Monday, July 7, 2014

I'm so glad I tried it!

Hi all,

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday weekend.  We did and the weather here was just beautiful.  It was low humidity and the temperatures weren't too hot.  I thoroughly enjoyed sitting on my porch.  But, now we're back to hot and sticky weather today.  Great!  At least I have central air conditioning so I don't have to be out in this weather.  Actually, my heart wouldn't be able to function in this weather, so it's a good thing we have the air conditioning.

What I am referring to in my title, is the fact that I tried writing poetry.  I am so enjoying it.  I've always loved reading poetry, but just never wrote any.  That is, until now.  I have three poems posted on a website for writers.  The web address is: .  I enjoy spending time on this site and reading and reviewing other writers poems and stories.  They are so generous and supporting and that means so much to me.

What have you been doing creatively?  Please don't say that you don't have any creative abilities because we all have these abilities inside of us.  Perhaps you just haven't reached down far enough to find yours.  You don't have to be especially great at it, it just needs to be something you enjoy doing.  It's kind of like what you've told your children growing up:  Find something you like to do and then just do your best.  If you like doing it, then that's all anyone will ever ask of you. 

I thought I'd get some writing done over the weekend, but I'm sorry to say that didn't happen.  It was so beautiful outside, that I just wanted to sit on our porch and enjoy the day.  I finished my second seven day journaling session, so at least that's something.  I definately will get back on my auto-biographical novel this week.  Tomorrow looks like a good day to get started once again, since I'm finished with my three loads of laundry. 

I can't believe that it's soon the middle of July already.  Before we know it, fall will be upon us.  I honestly can't say that I will be sorry to see fall approach.  Mostly because during the summer months I'm stuck inside most all the time.  I am also having problems with my allergies.  I did go outside today for about twenty minutes to clip some dead leaves off my plants.  That's all it took for my allergies to kick in and the drainage to start.  Ugh...  So, tomorrow, I will be staying indoors all day!

I'm still working on my Christmas embroidery pieces.  I've already completed one for my two older daughters, and now, I'm almost finished with the one for my youngest daughter.  Then, finally, I will be able to complete my own.  Of course, when I'm done, I'll then be looking to see what I can do next.  Oh well!

I hope your week started off in a good way and that it continues that way until good old Friday greets us.  Make the most of whatever comes your way and always trust in God to get you through whatever problems come your way. 

Stay strong and God bless you all.

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