Thursday, May 28, 2015

Today is "Throw-Back-Thursday"

Hi all,

How's your day going so far?  I hope your answer is 'fine'.  At least tomorrow is Friday and the last work day for this week, well at least for most of you.  It's been quite hot and humid here all this week and I have to say that I'm not liking it one little bit!  But, since there's nothing I can do about the weather, I won't complain.

Since it's throw-back-Thursday, here's a question for you:  Do you remember Frankie Avalong, Bobby Darin and Bobby Rydell?  Or how about The Drifters, The Supremes or The Four Seasons?  Come on now, I'm sure many of you do remember all of them, just as I do.  Since I grew up in the fifties and sixties, I was into Rock and Roll music and every single dance that was out at that time.  I would save my allowance every week and when I had enough, I'd buy a few 45 records.  I still have every one of my 45 records.  I don't know what I'll ever do with them, but I know I have a couple hundred of them.  I've always loved to dance, but since becoming ill, I really dance very seldom any more.  I can't tell you how much I miss just jumping up and dancing to some music that comes on the television or the radio.  Music and dance was so much of a part of my preteen and teenage years.  I suppose I would say that they were the very best part of my childhood.  Of course, it helped that my Mom and Dad also loved music and they were great dancers; not necessary the dances that we were doing, but they did a pretty nifty swing, that's for sure!

What's on your schedule for this weekend?  Whatever you do, add some creativity into it, even if it's some cooking, mowing grass, working in your flower beds or painting something.  There is some creativity in almost everything we do, so just empress yourself with your creativity talents.  You just may surprise yourself!

I'm sorry to say that I haven't had much time this week to work on my manuscript.  I did do some research though.  I started my house cleaning this week and since Monday was a holiday, it was only a four day week for me.  Although I'm not in any hurry, I find I'm getting anxious to see how it ends.  That's sounds strange, since I already know the ending, but whenever I complete a story, I get excited about it.  Since with this novel, I am stepping out of the box a bit, I'm a bit anxious and excited, all at the same time.  As I've mentioned before, this novel is about a twenty year old cold case of an eight year old female child, who disappeared one day.  I hope you'll be interested enough to eventually go to and either borrow or purchase the book when it's available.  I'll let you all know when that happens.  It won't be for a few months yet, though.  I'll keep you informed.

Whatever you do this weekend, I hope you have some fun and enjoy your family.  I also hope that God keeps you all safe and please be kind to one another.
** Here's a mock up cover for my new novel. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day1

Hi all,

Fist of all, I'd like to wish each of you my best on this Memorial Day.  And, to all of those who have already served in the armed forces, or to those who are currently serving in the military, I give you my thanks.  You are why we are the "Land of the Free."

How was your weekend?  I hope you were able to get outside and enjoy this weekend's beautiful weather.  It was just perfect.  But, now we are looking at some very hot, hazy and humid weather for this week.  I'm not at all happy about that fact.  I'm not going to complain though, because there's nothing I can do about it, anyways.  I hope that you did get to do something fun though.  I would imagine that if you went swimming, the water was a bit cold.  You wouldn't catch me in a swimming pool or any water, at this time of the year.

Our weekend was very nice.  We got to spend some time with friends, and we always enjoy doing that.  I sat on our porch quite often and just enjoyed my day.

How's the creativity coming?  I hope you have started a creative project so when it's finished, you get to feel good about your own creativity.   I'm still working on my manuscript, but I have to admit that I didn't get a chance to get back to it for the past four days.  I'm not on a time schedule, but since I'm getting close to the end, I'm am getting anxious to finish it. 

I did work on my embroidery over the holiday weekend, and that not only relaxes me, it makes me feel good about myself.  Try it, you'll realize just how good it makes you feel, plus it is so relaxing.

This post will be short, because I have a few other things I need to do this evening.  So, I hope the ending of the holiday weekend is good.  Stay safe and may God bless you.

Monday, May 18, 2015

Okay, it's now over!

Hi all,

What I'm referring to in my title, is Monday's work day, at least it's over for most of you.  When I was working a full time job, Monday's was always the worst day of the week.  I was always so busy, but the good thing about that, was that the day went very fast for me.  I hope that's the case with you all too!

