Thursday, February 7, 2019

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God's Grace - Advice from St. Faustina

I see now that a soul cannot do much of itself, but with God it can do all things. Behold what God's grace can do. Few are the souls that are always watchful for divine graces, and even fewer of such souls who follow those inspirations faithfully. Still, a soul which is faithful to God cannot confirm its own inspirations; it must submit them to the control of a very wise and learned priest; and until it is quite certain, it should remain distrustful. It should not, on its own initiative alone, put its trust in these inspirations and all other higher graces, because it can thus expose itself to great losses.

FEBRUARY 7, 2019

"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."
— St. Catherine of Siena

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