Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Tuesday's Mercy Minutes...


Divine Mercy Daily

Reflections from the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska

Tuesday, July 18   Spiritual Warfare Like Fog before the Sun's Rays Know, My daughter, that if your soul is filled with the fire of My pure love, then all difficulties dissipate like fog before the sun's rays and dare not touch the soul. All adversaries are afraid to start a quarrel with such a soul, because they sense that it is stronger than the whole world ... (Diary, 1643).

My Prayer Response:   Lord Jesus, may I be filled with the "fire of mercy" (Pope John Paul II, Krakow, Poland, August 17, 2002, Entrustment of the World to Divine Mercy) and watch all difficulties to promoting Divine Mercy disappear like fog in the sun's rays. I trust in Your mercy.

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