Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Happy Hump Day!

Good evening friends,

Well, relax because, for the most of you, your work week is now half over.  So, start looking forward to the weekend in a few days.

Today, I went to visit with my friend, who's in a nursing home.  Today's visit was actually very enjoyable.  She seemed in a little better spirit than she's been for months.  I pray it stays that way.  I think she's starting to realize the fact that the nursing home is her home now.  She seemed more alert and in a better mood than she has been. 

One of her aides came into the room and I asked her what made her choose this profession.  She looked at me and said, "You know, I really don't know."  She told me that she worked for a printing company after graduating for a few years and then went to work for a different local printer.  She explained that she doesn't know what made her decide to go to school to be a nurse's aide. 

She then told me that she's been doing it for eighteen years now and she loves what she's doing.  I smiled at her and told her that apparently God directed her to be where she is.  She's very good at her job and she's always friendly, at least the times I've seen her.  I told her that I will often tell  people that I talk with God a lot.  No, He doesn't answer me back, but He always answers me in one way or another.  Usually it's a thought that pops into my mind when I'm least expecting it.  He does direct us by  opening the right doors for us.  The problem arises when we choose not to go through that door, but another one that we choose.  He just waits patiently for us to see our mistakes and then re-opens the correct door for us.

I think that when you become an "old person," many of us start to see things in a different manor.  I suppose being ill also contributes to this, but life certainly does look somewhat different to me, now that I'm older and disabled.  I can look back over my entire life and see God's presence everywhere.  I'm so thankful that He never left my side, ever.  He is the one, true friend, you will ever have. 

I hope the upcoming weekend is a pleasant one for each of you.  Please take a little time to spend by yourself.  We all need that alone time to remember just how blessed we have been, whether it's in big ways or small ways.  Be safe always.

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