Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day1

Hi all,

Fist of all, I'd like to wish each of you my best on this Memorial Day.  And, to all of those who have already served in the armed forces, or to those who are currently serving in the military, I give you my thanks.  You are why we are the "Land of the Free."

How was your weekend?  I hope you were able to get outside and enjoy this weekend's beautiful weather.  It was just perfect.  But, now we are looking at some very hot, hazy and humid weather for this week.  I'm not at all happy about that fact.  I'm not going to complain though, because there's nothing I can do about it, anyways.  I hope that you did get to do something fun though.  I would imagine that if you went swimming, the water was a bit cold.  You wouldn't catch me in a swimming pool or any water, at this time of the year.

Our weekend was very nice.  We got to spend some time with friends, and we always enjoy doing that.  I sat on our porch quite often and just enjoyed my day.

How's the creativity coming?  I hope you have started a creative project so when it's finished, you get to feel good about your own creativity.   I'm still working on my manuscript, but I have to admit that I didn't get a chance to get back to it for the past four days.  I'm not on a time schedule, but since I'm getting close to the end, I'm am getting anxious to finish it. 

I did work on my embroidery over the holiday weekend, and that not only relaxes me, it makes me feel good about myself.  Try it, you'll realize just how good it makes you feel, plus it is so relaxing.

This post will be short, because I have a few other things I need to do this evening.  So, I hope the ending of the holiday weekend is good.  Stay safe and may God bless you.

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