this season of the year.  It's really just sad that it can't remain this way all year round.  How about you?  Do you love the Christmas Season as much as I do? 

I hope you had a good weekend and had at least a small amount of time for yourself.  We all need some alone time to sit and think about what's really important in our lives.  Have a wonderful week and be safe.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

I hope it was fun...

Hi everyone,

As far as my title, I am referring to your Thanksgiving weekend.  Wherever you were, I hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving Day with family and/or friends.  My husband and I were with two of my daughters and their families and I so enjoyed myself.  Of course, we had turkey with all the trimmings, which was delicious.  My youngest daughter, Candy,  hosted our dinner and this year she decided she'd fix the entire meal on her own.  That was so nice of her and of course, I wouldn't have minded taking some dish for the meal. 

On Friday, I left for Ocean City, Md. for a girls weekend with my oldest daughter and six friends.  Although I couldn't do all the shopping they were doing, I enjoyed spending time by myself in our hotel room while they shopped.  Just being at the beach is very comforting for me.  So, thank you to my daughter Mari, Linda, Leanne, Lori, Grace, Judy and Isabel for a fun filled, few days for me.

Well, now it's time to start preparations for the Christmas Season.  Today I wrapped, in tissue paper, about forty hand crocheted scarves, which I made for a local nursing home.  I attached a Christmas card to the front of each and signed it, "A Friend!"  I also started wrapping some Christmas gifts for my family, plus I did two loads of laundry.  So, I guess I accomplished a few things today!  How about you?  I suppose most of you went back to work today.

Perhaps next week, I will start preparing some of my Christmas candy and/or cookies.  I definitely need to continue wrapping gifts.  I also plan on starting to address my handmade Christmas cards this week, but I won't mail them until about the 10th of December.  Do you all send Christmas cards out?
I believe Christmas cards are one of the few "greetings" that are mailed anymore.  So much of that type of thing (get well, birthday, anniversary and just "how are you" greetings) are mostly done electronically now.  That may be the way of the future, but it's not my way, it never has been and never will be.  I suppose I'm just old fashioned in that respect, and that's okay with me.

I hope you all have a good week.  Be safe always.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Hello everyone,

Happy Wednesday to all of you.  As you all know, tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day!  I want to take the time to wish every one of you a peaceful and grateful day tomorrow.  It is, of course, a day when many family members and friends get together to give thanks for all the good things in their lives.

I suppose I am wandering why we're all not "thankful" for those blessings, every single day of our lives.  Why is Thanksgiving Day, for many, the only day they actually stop and thank Our Lord?  I can't share often enough with all of you, how some years ago, I started living each and every day with Gratitude and Acceptance to God.  He has blessed me so much and I am thankful to Him for my every blessing.  My life now is, usually, filled with peace and contentment.  I can't thank God enough for giving this peace and contentment to me. 

Oh, there are times when I get a bit anxious, but those times don't occur very often any more.  Three weeks ago, I had surgery to have a new defibrillator/pacemaker implanted into my chest.  This is the third one of these I've had.  I've been pacer dependent to live, for over twenty four years now.  During this time, my anxieties kicked in and I was a bit of a mess, but I've gotten myself under control once again.  I know this was God helping me!  I prayed the Divine Mercy Chaplet every day during the three o'clock hour.  He filled my heart and soul with His Divine Mercy and I finally got my strength, both physically and mentally, back once again.  Of course, the physical strength isn't much, but then it hasn't been for going on eleven years now.  But, I am not complaining, not at all!  I am thankful for the gift of life God has given to me.

I would like to take this time to wish each of you a very Thankful Thanksgiving Day tomorrow.  Enjoy your time with family and friends and take a few minutes to give thanks to Our Lord.  Without Him, we are nothing!

Friday, November 18, 2016

What do you see?

Hi friends,

This is a photograph of one of my seven Christmas Cactus plants.  I've had them for a very long time now and they mean so much to me.  Some times the Christmas Cactus plant only blooms once a year or not at all.  But, most of mine are different:  they bloom three times a year!  Once being right around Easter, another time is now, at Thanksgiving, and the third time is at Christmas time.  They don't like a lot of sunshine or heat and they like a nice cool, dark spot to grow.  This particular one sits on my sun porch, so this time of the year, it's usually cooler out there than the rest of the house.  I also have two more, which are in my living room, which are also blooming.  I have two sitting on each of my two front window sills, but the two that are blooming are further away from a light source.

As you look at this photo, what do you see?  I'll share what I see when looking at my three Christmas Cactus plants that are blooming.  I see not only beauty, but also peace and hope.  When I look closely at them, I have to smile, because they receive care and concern from me.  I suppose what I truly see is God in His glory!  What could be better then that?

  Now, what do you see when you look at this photograph?  The beauty of the sky, both in the morning as the sun is rising and in the evening as it is going down, mesmerizes me.  When I look at this photo I see God in all His glory.  He gave us all these beautiful things to stand and look at, but most people don't take the time to bother to see what's right in front of them. 

As human beings, we often get so wrapped up in our own problems and what's going on in our daily lives, that we complain about everything that's not going well for us.  So many don't ever appreciate what they have been given.  They always want and desire more:  more money, more fancy clothes and things, more fame, more love, more happiness, more of everything.  As for me, I have everything that I need, as long as God remains in my life and home. 

What we all need to do is to stop and see the beauty, peace and love, that God provides for us every single day of our lives.  Be thankful for what you have, and don't keep asking for more.  Practice gratitude and acceptance every single day of your life.  It's the only sure way to obtain peace and contentment within yourself. 

Have a great weekend.  Perhaps you'd enjoy going for a drive either at sunrise or sunset and look at God's beauty which is there almost every single day for us.  Be safe!

Monday, November 14, 2016

In all things, give thanks to God!

Hi everyone,

I hope you all are doing well.  I'm sorry I haven't been on my blog for a few days, but my recovery, after my device change out, has not been as quick or as easy as I'd have liked.  I suppose my age has a bit to do with that, also.  Today is the first day since the surgery, twelve days ago, that I haven't taken any pain killers.  Also, I actually ate most of what I normally eat for lunch today. 

I haven't had an appetite since before the surgery.  I would start eating something that I like, and after a few bites, I would feel sick in my stomach, or just not hungry anymore.  I've lost a couple of pounds because of this fact, but I'm sure when my appetite comes back, so will the pounds. 

I was not prepared for the amount of pain I was having and the long healing period.  This was my third defibrillator/pacemaker implant, but I never had this length of healing the other times.  When I went back to have the staples removed, the P.A. explained to me that after each device is removed, there is a great deal of scar tissue, which becomes hard.  Thus not allowing the doctor to be able to place the device in the same place. 