How was your weekend?  Did you all do anything fun, creative or stressful?  I sincerely hope your weekend wasn't stressful, but fun.  My weekend was very nice.  I spent a lot of time with our friends.  I've told you about them before.  The husband is dying from cancer and he's only forty seven years old.  They have a young boy who will be ten years old next month.  My husband took their son along with him to play Bingo on Saturday evening.  My husband had to split one pot, but the little boy won one pot alone and he was happy about that.  I feel so helpless about the situation, but we will always be there for them, if they need us and our friendship. 

It has been storming here for the last two and a half hours.  We are in dire need of rain, so this should help us with the shortage. 

Today my youngest daughter and the little boy she babysits, came in to my house, picked me up and we headed up to the Clark's Shoe Outlet in Hanover, PA.  I found a nice pair of sandals, which she insisted she was buying me for a belated Mother's Day gift.  Afterward we stopped for lunch and she insisted on treating me to lunch, also.  I don't get to spend a lot of time with any of my three daughters, because they are so busy, what with working and all their other activities.  But, that's okay, because I do understand how busy one's life is when they are in their forties.  I did enjoy the time I got to spend with my daughter and her little waif, just as I do whenever I get to spend time with any of my daughters.  (I have three daughters and six grandsons.)

I feel like I'm neglecting my manuscript, but I just don't seem to have as much time as I'd like, to work on it.  I am not in any hurry, or on any time schedule, but I'm anxious to finish it.  Maybe tomorrow I can get back at it once again.  I soon need to do some cleaning of my house, but I can talk myself out of that chore, very quick.  How about you?

I hope your week will go well for you and that your workdays go quickly for you.  I suppose the public swimming pools will be opening this weekend to celebrate Memorial Day weekend.  If you have a membership at one of one, I hope you all have a good time and be safe.


Friday, May 15, 2015

I can't believe it!

Hi all,

I can't believe that next weekend is Memorial Day weekend already.  It seems like it was just New Year's Eve and now we're almost through the first five months of the year.  Time goes by so quickly for me.  One would think that if a person leads a sedentary lifestyle, time would go by very slowly.  I can testify to you that it doesn't, at least not for me.

I do try to keep myself busy most of the time.  Lately I've been working hard on my current manuscript.  I will soon be finished and I'm starting to get so excited.  I am pleased that I decided to step out of the box with this novel.  It's been different, but I've so loved writing it.  I actually think I'll be a bit disappointed when it's complete.  Oh well, there's always another one after this one. 

I'll be sure to let everyone know when it will be available for electronic reading on Amazon.  In the meantime, you can check out my other adult and children novels, as well as all the booklets I have on Amazon.  In case you didn't know, you can join KDP on Amazon and just borrow the books.  It's like a lending library.  How great is that???  Check it out by going to and search: Kindle Lending Library. 

What have all of you been up to lately?  Besides working on my manuscript, I've been spending a time each day in prayer.  We have a close friend who is slowly dying from cancer and another close friend who has undergone heart surgery this week.  I've been trying to say the Divine Mercy Chaplet each day this week for both of them, and for my family and friends.  I do know that there is nothing greater than the power of prayer.  If you don't believe me, just start praying daily and you will see the difference in your own life.  You must also live each and every day giving gratitude and acceptance to Jesus Christ.  It will change your life, also, just like it did mine.  Trust me!

Well, my husband did a bit of work in our flower beds yesterday.  Now I know that many of you have also been out working in your flower beds.  Let me tell you this:  Arranging your beds with beautiful flowers of all color combinations, is being creative.  If you haven't started as of yet, get out there and get it done.  There's nothing like looking out the window or stepping into your yard and seeing a beautifully done flower garden. 

When we were driving somewhere today, I looked up at the approaching mountain range and the color green was everywhere.  I love seeing all the green in the spring time; all the rebirth of foliage and the beautiful and colorful spring flowers.  How about you?  It just gives me a good feeling inside. 

