Wednesday, March 25, 2015

What a beautiful fullfilling day I had!

Hi all,

I hope your day was even half as wonderful as mine was.  My best friend and I, had a worship service today.  We prayer together, we read excerpts from the Bible and we sung beautiful Christian hymns together.  We both agreed that we could feel God's Divine Mercy enter our hearts and souls. 

When we finished our worship time, we shared a lunch and then we just shared some time together.  She and I have been friends since the early 80's.  During some periods of that time we weren't as close as at others, but we always remained friends.  Our children grew up together and she and I grew old together.  Since we both suffer from chronic illness, we both understand how it effects our entire lives. 

I must share with all of you that my faith in God has increased so very much during the past nine years.  One of the most important things that have brought about this change in me is my learning about Divine Mercy, Divine Mercy Sunday and the Divine Mercy Chapel and grounds which are located in Stockholm, Mass.  For those of you who do not know when Divine Mercy Sunday occurs, it is on the Sunday following Easter. 

It was a few years ago, that I first watched the telecast on EWTN, the Catholic Television Station, on Divine Mercy Sunday.  You see, they start their telecast about 11:00am.  The entire service is held outside.  I've seen it when it was very cold and when it was raining.  There are thousands, and I mean thousands, of people who travel to Stockholm for this service.  It's so humbling to see all these people, out in the cold and rain, waiting to participate in the celebration of the Holy Mass.  They travel from all across the US and from other countries for this celebration. 

My husband, who isn't Catholic, was just as moved as I was seeing the obvious love and devotion all these people have for God, as they stand or sit, awaiting the start of the Mass.  When the broadcast starts to air, it's eleven o'clock am.  The Mass doesn't start until 1:00 pm, but those believers of Christ stand there for hours and hours, just awaiting the celebration.  It's one of the most moving celebrations I've ever seen. 

If you have EWTN on your cable carrier, please check it out on Divine Mercy Sunday.  I promise you you will be humbled at what you see taking place there.  It doesn't matter if you're Catholic or some other religion, the humility will overcome you. 

I hope your week is going well.  Since today was Hump Day, you're now on the downward end of the week.  One day isn't much different for me anymore, but I do remember how I felt when I still was able to hold down a full time job. 

I just wanted to share my day with you and I hope you are inspired by it.  Perhaps you'll want to get together with one or two of your friends and worship God together.  Be safe and may God bless each one of you.

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