Before, the devices have always been down into my chest, so that if I laid my hand over the device, I could feet it, but it didn't stick up out of my chest.  This one does, and it's quite a bit.  This will take some getting used to for me.  At least the pain, swelling, redness and heat that was present up until yesterday morning, is now mostly gone.  What disturbed me most, was that I was so emotional about  everything.  I'm not used to crying over nothing, but for the past ten days, that's what was happening.  Hopefully that too is gone now. 

I do give thanks to God for staying with me throughout this whole time.  His presence was so important to me.  But then I am confident that He is always with me!

I am so happy that I am not hearing all the political adds on TV anymore. I was so fed up with them.  I am not real happy with the results of the election, but we need to move on with our lives and pray that God will protect the USA, as well as, the entire world.  No matter who is our president or ruler, God is in charge of us all! 

I hope you have a good Monday, as most of you are probably at work.  Try to find some joy in whatever job you have and be thankful that you do have a job.  Enjoy your families and friends and give thanks for everything that you do have in your life.  Remember that tomorrow your entire life could change, either due to illness, death, loss of job or many other things.  Don't take life for granted because in the blink of an eye, your life could end, or change entirely.  Believe me because I know this is true.  Practice gratitude and acceptance every single day.  It's the only way to achieve perfect happiness because material things and money will never bring true happiness. 

Be safe and may God bless each of you as He has me, all my life.
PS:  Check out my newest novel, "Returning Home" here on my blog and at

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Will there ever be peace in this country?

Hi folks,

How's your week been going?  I hope a bit better than mine, but I'm not complaining as some good things have occurred.  Since I had surgery last Thursday, each day has gotten a bit better.  I'm not so sore anymore, but I still have some pain.  Tomorrow I go to have the staples removed.  Maybe then some of the pain will subside.  At least I hope so.

I have been so sick of all the commercials regarding the Presidential race for the last couple of months.  The closer it got, the worse they became.  I have never understood why a person has to put down another person in order to be elected to anything!  If you are an honest, good person, with some good plans for whatever office you're running for, shouldn't you be able to win on your own good attributes?  Apparently not!

Now it's the violence that has erupted across the US since the election.  When does it all stop?  I admit I'm not real happy about the outcome of the election, but we need to move on now.  I haven't been on social media much the last two days because I can't stand all the negativity. 

On a brighter note, the Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday Seasons are fast approaching.   That definitely excites me!  I truly love this time of year.  It should be a time when we give thanks for all the many blessings we've been given by God and also a great time of joy as we look forward to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ.  I can't believe that we're almost into the middle of November already.  How about you?  Do you share my love of these two seasons?  I sincerely hope so, because I believe that this may help to settle some of the unrest within our country. 

I hope your upcoming weekend is a wonderful one, filled with family gatherings and fun times for all of you.  Love each other because we never know how long our lives will last. 

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Happy Saturday, folks.

Hi everyone,

This won't be a long blog tonight, as I'm not feeling too well.  I have a defibrillator with a built in pacemaker because I'm pacemaker dependent to live.  Thursday morning, I had to be at the hospital to have a new device implanted.  The procedure went well and for that, I'm so grateful.

Since I've had my device changed, I am having a good bit of pain in the left side of my upper chest and breast.  I'm very sore, bright red and black and blue in that area.  Don't get me wrong, I am thankful that this is a procedure that they can do, otherwise I'd be dead.

I haven't slept well for the past two nights, so I've been so tired all day.  This morning I woke up feeling nauseous.  That stayed with me until late this afternoon.  I'm thankful that it finally went away.  I'm used to sleeping ten hours each night, so I suppose it's a good thing that we gain an extra hour tonight.  Hooray!

I hope you all are having a great weekend and I wish each of you a happy Sunday.  Don't forget that Sunday is the Lord's Day, so take some time to give Him praise and thanks for all your blessings. 

Well, that's all for tonight, as I'm tired.  I'll post again very soon.  I'll accept any prayers you would like to offer up to God for me. 

Monday, October 31, 2016

Book Promotion!

Hi folks,

I just wanted to let everyone know that I am currently running a book sale on three of my novels or booklets. 

They are: 

Prolonged Uncertainties
Living and Loving With Divine Mercy
Train Trekking With a Capital "T"

All three of these books are available at a special reduced price on, until Saturday, November, 5.  You can check them out by going to and entering my full name
(Susan Lapp-Mellott) into the search block on amazon.  All of the novels and booklets that I have written will come up for your perusal.  Just click on the one you'd like to read, electronically. 

Did your know that you can read electronically, on all most any electronic device.  You can download the app for free, choose the books you want and read away.

Have a great day everyone!

Friday, October 28, 2016

The weekend is here!

Hi everyone,

I'm sure that many of you are very happy that the weekend is upon us.  I understand from the weather report for York, Pa., that tomorrow's temperature is to be up in the low 70's.  That's just for one day, but at least it's on a Saturday so everyone can, hopefully, get outside to enjoy it.  I'm sure there won't be many more days like that this year and that's okay with me.  I'm ready for a bit cooler weather, not freezing, but just in the low to mid 60's.

Can you believe that Christmas is in less than two months.  As for me, I can't wait!  I love the Thanksgiving and Christmas Seasons.  I think that most people are a bit happier during that time of the year.  At least I hope that's true! 

I think that the folks who don't look forward to the Holidays, could feel that way because they don't start planning for Christmas until the last minute, whether it's a money issue or not.  First of all, the true meaning of Christmas isn't about how much money you spend.  It's about the birth of Jesus Christ.  Yes, we do give gifts in my family, but I don't put the focus on the gifts. 

We invite family to share Christmas Eve with us.  We also share Christmas Eve supper with them.  As for the gifts, I make a lot of the things we give as gifts.  As for the things I purchase and the things I hand make, I start in January.  The reason for doing this, is that you are not so rushed, frustrated, or tired like when you wait until the last minute. 

Just imagine being completely ready, except for last minute food preparation, two weeks before Christmas  arrives.  Now, you can actually enjoy your family throughout the holiday season.  Wouldn't that be a better solution than rushing around and being irritated at the last minute?  Why don't you try it starting this January. 

This week was an exciting week for me, as my newly published novel, "Returning Home," arrived at my home.  It's always exciting for me to see the actual book and to hold it in my hands.  I use DiggyPod for my publishing and I think they do a wonderful job.  It is now also available for electronic reading at:  Just put my full name into the search block and all of my novels and booklets will come up for your perusal.

