Monday, July 20, 2020

Monday's almost over...

Hi everyone,
First I want to thank everyone who is reading my Daily Mercy Minutes.  I hope they bring some peace to your soul, as they do for me.

I hope and pray that you all are healthy and staying safe from this destructive virus.  It is killing so many folks and that's very sad to me.  Many of them are not practicing the issued mandates:  wear a mask whenever you need to go out; stay six feel away from anyone else, except those who live in the same house as you, and stay home as much as possible.

I pray every day asking God to keep me safe from this virus, because I am smart enough to know that if I get it, my chances of surviving are very slim.  So, in return for God keeping me safe, I stay home!
I know what many folks are thinking right now, but for all of us retired people, staying home doesn't mean that you can't be doing something constructive while at home.  There are so many things we can do for other people who aren't as fortunate as we are.  Just make up your mind to put your talents and time to good use by doing something for someone else!

Stay safe and stay indoors!

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