Saturday, June 30, 2018

Saturday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

Novena for Poland



1933. On one occasion I heard these words in my soul, Make a novena for your country. This novena will consist of the recitation of the Litany of the Saints. Ask your confessor for permission [probably Father Sopocko or Father Andrasz] (Diary, 59).

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, our country, too, needs sustained prayer for mercy. Our homeland has become secularized and materialistic. It no longer pays attention to Your moral law, nor does it seek to know You and trust in You. Lord, have mercy on our nation!
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Friday, June 29, 2018

Friday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

Your Resting Place



I heard a voice coming from the Host: Here is My repose.During Benediction, Jesus gave me to know that soon a solemn moment would take place on this very spot. I am pleased to rest in your heart and nothing will stop Me from granting you graces. This greatness of God floods my soul, and I drown in Him, I lose myself in Him, I am melting away in Him ... (Diary, 1136).
June 1, 1937. Today, the Corpus Christi procession took place. At the first altar, a flame issued from the Host and pierced my heart, and I heard a voice, Here is My resting place (Diary, 1140).
During Holy Mass, which was celebrated by Father Andrasz, I saw the Infant Jesus who, with hands outstretched toward us, was sitting in the chalice being used at Holy Mass. After gazing at me penetratingly, He spoke these words: As you see Me in this chalice, so I dwell in your heart (Diary, 1346).

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, dwell in my heart as Your resting place. May nothing in me stop You from granting me graces.
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Today's Divine Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

In Your Arms



On one occasion, I heard these words within me: Every movement of your heart is known to Me. Know, My daughter, that one glance of yours directed at someone else would wound Me more than many sins committed by another person (Diary, 588).
After Holy Communion, I heard these words in my soul: I am in your heart, I whom you had in your arms (Diary, 609).

My Prayer Response:

Lord, You know me and You probe me. You know my every thought and desire (see Ps 139). I desire to be the beloved of Your Heart. Bring my every thought and desire “captive in obedience” (2 Cor 10:5) to You. May I be all Yours.
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Hello everyone!

How's your Wednesday going so far?  I hope it is going well and if not, it will soon be over.  So, that's good news!

I wanted to share some news with all of you.  I have started a new novel and it's coming along pretty well.  The first two weeks I spend most of my time doing research for it.  Any of you that like a bit of paranormal stuff, it will contain some strange happenings.

It's the story of two widows, who used to vacation in Cape May, NJ, every year, with their husband.  After their husbands passed away, they stopped going for a number of years, but now they've decided they'd start vacationing there, once again.  Of course, they get themselves into some mischief while there.

About a year or so ago, I entered a very short story into a contest for Cat and Mouse Press Co.  I didn't win, but then I didn't expect to, but it was fun coming up with a fast moving story line.  So, I decided that I'd like to rewrite the short story, with more of a beginning and a lot more fun and mischief in between, as you'll find out, if you choose to purchase it for electronic reading, or if you'd like to have a copy of the novel, after it's printed.

Sometimes I have to wander what my life would be like now, if I had gone to college for writing and art, after graduating from high school.  But, I wouldn't change anything about my life, including my illnesses, even if I could.  I have been so blessed, through out the good and the pain.  Family means everything to me and I love my husband and I wouldn't change anything about my life.  Mainly because then I wouldn't have my family.  I do love and miss my Mom and Dad very much.  Hopefully, some day I'll be united with them once again, in heaven.  At least I pray for that.

I am so thankful that so many of you are reading the Daily Mercy Minutes.  I have been reading them for about two or three years now and I feel so blessed to have found out about Divine Mercy, when I did.  I will continue posting them, daily, for those of you who love and depend on them, as much as I do.  Thank you for taking the time to read them, daily.

I do hope the rest of your week goes well.  Be safe and may God bless each of you.

Here's Wednesday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

In the Depths of Your Heart



I will tell you most when you converse with Me in the depths of your heart. Here, no one can disturb My actions. Here, I rest as in a garden enclosed (Diary, 581).
When you reflect upon what I tell you in the depths of your heart, you profit more than if you had read many books. Oh, if souls would only want to listen to My voice when I am speaking in the depths of their hearts, they would reach the peak of holiness in a short time (Diary, 584).

