A Mother's Love

This is another of my adult novels that is now available for electronic reading at www.amazon.com.
You will be able to purchase it for any electronic reading device or computer, either later today or early tomorrow (Tues, May 7 or Wed. May 8). 

It is a rewrite of an earlier short story which I wrote a year or two ago.  This is the first time it's been published.  It's the story of a couple who could not have a child of their own.  So, they decided to adopt a child.  Finally, in their thirties, they adopted Ryan.  A beautiful baby boy.  Everything goes wonderfully, that is, until he finds out he's adopted and starts the search for his birth mom.

I hope you will take the time to check it out, along with a few of the other novels I have for sale on Amazon.  (They are all available for electronic reading, only.)

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