I wish you all a good weekend.  Stay safe and have fun.

*** Here's a photo of my novel:

Monday, October 24, 2016

I'm getting excited!

Hi everyone,

My title refers to the fact that I'm excited to finally see my newest novel, "Returning Home," in print.  It should arrive by the end of the week.  It's always very fulfilling for me to see my hard work in finished form. 

I think it's so sad that so many people, who are up in age, feel that there's little they can do anymore.  If I can do things, then so can they!  I may be sixty eight years old, and have chronic congestive heart failure and live a sedentary lifestyle, but no one will ever convince me that I'm useless.  As long as you still have a half-decent mind, brain and memory (remember I said half decent), you can do what every you set your mind to do, within reason, that is! 

I just received an email from my publishers saying that my novels shipped today.  So, yes, I'm happy about that.  Yes, I wrote the book and designed the cover, but even knowing what it looks like and what the story is, isn't the same as actually holding the finished product in my own two hands.

After it arrives, I'll post a copy of it on here, so you can get to see it.  I will be selling both the physical copy and it will be available on for electronic reading devices.  If you are interested in purchasing the actual book, let me know.

I hope you had a good Monday.  I remember how Monday's were when I was working a full time job.  They were always busy, but they also usually flew on by so quickly.  I loved that part of Mondays.  Have a good week and may God bless each of you.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Is God in your life?

Good evening everyone,

Yesterday I submitted my newest manuscript and front and back covers for publication.  I'm excited to see the finished novel when it comes.  It's been a year since I published my last novel.  No, I'm not a famous writer, in fact, I'm not well known for anything in particular.  I write because God gave me this ability and a love of books, reading and writing.  I don't make any money off my books, in fact, I sell them at a little below my cost.  The money isn't important to me.  What is important, is my love of writing.  It's just one way that I can give back to God for all His many, many blessings. 

You see, He bestowed this creative ability upon me and for that, I am so very thankful every day of my life.  If I didn't have the ability to do creative things while sitting on the couch with my feet up, I would probably be in a deep depression.  Being chronically ill isn't easy, but since God chose to let me live almost eleven years ago, when I was very close to death, I thank Him with all my heart. 

Since mornings aren't too bad for me, I do my handmade greeting cards during the morning hours.  Well, for about an hour and a half or so.  By that time, my back is aching me so much that I need to get my feet up and a cushion behind my back.  I'm not complaining about any of my health issues.  I'm just so thankful for my life, however I have to live it.

So, to answer my own question about God, yes, He definitely is in every hour of every day of my life.  I am alive because He still had other plans for me.  I can't begin to tell you how very grateful to Him I am for this gift of life and for all my creative abilities.  So what if I need to do them while on the sofa with my feet up.  Where there's a will, there's a way!  I have a strong will to do what I am doing. 

I've hand crocheted nineteen afghans as Christmas gifts this year.  I've also already crochet about 25 scarves and taken them to a local nursing home.  I'm now making about 25 more for another nursing home.  The people I've given them to don't know me and I don't need them to know who I am.  I have a very intense need to give back for all my blessings.  This is just one way  that I can do this. 

So, I'm reaching out to all of you, to do something nice for someone else that has no payback.  We all need to be thankful for what we have in this life and that we're still alive and breathing.  Unfortunately, way too many folks today, have a sense of entitlement.  In all honesty, we are not entitled to anything.  We need to earn things for ourselves, starting with the respect of other people.  We do that by showing kindness and concern to them.  We should expect nothing in return!  Remember that Jesus was crucified, hung on a cross and died to save us.  I'm not saying that anyone needs to even come close to doing that, just be a kind and loving person, expecting nothing in return for your good deeds. 

I know there are many, many good and kind people in this world, but we usually don't hear about them in the news.  All we do hear about is the corruption, violence and death that occurs, usually for no good reason at all.  So much of it is out of hatred for someone else.  We don't have the right to take another human being's life.  Only God has that right and He's more than happy to grant us His mercy and blessings. 

I do hope that you'll consider some of my words.  Perhaps you will find something you too can do to help someone else, just out of the goodness of your heart.  I do hope so.

Have a great evening and a good day tomorrow and everyday.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

What's Up?

Hello everyone,

I hope your Saturday is going well.  And, if not, perhaps your Sunday will be a better day.  Mine is going just fine.  I haven't done anything special today.  My husband took me to the craft store this morning so I could purchase some more yarn.  I've already made approximately 25 or so scarves and handed them out at a local Senior Center.  I decided that I'd make some more because the way those folks reacted to this very simple gift was very touching to me. 

I've been thinking about how very little personal things the people in nursing homes really have.  My friend as all of her belongings in 4 small drawers, a small closet and a night stand.  When I stop and think about all my personal belongings that I have in my home, it makes me very sad to think about how different our lives are. 

As I handed the scarves out, some of the ladies were asking me if I had one to match their top or sweat shirt.  I did my best to accommodate each of them.  I thought that after I have completed another twenty-five or so scarves, I'd wrap them in tissue paper and add a Christmas card to each.  Then I'll deliver them to a nursing home before Christmas. I hope it will bring a smile to someone elses face. 

Have you ever wondered what you can do to make someone else's life better or perhaps just give them something to smile about.  I have been blessed over and over again.  I may not be rich or have a big mansion, or a fancy car, or loads of money, but I have everything I need to live each day.  All those things are just unimportant to me.  I have a family that I love very much and am so proud of each of them; I have an wonderful extended family and some friends.  What more do I need?  I have enough food to eat, and enough money to pay our bills, and clothes to keep me warm in the coming winter.  Mostly, I have a God who watches over me and my family and loves us unconditionally. 

If a person has all those things, what more do they need?  I can't think of one thing more I need.  Being alive is the greatest gift God has bestowed on me.  I am so thankful for this gift.  How about you?  Do you give thinks for all the small things in your life? 

Well, I hope you have a wonderful Sunday and I also hope you will give praise to God tomorrow for all your blessings.  Be safe always.

Monday, October 10, 2016

Happy Monday!

Hi everyone,

How was your weekend?  I hope you all had a pleasant couple of days off of work.  I surely hope that the rain is out of here for a while now.  It's nice to see the sun shinning once again, at least for most of the day.

I've been listening to the news lately regarding the storm that swept up the Eastern coast of the United States.  The devastation is truly horrible.  The fact that over 800 people died in Haiti is heart breaking.  I understand that over 20 people died from North Carolina, also.  They are expecting more damage in NC as the week progresses.  Most of the rivers and streams are to overflow between now and the end of the week. 

