Friday, March 1, 2019

Happy Friday evening, everyone!

Hi folks,
I hope your week went well, and if not, there's always hope for a better week next week.  For those living in in South Eastern part of Pennsylvania,  we are facing two more snow storms:  one coming overnight tonight and one on Sunday.  Ugh!  At least we haven't had any enormous amounts of snow.  I remember some of the storms we've had in the past, and I'd rather not have to live through any of those now.

How are you doing with your "holy minutes".  Remember, they can be just a simple smile you give to someone you don't know.  We never know what is going on in someone else's life.  Perhaps they are without a place to live right now, or without a current job, or they just lost a loved one, or they've lost God in their lives....  we just don't know!

We spend so much time judging others, without even realizing it.  It's become second nature to all of us, me included.  But, we can break the habit by starting one small "holy minute" each day.  Then continue to two, three, four and more each day.  Being kind to another is free!  So, why not try it today.  Don't put it off, because we may not have another chance, who knows?

Be safe and may God bless each of you.

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