The Secret in The Claw Feet Box

"The Secret in the Claw Feet Box" is fiction and it's for Children ages seven through twelve or thirteen. 

Rebecca Neuman is eight years old and the youngest of three children.  Her two brothers are both teenagers.  Becki spends a lot of time with her Mother. 

After a tragic accident, in which Becki's Aunt and Uncle are killed, her cousin, Justin, comes to live with her family.  Becki's troubles start when the attention is drawn away from her and is put onto Justin.  She becomes jealous and unpleasant to him. 

Becki's feelings change after she meets an elderly neighbor, Mrs. O'Neill, who not only befriends her, but eventually shares a very special secret and the contents in the claw feet box.

This book is available (to purchase or borrow), for Kindle at:

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