I know there was also damage done in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and elsewhere along the Eastern coast before the storm turned out to sea.  I feel so bad for all the folks who were in the storms path. 

Has any of you wondered what is happening here in the United States, with our weather conditions during the last two years or so?  Well, I have.  I truly believe that God wants us to know that things, here in the United States, and throughout the world, have to change.  I can truly say that I am very worried about this land I live in.  Aren't you? 

I don't fear so much for myself, as I am older and will probably not live too many years into the future, but I do worry about my family and all my extended family members.  Especially the younger generations to come. 

There have been so many wonderful things that have happened during the last twenty five years, but I fear the bad things outweigh the good ones.  I am so thankful for modern medicine and all the advances that have been made during that time.  Doctors are saving lives because of these advances in the medical profession.  Hopefully these things will continue saving lives in the years to come.

I hope you will put your trust and faith in God, as I do, so our children and grandchildren have a good place in which to grow up, just as we did.  I realize that things were very different back in the fifties and sixties, when I grew up, but things were much simpler then.  I'm not saying that all the inventions and changes in our lives were bad, not by any means.  Back then, the only electronics we had was a transistor radio, and we didn't get those until we were in our teens.  It saddens me to see everyone walking around with their phones to their ears or texting.  There doesn't seem to be any direct communication anymore. 

Can you remember how good you felt when someone mailed you a greeting card, or wrote you a letter?  Very few folks do either of those anymore.  Personally, I think that's quite sad.

One last thought:  I'm finished proofing my newest manuscript and today I completed the front cover for it.  Yeah, I'm smiling!  I'm anxious to eventually see it in print.

I hope your week goes well and that you take some time for yourself just to do something creative.  It will surely lift your spirits. 

Here's a beautiful sunset photo.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Is it dark already?

Hi everyone,

How are you all doing this evening?  I hope everyone is as good as can be expected.  That should about cover it, at least I think so.

It's only 6:45 pm here, and it's almost dark outside.  It's been a little overcast this afternoon, so I suppose that's why it's getting dark out so early this evening.  I am glad for the fall weather to be upon us, but I don't like it getting dark so early.  Before we know it, it will be dark by 5:15pm.  Oh well, there's no use complaining because it's not going to change until next Spring.

Can you believe that it's already October 5th?  I can't!  This year has passed by so quickly, at least I feel it has.  Before we know it, Thanksgiving will be here and then it's the start of the Christmas Season.  To tell you the truth, I am anxious for those two events to come.  I truly love the Thanksgiving and Christmas Seasons. 

If you haven't already started Christmas shopping, now's the time to start.  I say this because the earlier you start, the quicker you will be done shopping and wrapping gifts.  This will allow you to actually slow down and just enjoy the Christmas holidays.  It truly is a time of joy and thanking God for the birth of His Son, Jesus Christ. 

I'm almost done with all my shopping and hand made items.  I work on them starting in January of each new year.  I love the season of Christmas and I can enjoy every day of it, because I start so early.  There's really no reason why you have to wait and then run around like a chicken with it's head cut off, two weeks before Christmas Eve.  I just can't figure out why anyone does that!  Even it money is a problem, wouldn't it be easier to take a small amount from your pay check each week and use it towards the gifts you'd like to purchase.  Please remember that the joy of Christmas isn't about the gifts you receive or how much you pay for them, it's about the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. 

I'm almost finished with my second proof reading of my manuscript.  I am anxious to finally be done and then I can get to work on the covers for the book.  I will never be, nor do I want to be, a famous writer or famous at anything.  I write because I need to use the abilities that God has truly blessed me with from childhood.  I am so thankful for all of my creative abilities and I love being creative.  I do love writing very much.  Are you using your creative abilities?  If not, perhaps you should entertain the idea of starting to use them.  You should not let them go to waste.

I hope the last two days of your work week go well.  Stay alert and stay calm. 

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Happy Hump Day!

Hi everyone,

Today, as you well know, is Hump Day, which matters a lot to anyone who is still in the work force.  I remember, only too well, the good feeling you have when Wednesday evening rolls around.  You're soon be on the short end of the week.  Of course, looking forward to a good weekend always helped, also.

I've been proof reading my newest manuscript and yesterday morning I was getting close to the end of it, which I was happy about.  Of course, since I wrote the story, I knew how it ended!  So, I'm comfy and start reading out loud and soon I can feel the tears starting to form in my eyes.  I tried to pull myself together and that worked for a little while.  Soon after, I started getting weepy, once again.  All I could think was this:  I wrote this story and I already know how it ends.  Why am I crying when I didn't get weepy as I was writing it????

I just couldn't seem to help myself, it was sad.  It was like I was reading it for the first time, which I suppose technically, I was!  Well, just then my husband comes down from his office to run out for a little bit and he says to me, "Why are you sniffing?  Have you gotten a cold?"  I answer, "No, and he asks me, "Are you crying?"  (He was kidding!)  I answer, "Yes I am crying."  He quickly asks, "Why, what's wrong?"  He's now worried about me.  I say, "My story is sad and the thing I can't figure out is why I didn't cry while I was writing it.  Why now as I'm proofing it?"  He just shrugs and that was that.  Go figure!

Well, I need to start on my second proofing session soon and I sincerely hope that I don't cry when I get to the sad parts once again.  I suppose that as I'm writing the story, my mind and my fingers are just too busy getting my thoughts down onto the computer, to feel any emotion from the story.  Who knew???

I'm getting anxious to have this novel published.  I'm aiming for the beginning of December.   That gives me two more months, so I should be able to do it by then, hopefully, sooner.  I've been busy since last January, working on this years hand made Christmas items.  I make all my own Christmas ornaments for everyone in my family and their significant others; as well as hand made money and gift card holders; I've also been hand crocheting and hand embroidering gifts, as well. 

I so enjoy creating all these things.  I have been so blessed by God with these talents and I have to use them to give glory to Him.  I made about 26 scarves to take to a local nursing home.  I will be delivering them within the next couple of weeks.  I know, as an older person myself, that many of us mind the cool air around our necks.  So, I thought they may enjoy having a hand made scarf that belongs to just them.  At least I hope they do.

If anyone is interested in purchasing any of my novels, I have copies available of the following ones:
"Crafty Cruise" With a Capital "C"; "Train Trekking" with a Capital "T"; "Prolonged Uncertainties" and I will have some copies of this new one, "Returning Home."  Send me a message and I'll give you a reduced price on them.  I can mail them to you, and include the shipping cost in with the price.
You can check out the first three, here on my blog pages, but I haven't done up a page yet for the last one.