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, teach me. Help me to listen to You as You speak to me in the depths of my heart. Like St. Faustina, help me to become holy as You form my heart to become like Yours.
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Here's today's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

You Are in My Heart



During Vespers, I heard these words: My daughter, I want to repose in your heart, because many souls have thrown Me out of their hearts today. I have experienced sorrow unto death. I tried to comfort the Lord, by offering Him my love a thousand times over. I felt, within my soul, a great disgust for sin (Diary, 866).
During prayer, I heard these words: My daughter, let your heart be filled with joy. I, the Lord, am with you. Fear nothing. You are in My heart. At that moment, I knew the great majesty of God, and I understood that nothing could be compared with one single perception of God. Outward greatness dwindles like a speck of dust before one act of a deeper knowledge of God (Diary, 1133). 

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, I welcome You into my heart. May my heart be a consolation to You today as You fill me with Your joy.
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Monday, June 25, 2018

Here's your Monday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

Your Heart Is My Repose



At that moment, Jesus suddenly stood before me, coming I know not from where, radiant with unbelievable beauty, clothed in a white garment, with uplifted arms, and He spoke these words to me, My daughter, your heart is My repose; it is My delight. I find in it everything that is refused Me by so many souls(Diary, 339).
December 24, 1934. The Vigil of Christmas. During the morning Mass, I felt the closeness of God. Though I was hardly aware of it, my spirit was drowned in God. Suddenly, I heard these words: You are My delightful dwelling place; My Spirit rests in you. After these words, I felt the Lord looking into the depths of my heart; and seeing my misery, I humbled myself in spirit and admired the immense mercy of God, that the Most High Lord would approach such misery (Diary, 346).

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, through the intercession of St. Faustina, may my heart be a place of repose and delight to You! May You find in my heart everything You desire. 
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Happy Sunday to everyone...praise God always...

I just thought I'd post a few photos of some of my newest blankets.  I am sorry but I had some trouble downloading these and I didn't wait to see if they downloaded okay before I deleted them from my camera.  Guess I learned a lesson!  I found another local charity that works with children to donate them to.  I thank God for His many blessings upon me.

Sunday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

Heart of My Heart



When the procession began, I saw Jesus in a brightness greater than the light of the sun. Jesus looked at me with love and said, Heart of My Heart, be filled with joy. At that moment my spirit was drowned in Him. ... When I came to myself, I was walking along in the procession with the sisters, while my soul was totally immersed in Him ... (Diary, 1669).
Today, the Lord said to me, My daughter, look into My Merciful Heart and reflect its compassion in your own heart and in your deeds, so that you, who proclaim My mercy to the world, may yourself be aflame with it (Diary, 1688).

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, as I gaze into Your Merciful Heart, may I reflect Your mercy in my heart and radiate it out to others. May my life be aflame with Your mercy.
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Here's your Saturday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

Every Beat of Your Heart



During Adoration, I heard a voice in my soul: These efforts of yours, My daughter, are pleasing to Me; they are the delight of My Heart. I see every movement of your heart with which you worship Me (Diary, 1176).
Even among the sisters you will feel lonely. Know then that I want you to unite yourself more closely to Me. I am concerned about every beat of your heart. Every stirring of your love is reflected in My Heart. I thirst for your love(Diary, 1542).

My Prayer Response:

“Yes, O Jesus, but my heart would not be able to live without You, either; for even if the hearts of all creatures were offered to me, they would not satisfy the depths of my heart” (Diary, 1542). 
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Friday, June 22, 2018

Here's Friday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

Fixed on My Holy Will



I want the eyes of your soul to be always fixed on My holy will, since it is in this way that you will please Me most. No sacrifices can be compared to this. Throughout all the exercises you will remain close to My Heart. You shall not undertake any reforms, because I will dispose of your whole life as I see fit. The priest who will preach the retreat will not speak a single word which will trouble you (Diary, 1327). 

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, with my spiritual eyes, I want to be always fixed on Your holy will. And help me to remain close to Your Heart. May Your will, not mine, be done.
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Thursday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

A Deep Peace



First day. Jesus: My daughter, this retreat will be an uninterrupted contemplation. I will bring you into this retreat as into a spiritual banquet. Close to My merciful Heart, you will meditate upon all the graces your heart has received, and a deep peace will accompany your soul(Diary, 1327).

My Prayer Response:

Lord, I come close to Your Merciful Heart that I may be nourished as at a spiritual banquet. I so hunger and thirst for Your presence and peace!
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Here are Wednesday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

The Wound in My Heart



From all My wounds, like from streams, mercy flows for souls, but the wound in My Heart is the fountain of unfathomable mercy. From this fountain spring all graces for souls. The flames of compassion burn Me. I desire greatly to pour them out upon souls. Speak to the whole world about My mercy (Diary, 1190). 

