Friday, April 17, 2020

Good morning everyone!

First, I want to thank everyone who is reading the Divine Mercy Minutes that I post daily.  These readings have given me such strength, not just right now, but for a long time now.  They especially help me while we're gong through the terrible ordeal with the Corona-virus.  

We only truly have one person we can put our trust in, and that's God, himself.  Of course that includes Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, as they are three persons in one God!

Please just try to relax and find something that you can do to give thanks to God for His many blessings.  It doesn't have to be something big or costly, it can be as simple as praying for everyone, a couple of times throughout the day.  

My calming act is at three o'clock every day, when I can go to my bedroom, be alone with Jesus, and pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet on my rosary.  It brings a great calmness over me and I feel His presence with me.  If you've never prayed the Chaplet, please try doing so.  

Emerge yourself in Jesus's Crucifixion, starting with Pilot condemning Him to be crucified, scourged and hung on a cross to die.  Let yourself feel the immense hatred that came from the crowd of people who, not only wanted Jesus to be crucified, but to be hung on a cross until He died.  Picture, in your mind, the blood pouring out of His body after being whipped over and over again.  

Yes, it is painful to envision these things, I will admit, but it is necessary for all of us to envision exactly what Jesus went through before His death on a cross.  These visions bring the tears to my eyes and make me very humble.  We all need to feel this within ourselves.

I hope you stay well and trust in Our Divine Lord, always.  Take care of yourselves and may God bless and keep you all safe.

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