Friday, May 15, 2015

I can't believe it!

Hi all,

I can't believe that next weekend is Memorial Day weekend already.  It seems like it was just New Year's Eve and now we're almost through the first five months of the year.  Time goes by so quickly for me.  One would think that if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, time would go by very slowly.  I can testify to you that it doesn't, at least not for me.

I do try to keep myself busy most of the time.  Lately I've been working hard on my current manuscript.  I will soon be finished and I'm starting to get so excited.  I am pleased that I decided to step out of the box with this novel.  It's been different, but I've so loved writing it.  I actually think I'll be a bit disappointed when it's complete.  Oh well, there's always another one after this one. 

I'll be sure to let everyone know when it will be available for electronic reading on Amazon.  In the meantime, you can check out my other adult and children novels, as well as all the booklets I have on Amazon.  In case you didn't know, you can join KDP on Amazon and just borrow the books.  It's like a lending library.  How great is that???  Check it out by going to and search: Kindle Lending Library. 

What have all of you been up to lately?  Besides working on my manuscript, I've been spending a time each day in prayer.  We have a close friend who is slowly dying from cancer and another close friend who has undergone heart surgery this week.  I've been trying to say the Divine Mercy Chaplet each day this week for both of them, and for my family and friends.  I do know that there is nothing greater than the power of prayer.  If you don't believe me, just start praying daily and you will see the difference in your own life.  You must also live each and every day giving gratitude and acceptance to Jesus Christ.  It will change your life, also, just like it did mine.  Trust me!

Well, my husband did a bit of work in our flower beds yesterday.  Now I know that many of you have also been out working in your flower beds.  Let me tell you this:  Arranging your beds with beautiful flowers of all color combinations, is being creative.  If you haven't started as of yet, get out there and get it done.  There's nothing like looking out the window or stepping into your yard and seeing a beautifully done flower garden. 

When we were driving somewhere today, I looked up at the approaching mountain range and the color green was everywhere.  I love seeing all the green in the spring time; all the rebirth of foliage and the beautiful and colorful spring flowers.  How about you?  It just gives me a good feeling inside. 

I got a new cell phone.  I didn't want a new one, but my husband does what he wants when he buys me something.  I just needed a new cigarette lighter charger, that was all.  Oh well, I'm slowly learning how to use it.  You see, I just have absolutely no patience anymore.  Well, if the truth be known, I never did have much patience, but it's down to zero for the last nine years.  That is how long I've been chronically ill.  Does any woman's husband ever listen to her??

Well, tomorrow is Saturday and for most of you it is the first of two days off.  I understand the weather, at least here in South Central Pennsylvania, is to be hot and a bit on the humid side.  I don't mind the 80 degree temperatures, but I am not liking the high humidity!  I guess I'll be inside for much of the afternoon.   How about you?  Do you mind the heat and humidity?  I'm sure most of you don't.  I never did before my heart became very ill, but now, it's very dangerous for me to be outside in that type of weather.  So, I will just stay indoors.

Doesn't this look very refreshing as well as beautiful?  I didn't get my spring trip to OC this year, and I'm missing it so much.

I'm going to close for now, so be safe in whatever you may do this weekend.  God bless each of you.

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