Enjoy the remainder of your week.  Smile because tomorrow is Thursday.  Soon the weekend will be upon us.  Be safe and may God bless each of you.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Yeah, I'm happy!

Hi everyone,

Well, as you can see from the title of this post, I am very happy!  I finished my writing my manuscript this week.  Now I have started the proofing, which is not easy.  I've discovered that when I read I scan the page, reading every word, but not necessarily seeing every letter in every word.  This, my friends, makes proofreading a manuscript very, very hard. 

You see, I have to read one word at a time, no scanning.  That is very hard.  It helps to read the script out loud, so that's what I do.  Of course, I do have spell check but that only helps it your word is incorrectly spelled.  But doesn't help if I have 'there' and I meant 'their'.   I am a pretty fast typist, therefore when I'm typing my manuscript, I don't pay too much attention to what I'm typing.  My fingers just type as my thoughts form in my head. 

The title of this new novel is "Returning Home."  It's a fiction novel and it takes place in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.  I contains some very happy times and some very sad situations, also.  I hope to have it published before Christmas 2016.  As soon as I am finished proof reading it, I will put in on, KDP, for electronic reading; as well as add a page for it, here on my blog.

Did you know that you don't need a Nook or Kindle to read electronically?  You can read novels on all most all electronic devices:  PC, tablet, laptop, cell phone, etc.  All you have to do is to download the app from 

If you want, you can check out my books and booklets here on my blog, or by going to and putting my full name into the search block.  I hope you'll check them out and perhaps read one or two of them. 

I wish everyone a happy and safe weekend, whatever you may be doing. 

Monday, September 19, 2016

Life is full of good things and bad things.

Good evening everyone,

Today is the start of the work week for many of you out there.  As for me, I'm just trying to get back into my regular routine once again.  My husband and I were away for a while.  We had a very nice time, but I'm glad to be back home once again.  I will admit that I am a creature of habit.  I know most folks think that they're not, but actually I believe that most of us are creatures of habit.  It's just that most younger people with children are always running here and there with the kids.

I am very saddened at what occurred over the weekend both in New Jersey and in New York.  I am very thankful that no one was killed, although two police officers were wounded, but not permanently.  My youngest grandson is attending FIT University in NYC, and that was just too close to him, to suit me.  I am so grateful to God that none of the students from FIT were in any real harm, but they didn't know that at the time.  There just seems to be no place that a person can go that is safe these days.  I heard that it was considered a terror attack against the US.  I pray that God protects each of us here in the USA and our families.  Please pray also for all your fellow Americans.  We all need pray.

Well, I worked on my manuscript today for about two and one half hours.  It's moving right along now and for that, I'm thankful.  I would really like to have it published before Christmas, but we'll see.  Have you ever thought that you'd like to be a writer?  If so, why don't you take some on-line classes and see where it takes you.  I believe that no one is too old to follow their dreams.  As long as you can read and think, you can learn to do most anything, even if you're a bit slow.

I know that many of us senior citizens aren't into electronics like the younger generations, but you don't have to have a lot of smarts to use a PC or a laptop computer.  You just need someone to instruct you on how to do what you want to do.  If I can figure these electronics out, so can you.  Give it some thought.  Don't give up on your dreams just because you've grown old!

I hope each of you will do something creative this week.  God loves to see our creative sides.  Creating something out of nothing, to make another person smile, is a blessing from God.  Try it!

Have a safe and a good week.  Be safe and may God bless each of you.  Please pray for peace!

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Happy Thursday evening!

Hi all,

How is your week going, thus far?  If your answer is 'no so well', have no fear, because tomorrow is the last day of your work week.  The weekend is coming fast!  So, smile when you arrive at work tomorrow because before you know it, your Friday work day will be completed!

What's your plans for this weekend?  I hear the weather is to be a little cooler, just as it was today and will be tomorrow.  As far as I'm concerned, that's good news!  I can't wait for fall to finally be here.  I'm so tired of this hot and humid weather.  Okay, no more complaining about the weather, since there's nothing I can do about it anyways.

I'm still working on my Christmas gifts for my family.  When you create home made items, they take time to make.  I actually started last January.  I love creating hand made items.  Hopefully, one day in the future, after God takes me home, they will appreciate the things I made for them and think of me often.  I guess it really doesn't matter because I truly love creating anything hand made, whether others appreciate them or not!  It makes me feel good about myself to be using my God given talents.

Have you been doing anything creative lately?  I get so frustrated when I hear folks saying, "I can't do that!"  It's just an excuse to not even try it.  There is always something creative that each and every one of us can do.  God gave creative abilities to each of us.  The problem is that most folks don't even try anything creative. 

I realize that when you are raising children, your time isn't as available as mine is, but I can say that I have always found time to be creative.  It's a large part of my life and for this, I'm so thankful to God.
To tell you the truth, I don't know how my mental state would be if I couldn't still do creative things.  Especially since I can't do anything that takes much energy or strength.  Most of my afternoons and evenings are spent on the sofa with my feet up. 

You still have plenty of time to find a creative activity that you can learn to do efficiently.  How about trying to make something as a gift for someone for Christmas.  You may just surprise yourself and turn out something wonderful.

Have a great weekend and be safe.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Creatures of habit...

Happy Sunday everyone.  I was just sitting here thinking about the fact that I am, certainly, a creature of habit.  How about you?  I think, that perhaps, it comes with age.  Once your children are all grown up, with families of their own, and you are retired, whether because of illness (early retirement) or because you are of retirement age, a person becomes creatures of habit.  At least, I am and I know some other senior citizens, who are also like me.

Perhaps, for me, it's because I spend a lot of time by myself and am chronically ill.  My husband is still working a part time job and I do encourage him to go do the things he likes to do.  This of course, means I spend a lot of time alone.  I suppose I've gotten used to being alone and although I love having someone to talk to, I don't mind my alone time.  In fact, I enjoy it most of the time.  Don't get me wrong, I love being with my husband and my family, but I also don't mind being alone with my own thoughts, as long as it's not an entire day.  I guess it's because I am alone so much of the time.  This being the case, I do try to keep myself busy doing something, as long as it doesn't take much energy, and I can stay seated to do.

Here we are on September 11th, and it was 15 years ago today, that terrorists attacked the United States.  That was a horrific day for all of us.  So many innocent citizens were killed during that attack on the USA.  I can remember the exact minute that I first heard about it.  I was working and one of my co-workers came and told us to listen to the radio.  Soon after that, I went home and it was on every television channel.  I couldn't stop watching this great loss of lives.  None of them deserved to die that way. 

