Heart Disease

Heart Disease:  How It Changes Lives

     I needed to know what was wrong with me!  The diagnosis was not good, but at that point, I had no idea how much my life was about to change.  But, it wasn't just my life that heart disease
affected, it was my husband's life, as well.

     I was born with a heart defect, which caused me to have ventricular tachycardia all through my childhood.  I thought of it as more of a distraction than anything else.  It wasn't until I was around 40 years old, that my heart started to get worse.  In 1992, I received a pacemaker implant.  I was now pacer dependent because my heart rate was only in the low forties.

     Things were fairly normal until 2006, when I was diagnosed with Chronic Congestive Heart Failure (CCHF).  I was implanted with a Defibrillator with a built in pacemaker.  My "normal" life no longer existed.

     Slowly, I found a new normal for myself.  I now lead a very sedentary existence.  I've learned to accept my new lifestyle, which includes living with Heart Disease every day.  I'm thankful that I'm still alive to enjoy any lifestyle.

     It's taken a bit longer for my husband to accept my disease.  He's not a 'loner' and he was used to us doing things together.  That just is no longer possible.  It's taken a long time, but I've been pushing him to do things on his own.  First, it was encouraging him to attend our Grandsons sports games and track meets; now, he's enjoying more activities on his own.  He's still not happy about going alone, but he goes anyway.

     This, too, affects our relationship because I spend a lot of time alone.  I have to admit that sometimes, I get resentful being alone so much.  Just like he does because he has to go to events alone.

     I try hard to put myself in his position.  All our friends are retired and doing a lot of things, which I can no longer do.  He is invited, but won't go without me.  I know the CCHF affects his life, too.

     My life style change has been going on for a long time now.  Things have gotten better between us regarding his acceptance of my Heart Disease and my new life.  My husband is doing more now on his own.  It's been good for me that he's slowly accepting my illness.

     As for me, I live every day giving Gratitude and Acceptance to God for all the blessings He has given me.  My greatest blessing, next to still being alive, is my husband, who loves me, takes care of me and supports me in my writing and creative endeavors.

You can read my booklet on Congestive Heart Failure:  Changing Lives - by going to www.amazon.com
for Kindle.  You can either sign up to borrow it with Kindle Select or purchase it in e-form. 


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