Thursday, January 26, 2017

Who are you praying for?

Good evening,

I was just wandering if you have a prayer list?  Well, whether you do or not, I most definitely do.  Why, you may ask.  My answer to this question is:  I believe strongly in the power of prayer. 

I have so many relatives and friends who are currently ill, most of them have some form of cancer.  I can't do much, physically, to help them, but most importantly, I can pray for each and every one of them.  I also ask for Jesus' Mercy, daily, for everyone throughout this world who is dealing with any illness. 

I understand how an illness can change a person's life, entirely.  It definitely has changed mine, but I'm okay with the way my life has changed.  I am just so grateful that I'm still alive to enjoy each day. 

About five years ago, I found out about the Divine Mercy Chaplet, Divine Mercy Sunday and about the life of St. Faustina.  All three of these things changed my life.  I started living each and every day with Gratitude and Acceptance for everything in my life, including my illness.  I can honestly say, that my life is happy and I'm content with things just as they are now.  Mostly, I'm just thankful that I'm still alive to enjoy my family and friends. 

Not accepting your life because of illness, is only going to make you miserable.  If you've never heard about Divine Mercy, you can research it on the internet.  Or you can go to the Divine Mercy webpage from Stockbridge, Mass.  You don't have to be a Catholic to trust in Jesus' Divine Mercy and bring the same peace and contentment into you life, as I have in mine.

I hope you have a good weekend and be safe.

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