Thursday, October 11, 2018

When will it stop?

Good evening everyone.  I'm sorry I haven't posted a personal blog for a while.  I do hope everyone is well.

In my title I'm referring to all the disasters that have occurred here in the US lately.  So many folks have lost their homes, all their belongings and some even their lives.  Many businesses have been completely lost.  This. of course, means a great loss to the owners, but it also means all their employees have no job anymore.  So, how do they earn money to try to rebuild their personal properties?

One of my relatives has suffered great loss because of one of the storms.  They lost everything in their home and the repairs to their home will be quite extensive.  It's almost like they have to start all over building their home.  The sad part is that they will only be given about sixteen hundred dollars in money for their loss.  When you consider the losses they've had, that may not even replace two of their appliances.

I know there are many, many more families facing this same problem.   I pray every day for all those who lost so much because of the last two hurricanes that hit the USA.  But, it's not just happening here in the US.  It's happening in other countries also.

Have you ever asked yourself, 'why'?  I firmly believe that God is trying to tell all of us that things in today's world, need to change.  Unfortunately, not enough people are listening!  The shootings, robberies, murders, lying, cheating and much more are still happening, and they're happening more often and getting worse.

I'm sure right about now, you're asking yourself this questions, "Well, I just one person, what can I do to change this?"  I ask myself this every day.  Unfortunately, there isn't much I can do to change things.  But, prayer does change things, because God is listening to us.

So, all I'm asking each of you tonight, is to pray.  Pray for God's help for our country and for everyplace throughout the world.  Jesus has unending amounts of His mercy and compassion, which He'd love to pour into all of us.  But, we have to ask for it and then we need to change the way we live.  It's not that hard to do, not if we want a better world for our grandchildren and the generations to follow.

I hope you will take just a few minutes each morning when you first wake up to pray and then again just before you fall asleep each night.  May God bless each of you and keep you and your families safe.

This is  God showing us some of His beautiful creations.

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