I got a new cell phone.  I didn't want a new one, but my husband does what he wants when he buys me something.  I just needed a new cigarette lighter charger, that was all.  Oh well, I'm slowly learning how to use it.  You see, I just have absolutely no patience anymore.  Well, if the truth be known, I never did have much patience, but it's down to zero for the last nine years.  That is how long I've been chronically ill.  Does any woman's husband ever listen to her??

Well, tomorrow is Saturday and for most of you it is the first of two days off.  I understand the weather, at least here in South Central Pennsylvania, is to be hot and a bit on the humid side.  I don't mind the 80 degree temperatures, but I am not liking the high humidity!  I guess I'll be inside for much of the afternoon.   How about you?  Do you mind the heat and humidity?  I'm sure most of you don't.  I never did before my heart became very ill, but now, it's very dangerous for me to be outside in that type of weather.  So, I will just stay indoors.

Doesn't this look very refreshing as well as beautiful?  I didn't get my spring trip to OC this year, and I'm missing it so much.

I'm going to close for now, so be safe in whatever you may do this weekend.  God bless each of you.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

I'm a proud Grandma!

Hi all,

Happy Saturday to everyone.  It's to be a bit on the warm side here today and tomorrow, but since there's nothing I can do about it, I'm not going to complain.

One of my Grandsons, Tucker Ebersole, has been writing rap music and producing videos with the help of a friend.  I will admit, that I'm not much into rap music, mostly because there's way too much foul language in most of the songs, but he just brought one out entitled, Inspire Me.  I'm like it, well for as much as I like rap music.  I am just so proud of him.  He's just finishing up his second year of college.  You can watch this video by going to and then fill in "Tucker Eb's, Inspire Me" into the search block.

Of course, I can't just talk about one of my Grandsons, because I do have six of them.  They range in age from 18 to almost 24.  I can't even begin to tell you how proud I am of all six of them.  They are fine young men and I love each of them. 

This post isn't going to be a long one.  I just wanted to brag a bit about my Grandsons, whom I love so very much. 

Have a fun filled weekend and enjoy the outdoors.  Stay safe and God bless you.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

I am not liking this hot weather!

Hi all,

I'm sorry but I have to complain about this weather we're having this week.  It is too soon for the temperature to be up in the 80's!  I want spring back!! 

Okay, now I'm done complaining, at least for a bit.  I've been trying to spend some time almost every day on my manuscript.  I'm getting close to the end and I'm a little excited to get it completed.  Well, it's only the first writing, so I'm not even close to being finished, but at least the the writing will be done.  I am so enjoying this novel.  It's not at all like my previous novels, but I like to write about different subjects.  Have you ever tried writing? 

I've also been taking some drawing refresher courses, using the 5 pencil method.  I have always enjoyed drawing with a pencil.  Here's a photograph of one I did many years ago.  It has always amazed me how you can make a picture come to life just using pencils.   I hope you like it and perhaps, if you do, you will be daring and try learning how to draw using only lead pencils.  I used this drawing for the cover of one of my books.
It always amazes me that you can create folds, valleys and actually make a basket that looks like a basket with nothing but a pencil.
How is your week going, thus far.  Tomorrow is Hump Day, so if you've been having a bad week, after tomorrow, you're on the downward slide of the week.  I understand it's to be a nice weekend, hot but I know many of you like the hot climate, so plan something fun for the weekend.  I realize that the public pools are not open as of yet, but there are many fun things you can do.  How about a picnic?
This Thursday through Sunday of last year, I was in Ocean City, MD.  It was so cold and windy, at that time, that I couldn't stand to be outside.  My friend and I purchased hot chocolate because we were so cold.  It's funny how the weather changes so often.  I really miss the four seasons of the year, but I suppose I will have to take whatever God gives us and be satisfied with that.
In conclusion, let me wish you all a good evening and a safe one, also.  I pray everyday that God will help bring peace into our world.  Be kind and thankful for everything that you do have and accept your life as it is.  You'll be so surprised at the many blessings that will come your way when you choose to live with Gratitude and Acceptance every day.  I promise you contentment and joy!
Have a nice evening...