Sunday, February 15, 2015

Happy Sunday everyone...

Hi friends,

I hope you are enjoying your Sunday and that you all are staying nice and warm.  Let me just say that it's bitter cold outside, so if you don't have to go out, stay indoors!  That's exactly where I've been all day long. 

I finished my Easter table runner and I am pleased with the way it turned out.  Here's a photograph of it.  Sorry, but I am having trouble downloading my photograph.  I'll try again another time.

I'm thinking seriously about entering a writing contest with WOW-woman on writing.  I'd only have two weeks to prepare an entry, so I suppose I'd better make a decision soon.  I also want to start another novel, but I need to take the time to make some notes and I need to make some decisions about what the novel is to be about.  I feel like I'm a little stagnant right now and I don't like that feeling.  How about you?  What are you up to now that the first of the year is well behind us? 

I'm now working on embroidering small rabbits, cut from felt, which will hold the money we give to our grandsons and their significant others for Easter.  We don't purchase any gifts, but I still like to give them a few bucks to help them out.  Easter will be here before we know it. 

Lent starts this coming Wednesday.  Do you celebrate Lent and the celebration of the Crucifixion and Death of Christ?  Also the Resurrection of Jesus Christ into heaven on Easter Sunday?  I am a Catholic and have been all of my life, so I certainly do celebrate all of these occasions.  I believe that most religions do celebrate these as well. 

I have to tell all of you that I am so proud of all six of my Grandsons.  They have grown into strong, independent young men.  It's been very interesting watching them as they progressed from babies, to toddlers, to youngsters, to preteens, to teenagers, and from there to adults.  I've always known that they would make me, as well as their parents, very proud.  I know that they still have a lot of living to do and a lot of learning to scramble through, but I know they'll get their eventually. 

Did you ever realize that one never stops learning?  Every day of our lives we continue to learn new things.  Some of them will change our lives, and some we won't even retain.  I am thankful that I am able to continue the learning process.  Maybe some of the things I'm learning aren't really very important, but to me, they  matter.  What do you feel about the process of learning?

I do hope that you all had an enjoyable weekend and that you relaxed today, keeping the day a special day for our Lord.  I did.  I did the Divine Mercy Chaplet, in song, this morning, which moves me to tears.  Then I watched the Mass that was celebrated by Pope Frances from the Basilica at the Vatican.  I also sang some of my favorite hymns including:  Here I Am Lord, Amazing Grace, On Eagles Wings, and a few others. 

If it's cold where you are, I would suggest that you stay inside and keep warm.  It's to be very, very cold tonight with minus numbers of wind chills.  I wish you a good day tomorrow and may God keep you in His arms.

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