Thursday, June 28, 2018

Today's Divine Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

In Your Arms



On one occasion, I heard these words within me: Every movement of your heart is known to Me. Know, My daughter, that one glance of yours directed at someone else would wound Me more than many sins committed by another person (Diary, 588).
After Holy Communion, I heard these words in my soul: I am in your heart, I whom you had in your arms (Diary, 609).

My Prayer Response:

Lord, You know me and You probe me. You know my every thought and desire (see Ps 139). I desire to be the beloved of Your Heart. Bring my every thought and desire “captive in obedience” (2 Cor 10:5) to You. May I be all Yours.
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

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