Sunday, August 4, 2013

And, once again, it's over, or is it?

Hi all,

Of course, what I'm referring to is the weekend.  Officially, it is over, but since Sunday is the first day of the new week, last week ended on Saturday night.  Anyways, I do hope your weekend held some fun times, some relaxation, and some family time.  It always seems that the week days go very fast, even if it doesn't seem that way at the time.  Most of you will be going to work every day, coming home after work, working around the house, and running kids around. 

I understand that many schools will soon be starting.  It seems that many of them are starting earlier this year than last year.  I truly don't get it!  It used to always be that all schools started after Labor Day weekend.  Then, ten or so years ago, they started returning to school the week before Labor Day weekend.  Then for a few years, many of them went back to returning after Labor Day.  And now, it's earlier than ever.  What's up with this???  I just don't understand why they can't make up their minds. The whole time I was in school, we returned right after Labor Day.  There were never any problems with starting at this time.  I wish someone could tell me why it keeps changing every couple of years.
Of course, it really doesn't affect me one way or the other, since I have no one returning to school.  My children are grown ups and four of my Grandsons have now graduated from high school.  Sorry, perhaps I have no right to complain, but I simply don't understand!

How was your weekend?  Mine was fairly good.  I got to visit, for a short time, with a few of my friends.  What great weather we had Saturday and today.  I went to an outdoor church service this morning, and the air blowing across the open space was a bit chilly on my arms.  But, I didn't complain, I felt that if I did, I would need to punch myself!  I was able to sit outside most of yesterday, which I haven't been able to do very often this summer, so far. 

I hope you got the chance to be outside this weekend, as well.  Perhaps it wasn't the most perfect pool weather, but I loved it.  It certainly would have been good weather for laying in the sun or playing outdoors.  And, for all those who were at beach areas this weekend, the weather was great:  not too hot and not too chilly.  If you haven't done anything fun this weekend, you only have a few more hours to get it done.  So, don't waste anymore time and get to it.

I can only say that I can not believe that today is August 4th already.  It seems like we just started the summer a week or so ago.  I was just thinking about Christmas.  You do know that it's only four months and twenty days away.  Personally, I can not wait!  I ordered some of my Christmas ornaments on Friday.  Every year, for many years now, my husband and I have given my children and grandchildren a Christmas ornament.  When my Grandsons grow up and move out, they will have a box full of ornaments to remind them of all the Christmases throughout their childhood.  We decorate our Christmas tree with the ornaments which my Mom and day used many, many years ago.  Some of them aren't in the best shape anymore, but I love using them on our tree.  It means so much to me.  Both my parents passed away many years ago now, and I miss them every day, but especially at Christmas.  It was from them, that I got my love of Christmas.

Okay, okay, so much for Christmas.  But, it will be here before we know it!  Have you noticed that it now is getting dark a bit earlier now?  In another month, it will be getting dusk around 7:30.  You do know what comes after that, don't you?  Of course you do, it's fall and then winter.  Then it's Christmas!  Sorry, that just flew into my head and I couldn't resist. 

I hope this week holds many good things for all of you.  Make every day count and do something creative every day, even if it's at your job.  Many of you have jobs where you have to be creative.  Stay safe and God bless you.

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