Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone,

Just a short post to wish each of you, who have been reading my blog, a happy New Year.  I do hope that if you are going out to celebrate this evening and there will be booze included, that you have a designated driver so that everyone gets home safely. Drinking and driving, kills people and/or does permanent damage to them. 

This is foremost on my mind just now, because shortly before Christmas, of last year, a drunk driver ran into my Son-in-law and did him permanent damage.  That driver later died in the hospital.  As for my Son-in-law, he'll never be able to work as a policeman again, as he is unable to hold and shoot a gun in both hands.  Also, it's been over a year now and he's still going for therapy for different issues.  That accident, which could have been prevented, should not have occurred, but it did.  Now my innocent family suffers because of one persons decision to drink and then drive. 

Please be responsible if you are drinking this evening.  Remember:  the next person to die, could be you or someone you love. 

Have a wonderful evening and a great first day of 2017 tomorrow.  Please be safe!

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