Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Happy Hump Day!

Hi everyone,

Today, as you well know, is Hump Day, which matters a lot to anyone who is still in the work force.  I remember, only too well, the good feeling you have when Wednesday evening rolls around.  You're soon be on the short end of the week.  Of course, looking forward to a good weekend always helped, also.

I've been proof reading my newest manuscript and yesterday morning I was getting close to the end of it, which I was happy about.  Of course, since I wrote the story, I knew how it ended!  So, I'm comfy and start reading out loud and soon I can feel the tears starting to form in my eyes.  I tried to pull myself together and that worked for a little while.  Soon after, I started getting weepy, once again.  All I could think was this:  I wrote this story and I already know how it ends.  Why am I crying when I didn't get weepy as I was writing it????

I just couldn't seem to help myself, it was sad.  It was like I was reading it for the first time, which I suppose technically, I was!  Well, just then my husband comes down from his office to run out for a little bit and he says to me, "Why are you sniffing?  Have you gotten a cold?"  I answer, "No, and he asks me, "Are you crying?"  (He was kidding!)  I answer, "Yes I am crying."  He quickly asks, "Why, what's wrong?"  He's now worried about me.  I say, "My story is sad and the thing I can't figure out is why I didn't cry while I was writing it.  Why now as I'm proofing it?"  He just shrugs and that was that.  Go figure!

Well, I need to start on my second proofing session soon and I sincerely hope that I don't cry when I get to the sad parts once again.  I suppose that as I'm writing the story, my mind and my fingers are just too busy getting my thoughts down onto the computer, to feel any emotion from the story.  Who knew???

I'm getting anxious to have this novel published.  I'm aiming for the beginning of December.   That gives me two more months, so I should be able to do it by then, hopefully, sooner.  I've been busy since last January, working on this years hand made Christmas items.  I make all my own Christmas ornaments for everyone in my family and their significant others; as well as hand made money and gift card holders; I've also been hand crocheting and hand embroidering gifts, as well. 

I so enjoy creating all these things.  I have been so blessed by God with these talents and I have to use them to give glory to Him.  I made about 26 scarves to take to a local nursing home.  I will be delivering them within the next couple of weeks.  I know, as an older person myself, that many of us mind the cool air around our necks.  So, I thought they may enjoy having a hand made scarf that belongs to just them.  At least I hope they do.

If anyone is interested in purchasing any of my novels, I have copies available of the following ones:
"Crafty Cruise" With a Capital "C"; "Train Trekking" with a Capital "T"; "Prolonged Uncertainties" and I will have some copies of this new one, "Returning Home."  Send me a message and I'll give you a reduced price on them.  I can mail them to you, and include the shipping cost in with the price.
You can check out the first three, here on my blog pages, but I haven't done up a page yet for the last one.

Enjoy the remainder of your week.  Smile because tomorrow is Thursday.  Soon the weekend will be upon us.  Be safe and may God bless each of you.

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