Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Wednesday's Mercy Minutes...

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I know your heart 

(Jesus speaks to St. Faustina during Lent)

Today, I received some oranges. When the sister had left, I thought to myself, "Should I eat the oranges instead of doing penance and mortifying myself during Holy Lent? After all, I am feeling a bit better." Then I heard a voice in my soul, " My daughter, you please Me more by eating the oranges out of obedience and love of Me than by fasting and mortifying yourself of your own will. A soul that loves Me very much must, ought to live by My will. I know your heart, and I know that it will not be satisfied by anything but My love alone".

MARCH 13, 2019

"We are born to love, we live to love, and we will die to love still more."
— St. Joseph Cafasso

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