I remember hearing, over and over again, how some of the passengers on one of the flights, decided to take control of the situation to stop more deaths from occurring.  Of course, this meant that everyone on that flight would not survive.  But, they saved many lives that day and they received great honors for their bravery.  You see, after trying to get control of the plane, they were successful in having it crash in an open area instead of hitting a building full of people.

I don't think I will ever be able to get those images out of my mind.  They replayed them for many days afterward.  I believe that almost everyone here in the United States was in shock for months afterward.  I know for a long time after that day, I needed to know where my family members were because no-one knew if another attack would occur or not.

If you live here in the United States and were, at least a teenager at that time, you will also remember the events vividly, just as I do.  I pray that nothing like that ever happens again, and I ask for God's protection for everyone in this world. 

It's ashamed that some people can rationalize, within their own minds, that taking another person's life is okay.  Well, it's NOT!  No-one has that right, except God, and He never takes one of His children's lives out of hate.  It's people who kill other people, for whatever reason they have.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Happy Sunday!

Good morning, everyone,

Today is the Lord's Day, as you well know.  If you will remember, according to the Bible, God rested on Sunday, after spending six days creating this place we call the world.  How fitting, that we too, rest and give praise to God on Sunday.

I attended Mass thanks to Heart of the Nation, which is a Catholic Network, both on television and via the internet.  Also, you could celebrate Mass by tuning into EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network), which is also a Catholic network. 

You see, since I can no longer stay inside of a church for very long, because for some reason, I become extremely light headed and feel faint, I am blessed to have a choice of either of the about two avenues, to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days.  Of course, I support both of them as much as I can, as well as, my own Parish. 

So, I hope you will attend Mass today, or whatever worship service your church practices on Sundays.  Other than that, I don't plan on doing any work today, because even God wants Sunday to be a day of rest.  How about you?  Sunday should be a day spent with your family and loved ones.

I'm glad that Hermine didn't cause much distress here in Pennsylvania.  Actually, it didn't do any significant damage along the Maryland and Delaware coasts, either.  Although, from what I hear, it's to turn back toward the coastline later today and cause some heavy rains and high winds through tomorrow. 

Have you ever wandered why God permits these terrible storms, earthquakes, tornadoes, etc. to occur?  Sometimes I think it's God's way of reminding us that He does have all the power.  I believe that in this day and age, too many people forget that God is in charge, not humans!   I think when these things occur that God is reminding us of that fact. 

What's in store for you for this coming week?  As for me, I plan on spending time working on my current manuscript.  I will have soon completed it and then comes the hard job:  proofing it.  Oh well, it will eventually get finished.  I'd like to have it published by Christmas, but time will tell.

I do hope that you have a blessed Sunday, however you may be spending it.  Please take time to thank God for all your many blessings.  And yes, we are truly blessed, over and over again.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Makes you stop and think!

Hi all,

I recently read a statement that was written by a gentleman who is a writer, but I never heard of him before, so I don't know if he writes novels or is a reporter.  Anyways, it made me think of things, that I've been realizing for a long time now. 

Over ten and one half years ago, when I became chronically ill with heart failure, many things in my life changed.  One of the big changes in my life, that others didn't understand, was that I stopped worrying about everyday happenings. 

As human beings, we grow up learning to worry about everything:  will I succeed in life, will I get married, will I have a good job, is my house good enough, will my kids grow up to be good adults, will my friends like me, will they approve of my clothing, will they approve of my choices in life, is my house clean enough, am I dressed properly for my friends, what do other people think of me, and on and on, actually endlessly.

Well, I was like that also, that is until after I got out of the hospital, long ago.  Everything that was normal in my life, now wasn't.  It didn't take me long to realize that all those things I worried about endlessly, just didn't matter one bit.  No one truly gives a darn about how you feel about a certain thing, or how clean your  house is, or what type of car you drive, etc.  And, if they do, they ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS.  THEY DO NOT TRULY CARE ABOUT YOU!

On the day you die, you will go before God.  He is the one who will judge you, no one else.  What will God judge you on?  I believe He will look into what kind of a life you lived.  Were you a kind person?  Did you love everyone?  Was there hate and prejudice in your life?  Did you judge those who were different than you:  in color, religion, race?  Were you quick to bully another person because they were different than you?  Did you cheat at anything?  Were you responsible for starting riots? Did you go to church and worship God?  Did you raise your children to be good adults and to love and respect EVERYONE, NO MATTER WHAT?  Did you always put God first and yourself second?  Did you ask Him for His mercy and forgiveness?  And many more things you will be judged on by God.

After death, you will not care about all those things that you thought were important for many years.  Perhaps we need to spend more time thinking about the things that will be important to God, after we die and stop obsessing with the things of this world. 

That's what happened to me back then.  Most people who love me don't understand why I just don't care what someone else thinks of me, my home, my writing, my clothes, any of the unimportant things that occur in our lives, everyday.

I suppose that the older one becomes, especially if you are ill, we start to realize that life is getting very short, for us that is.  I try to listen to God's whisperings each day, to hear what He wants me to do in the time I have left on this earth.  My life is in His hands.  Only He will determine how much longer I will be on this earth. 

Now is the time to make important changes in your lives.  No, you can't neglect your responsibilities, but you have to start thinking about what will happen upon your death.  When you go before God, what will He say about you?

As for me, I hope and pray that He will welcome me into His heavenly home.  I have been preparing myself for that journey, whether it's tomorrow or infive years from now.  Don't wait until it's too late.

Have a wonderful evening and enjoy your family.  May God watch over each of you.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Happy Monday!

Hi everyone,

I trust you all had a nice weekend.  As for me, it is nice not to have to rush on Friday mornings to get ready to go to the campground for the weekend anymore.  Oh I do miss my friends, but it feels so nice to just stay home on the weekends now.

I just finished spending a bit over an hour working on my current manuscript.  If I'm going to have it in print before Christmas, I better get it finished!  I'm on page 147 and I think it will probably have under 200 pages in it.  Of course, then the hard part comes:  proofing it!  Oh sure, I can and do use spell check, but many words are spelled different and with different meanings, such as:  their and there.  According to spellcheck it's spelled correctly, even if it's the wrong word. 

Quite some time ago, I realized just how hard it is for me to proof read a manuscript.  When I read a book, I can read very quickly.  I'm not really seeing the spelling of the words, but I know what they are.  Many folks are like this.  That makes proof reading very difficult.  I start out reading every word slowly, and the next thing I know, I'm skimming the text.  That makes it extremely hard to proof read the text.  I give a lot of credit to those who proof read for a living.  Kudos to you!