My Prayer Response:

Lord, I turn to the wound in Your Heart for all the graces that people need in their miseries. Pour out Your mercy on the whole world. And give me the courage and strength to speak to others about Your mercy.
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

How's your Tuesday going?

Good evening friends,

I am so happy that so many of you are reading the daily Mercy Minutes.  I have been reading these for a very long time now.  They certainly help me to get through my day, no matter how it turns out.  I hope they are helping you, also.

What have you all been up to lately?  As for me, my life is pretty much the same, day in and day out.  But, I'm not complaining, not at all.  I truly give thanks for waking up each morning.  When you suffer from Chronic Heart Failure and have a heart that doesn't beat fast enough to keep you alive without an implanted machine, you need to give thanks, daily.  I am soon turning seventy years old and I praise God that I'm still alive.

I can truly say that I have been extremely blessed, all throughout my life.  God let me be born to two of the most wonderful parents I could have ever asked for; as well as a wonderful Sister and Brother.  My Sister recently returned back to North Carolina, after a five or six week visit back home to Pennsylvania.  It is always so nice seeing her and catching up on what going on in her life.  She's become a very strong, independent woman, although it took her most of her life to get that way.  I'm so proud of her and all the hand embroidery projects she's allowed me to teach her.  We may not live close, but I think about her often and I'm so happy that she's happy and content with her life.

As for my projects, I'm currently working on some embroidered towels to use as gifts, and of course, I'm still working on my young children's blankets.  I found out about another charitable organization, here in York, that I can donate these blankets to, with a dressed, teddy bear in the center.  My husband delivered two dozen blankets there today for me.  The lady I spoke to, was so anxious to see them.  I just hope that they help the kiddos feel better.  This organization helps children, of all ages, to deal with grief.  I would imagine that loosing a parent or sibling, for a young child, is very hard to understand and I'm sure they don't have any idea on how to deal with the sadness they are filled with after the person passes.  They're too young to even try to understand about death in general.  I thank God for leading me to this organization.  It always amazes me how one kind hearted person can lead you to another kind and loving person, and then to just the right person.

I hope and pray that your week is going well for each of you.  Actually today was an extremely hot and very humid day.  So, I'm very glad to say that the intense heat and humidity is finally leaving, at least for a few days.  We're back to normal temps for the next seven days.

Take care of yourselves and may God bless you always.

Tuesday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

Forgive from the Heart



June 20, [1937]. We resemble God most when we forgive our neighbors. God is Love, Goodness, and Mercy. ...
Every soul, and especially the soul of every religious, should reflect My mercy. My Heart overflows with compassion and mercy for all. The heart of My beloved must resemble Mine; from her heart must spring the fountain of My mercy for souls; otherwise I will not acknowledge her as Mine (Diary, 1148).

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, may I reflect Your mercy and resemble Your Heart that overflows with compassion and mercy. May I forgive every offense commited against me.
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Monday, June 18, 2018

Monday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

Delight My Heart



Then I heard a voice in my soul: Do not cry; I am not suffering any more. And for the faithfulness with which you accompanied Me in My sufferings and death, your own death will be a solemn one, and I will accompany you in that last hour. Beloved pearl of My Heart, I see your love so pure, purer than that of the angels, and all the more so because you keep fighting. For your sake I bless the world. I see your efforts to please Me, and they delight My Heart.
After these words, I wept no more, but thanked the heavenly Father for having sent us His Son and for the work of the Redemption of mankind (Diary, 1061).

My Prayer Response:

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for sending us Your Son for the Redemption of mankind. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for raising up St. Faustina, a pearl of Your Heart, to tell us the good news of Your mercy. Now, may we tell the world of Your mercy and delight Your Heart!
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Sunday's Mercy Minutes...

Divine Mercy Daily

Rest on My Heart



In the evening, the Lord said to me, My child, rest on My Heart; I see that you have worked hard in My vineyard. And my soul was flooded with divine joy (Diary, 945).
Today, the Lord visited me, pressed me to His Heart and said, Rest, My little child. I am always with you (Diary, 1011).

My Prayer Response:

Saint Faustina, intercede for us and teach us how to rest on the Heart of Jesus. We, too, need to be flooded with joy and hear the promise of Jesus, I am always with you! (see Mt 28:20).
*Diary passages with bolded words are Jesus speaking