Saturday, August 3, 2019

Saturday's Mercy Minutes...

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My trust placed in His Most Merciful Heart has no limit

Now a grey, ordinary day has begun. The solemn hours of the perpetual vows have passed, but God's great grace has remained in my soul, I feel I am all God's; I feel I am His child; I feel I am wholly God's property, I experience this in a way that can be physically sensed. I am completely at peace about everything, because I know it is the Spouse's business to look after me. I have forgotten about myself completely. My trust placed in His Most Merciful Heart has no limit. I am continuously united with Him. It seems to me as though Jesus could not be happy without me, nor could I without Him. Although I understand that, being God, He is happy in himself and has absolutely no need of any creature, still, His goodness compels Him to give himself to the creature, and with a generosity which is beyond understanding.

(Diary passage No. 244)

AUGUST 3, 2019

"Put your heart aside. Duty comes first. But when fulfilling your duty, put your heart into it. It helps." 
— St. Josemaria Escriva

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