This book will have happiness and sadness within it's pages.  Life and death occurs in everyone's daily life, at one time or another.  I'm sure that most of you have experienced both at one time.  Death is a very sad experience for a person, especially if you loved that person.  But, no one is exempt from dying, no one.  We all must pass away at one time or another.  When that time will be is usually unknown to us. 

Two days ago would have been my Mom's birthday, had she still been living.  You see, she died twenty years ago, this October.  I miss her and my Dad (he'll be gone 17 years in October) so much.  There is rarely a day goes by, that I don't think about the both of them.  I am the person I am today, because of the two of them.  For that, I thank God with all my heart and soul.  My folks were great parents and grandparents.  My three daughters and their cousins, loved their Grandma and Grandpa. 

When we're young, our life span seem like an eternity to us, but when you get to be old, like me, there's no such thing as an eternity here on this earth.  I hope to spend my eternity with God and all of those who have passed away that I loved while here on this earth.  How about you?

This has to be short, today, because I need to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy before the three o'clock hour is over.  I try to pray this chaplet every single day during this time period.  The three o'clock hour was the time during which Jesus died on the cross.  He had promised, through Saint Faustina, to pour out His Divine Mercy to anyone who says or sings this Chaplet.  I certainly want all the mercy Jesus can pour into me.  If you've never heard of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.  You can do a search using that name or the name:  Saint Faustina.    It certainly has changed my life.  Don't you want to change yours, too?

Have a great evening and may God bless each one of you.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

So many ways!

Happy Wednesday evening,

I suppose you all are wondering what my title refers to tonight.  Well,  today I was speaking with a customer service lady regarding reservations and after our business was completed, we just got to talking about other things.  It started with if I read electronically or not.  I shared with her that I prefer to hold the book in my hands.  And, that I would rather read a hard bound book.  I just like the feel of it.  It seems more personal.  From there we got onto doing other things and I said that I believe, that if you are old, but your mind is still in good shape, that I do not believe that you're  too old to learn something new, especially if it's something that you've always wanted to do, but haven't.

I then explained how I always wanted to be a writer and artist, but I chose marriage and children as to continuing my education after high school, which I have never regretted.  It wasn't until I was in my thirties and later, that I started taking courses in both painting and drawing; later I took some courses in writing.  I still do all of those things and I'm so proud of myself for not giving up after becoming chronically ill, ten and one half years ago. 

For me, it's not for financial reasons, it's simply about doing those things that I love to do.  I will admit that I can't do them as often as I used to, because I am slowing down considerably within the last year and a half.  But, I will not give up any of the things that help me feel good about myself.  No, I'll never be a well known writer or a famous artist, and I could care less about that. 

To get back to my conversation with this lady today, she asked me what name my books are listed under on Amazon and I told her.  She seemed impressed that someone of my age, and with my health issues, would still work on writing and art. 

Maybe, just maybe, I helped her today.  How?  Well, maybe she always wanted to do something and the time passed and she never did.  Now, perhaps she'll reconsider doing it.  She was a very nice lady and I enjoyed our conversation. 

Sometimes God puts us on the other end of the phone call for a reason.  Yes, she helped me with my reason for calling and maybe, in some small way, I helped her to rethink her options of one thing or another.  Who knows - only God.

Have a good evening and the next time you're chatting with someone you don't know, perhaps something you share with them, will just change their lives.  Even if it's in a very small way.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Have a great weekend.

Hi folks,
Well, here we are with Friday, once again.  I'm sure most of you are shouting, "Hurrah". because that means no work tomorrow or Sunday.  As for me, whether it's a Monday, Wednesday or a Saturday, doesn't really matter anymore.  I suppose that happens when you're retired, or in my case, disabled.  I'm not complaining though.  I'm just happy that I'm still living.  How about You? 

Are you thankful, on a daily basis, for the gift of life?  If not, you should be.  On of the most frightening things about life, is that it all can change in a short period of time.  Trust me, this is very true.  So, give thanks for all your many blessings now, and pray for God's guidance for you future.  It could all end tomorrow or the next day!

Well, I suppose most of the kiddos go back to school next week.  Perhaps some have already returned to school.  This summer has just flown by so quickly.  Of course, I will not be sad to see the weather we've been having lately come to an end.  It's very depressing for me.  I came home from visiting my friend, who's in the nursing home, this morning, and my neighbor came outside to converse for a little.  After about eight to ten minutes, I could feel my chest tightening up from the humidity.  It surprised me, because it's not as humid today as it has been.  So, I cut our conversation short and came indoors where I began to feel better again. 

My daughter is getting ready to take her only son, (he's an only child) to college, up in New York City, FIT, tomorrow.  He's happy and can't wait to get there and thinks she worries about too much.  She's a nervous wreck because they leave tomorrow and he is not ready yet.  I have to say that she's like me in respect to having her 'ducks in a row' before needed.  That's a thing with organized people like me. 

I know she's going to be worrying herself sick for the first few months he's gone and that he won't understand why, although I do.  She's very proud of him and being worried about your kids is a part of being a parent.  My next youngest grandson will be heading to George Mason University for his second year there.  But, this year he is taking his car and that's worrying my oldest daughter.  Her middle son is finishing up his 4th year at Millersville University this year.  She worries about him but not as much as the youngest son.  You know, the baby of the family is always worried about a bit more because they are your baby!  (I'm not really sure that's true because I think I worried about all three of my daughters, equally.)

Well, have a great weekend and try to spend some time with your children.  They grow up so quickly and before you know it, they're adults and out on their own.  They will always need you, to some extent, but just not in the same way as when they're young.

Well, in another month, I need to start creating this year's Christmas Greeting Cards.  I will need to make about 65-70, so I need to start early.  I love creating home made cards of all types.  I hope it's the personal touch that let's folks know that we care about them.  Do you buy your cards, or have you ever attempted to create your own? 

Whatever you're doing this weekend, be safe.  May God bless every one of you.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

How have you lived your life?

Hi everyone,

I'm sure that for all of you younger generation folks, you haven't really had the time to sit and ponder about the above question.  Of course, as we age and have more time on our hands, I believe that subject comes to mind more often than not.  I suppose that for many people, we have regrets, failures, happy times and we've had love in our lives.  I know that's true for me.

Maybe because I live with chronic illness, which dictates a sedentary lifestyle for me, I think about these things more, but I kind of doubt it.  When our lives are full, time moves along so fast, that we usually don't take much time to think about such things.  I think about them often.

One thing I do know for sure is this:  God has been with me through every single moment of every day of my life.  I can sit here and look back through the years and although I didn't realize it at the time, I can see God's presence there.  I often wonder if He's tired from all the times He's carried me. 

Every living human being has tough times and good ones, too.  Thank goodness, for most of us, the good ones far outweigh the bad ones.  Many people choose not to see God's intervention during those bad times.  Why?  If you made it through and came out on the other side, a better person, then why can't you see God's hand in your life?  He doesn't make those bad things happen, but He does permit them to occur.  Why?  I don't really know, but I suppose it's so that we see where we made bad choices.

Many years ago, I went through a trying time, after being told that I would never be able to have a child of my own.  I was terribly crushed, to say the least.  As a teenager, my greatest wish was to have children and try to be as good a Mom as my Mother was to me and my siblings.  After I was told this horrible news, I cried myself to sleep for many night. 

God had other plans for me.  I did get pregnant, not just once, but four times.  I lost the second baby early on during the pregnancy.  How could I not see God's presence in my life when I received His special graces by letting me carry three beautiful daughters to full term.  They were all healthy babies and I couldn't thank God enough for them.

So, lets see:  One terrible disappointment and then three blessings!  So far I'm ahead.

Then some time later on, my husband decided to cheat on me and left me and his daughters for another woman, after twenty one years of marriage.  Again, I was devastated.  My biggest problem at that time was money, or shall I say, a lack of money!  Yes, he paid child support, but if I disagreed with him in any way, he'd wouldn't pay me that week.  On top of that, I had the IRS on my door step hounding me for back income taxes, which  were my husbands, not mine.  Through the grace of God, Congressman Goodling managed to get the IRS off my back and release my bank accounts and paycheck, but the IRS still sat on my door step.  I finally took the money from my Dad, who wanted to give it to me right in the beginning, and paid them off.  Was it fair that my Dad had to pay for my ex-husband's taxes?  NO, it was not!  As time went on, I grew very independent and God directed me along the right path.  I was able to pull myself out of the anxiety I was suffering through and begin to live my life once again.  My daughters were growing into fine young women, and I was very proud of them.  I had parents who loved and supported me always and many supporting friends; as well as, a great boss who helped give me moral support.

So, let's see:  Two terrible disappointments and then many blessings!  I'm still ahead.

Later on I finally met and married the love of my life.  Oh,  we had some problems to iron out, but we loved one another and wanted to be together.  So, we made it work out.  We married and yes, we've had our ups and downs.  What married couple doesn't?  But we are committed to one another and determined to stay together until death!  Then, over ten years ago, my heart became very ill.  Heart problems wasn't new to me, as I was born with a heart deformity and had issues on and off since I was about six years old.  When I was in my late thirties, it became worse, but not to the degree it changed ten years ago.  Although I have been pacer dependent for the past twenty two years.  (That means the pacemaker is keeping my heart beating fast enough to keep me alive.  I can't live without a pacemaker.)  At that time my heart developed some other problems and I was told (a year later) that the doctor thought I'd die in the hospital.  But, God still had plans for me.  He has things He needs me to do before He takes me home.  So, here we are ten and one half years later, and I'm still waking up every day to do whatever God's will is for me.

Let's see:  A lot of pain and disappointments, but I'm still alive, thanks to the Lord!

So, take a few minutes to sit down and go back over your life.  Did you take advantage of the bad times by coming out of them a better person, in one way or another?  If not, you still have time to change.  Ask God's help and you will see how your life can change for the better.  Feeling sorry for ones self, doesn't work, ever.  I know that God still has things for me to do in this life.  Perhaps today's blog is just one of them.  Have a great day and be safe.  Thank God for all the many blessings you do have and forget about those you don't.

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Hi Folks.

How's every one's week going thus far?  I hope your answer is 'okay.'  It's not so hot and humid here today, but it's also very overcast.  How's the weather where you are?

I've been trying to get time to work on my newest manuscript.  It's called, "Returning Home."  I'm on page 102.  For some reason, I just don't seem to have the time available to work on it very often.  Don't ask me what I'm doing because it doesn't seem like I'm do much of anything.  Maybe this week I will have some spare time to get back on track with it.  I truly do love writing!

Well, my big news is that we have finally sold our camping trailer (35' Coachman) and are no longer members of the campground.  We were permanent campers for twenty-two years and I don't regret a day that we spent there. With my illness, it really hasn't been so much fun for me the past ten years.  I was spending so much time inside, by myself, because of the heat and humidity.  I will miss seeing some of the friends we had there, but I'm ready to stay home on the weekends and enjoy my home.

How's your summer going?  I'm sure you think it's going fast, just as I do.  I can't believe that we're already close to the middle of August.  In about two weeks, the kids will be heading back to school.  My Grandsons (3 of them) will be heading off to college.  One will be a Senior this year, one will be a Sophomore and one will be a Freshman.  They all attend different colleges. 

My Grandsons have all grown up now.  It seems impossible!  Where did the time go to?  I can remember when they were little and I spent time doing crafts with them; or when I held them on my lap and read story books to them; or when they shared their excitement with me about starting high school!  My youngest is now 19 years old and they range from 19 to 25.  I have six Grandsons and I'm so proud of each one of them.  You know, there is a little part of me in each of them and I'm so happy about that.  Life does move by so quickly.

Have you been doing anything creative?  I certainly hope so, although I'm sure most of you have jobs and families to come home to after work.  It's important, though, to make time for yourself at some point during each day, even if it's only a half hour.  Doing something creative helps to improve your self esteem and gives you the spirit to continue on in life. 

One thing I learned is that you are never too old to discover how to do something new, just for the fun of it.  If there is something that you've always wished you had taken courses in, when you were young, but didn't, do it now!  You are never too old to follow your dreams.  If I can write novels, at age 68, then you certainly can, also.  There are so many on-line courses, in all different subjects, that you can sign up to take.  Just take that first step, which is to figure out what you've always wanted to learn to do.  Then take the second step and find a course that will work for you and sign up.  Third, you get started and enjoy yourself.  Fourth step:  Find the time and just do it!

It's not about making money from it; it's about doing what you love and feeling good about yourself.  I do not believe that a person is ever too old to do something new.  I'm still learning new things every day, and I'm sixty eight years old; and don't forget that I am chronically ill.  So, if I can do it, so can you.  Just take that first step, today!  Good luck.

Have a great week and be safe always.  Remember that God loves us all and He sees everything that is in our hearts.  So, make your heart pure.