Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Happy Hump Day!

Good evening friends,

Well, relax because, for the most of you, your work week is now half over.  So, start looking forward to the weekend in a few days.

Today, I went to visit with my friend, who's in a nursing home.  Today's visit was actually very enjoyable.  She seemed in a little better spirit than she's been for months.  I pray it stays that way.  I think she's starting to realize the fact that the nursing home is her home now.  She seemed more alert and in a better mood than she has been. 

One of her aides came into the room and I asked her what made her choose this profession.  She looked at me and said, "You know, I really don't know."  She told me that she worked for a printing company after graduating for a few years and then went to work for a different local printer.  She explained that she doesn't know what made her decide to go to school to be a nurse's aide. 

She then told me that she's been doing it for eighteen years now and she loves what she's doing.  I smiled at her and told her that apparently God directed her to be where she is.  She's very good at her job and she's always friendly, at least the times I've seen her.  I told her that I will often tell  people that I talk with God a lot.  No, He doesn't answer me back, but He always answers me in one way or another.  Usually it's a thought that pops into my mind when I'm least expecting it.  He does direct us by  opening the right doors for us.  The problem arises when we choose not to go through that door, but another one that we choose.  He just waits patiently for us to see our mistakes and then re-opens the correct door for us.

I think that when you become an "old person," many of us start to see things in a different manor.  I suppose being ill also contributes to this, but life certainly does look somewhat different to me, now that I'm older and disabled.  I can look back over my entire life and see God's presence everywhere.  I'm so thankful that He never left my side, ever.  He is the one, true friend, you will ever have. 

I hope the upcoming weekend is a pleasant one for each of you.  Please take a little time to spend by yourself.  We all need that alone time to remember just how blessed we have been, whether it's in big ways or small ways.  Be safe always.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

Do you care about Divine Mercy?

Good evening,

Tomorrow is officially Divine Mercy Sunday.  That's the day we, as Catholics, celebrate the mercy that Jesus pours out onto each of us.  This became known to us back in the thirties, when Jesus appeared to a young nun whose name was Sister Faustina. 

I first learned about Jesus' Divine Mercy about six years ago.  My husband and I started watching the celebration which is broadcast from Stockbridge, Mass., from the Divine Mercy Chapel which is located there.  Their property is beautiful, to say the least. 

Every year on Divine Mercy Sunday, people travel from far and near to attend the Mass celebrated outside there.  The very first year I watched this broadcast, I was so moved and humbled, to say the least.  It was quite cold at that time, but the people didn't care.  They came and gathered for about two hours before the Mass even started.  They had children with them and there they sat in the cold, that year.  In later years they came even in the rain and last year it snowed during that time period, but they remained outside to share the Divine Mercy Sunday Mass.  It is so moving for me to watch their love and devotion to Jesus' Divine Mercy.  It's changed my life, that's for sure.

We watch it on the EWTN station, which is the Catholic TV station servicing our viewing areas.  You'll have to check where you live to see what channel it is broadcast from.  If you live in South Central PA. EWTN is on Comcast on channel 15.  It starts about 11:45 but the Mass isn't celebrated until 1:00 pm. 

I hope you can access it because I know you will be as moved as I am.  Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

What's Up?

Hi all,

How's your week going thus far?  If your answer is "not too good", than my answer is, "tomorrow's Friday, so don't fret."  The weekend is almost upon us. 

We're watching "The Cash Cab" on the Game Show Network.  Have you  ever heard of it?  It's a game show, which takes place in a cab in New York City.  Whoever gets into the cab isn't aware that's it's the cash cab, as it looks just like any other cab.  The contestants are asked questions starting with easier ones and if they answer them correctly, they earn $50. per question.   Then they are asked a little harder questions and if they get them right, they earn $100 each.  Then they go to the $200. questions.  If they get three wrong answers, they are put out of the cab wherever they are.  It's a fun show and something different to watch.  Have you ever heard of it?

What's up this weekend for you and your family?  Nothing special for me and my husband.  For the last twenty two years, we'd have gone up to our trailer, which was on a permanent site in a campground, but last summer we sold it.  I have to say that I truly don't even miss camping.  I suppose that's to be expected, after twenty-two years of camping from the beginning of May until the end of October.  It's really nice to just stay home whether we do anything or not.  Maybe I'm just getting old!

Do you do anything special during the spring and summer months, on the weekends?  I know many folks join local swimming pools with their families.  Perhaps you have your own in ground or above ground pool, in your yard.  Maybe you go on picnics or take hikes with your kids.  Or, perhaps you just enjoy being home, especially if your work all week.  There's always house work to do and yard work also. 

Whatever you will be doing this weekend, set aside some time for yourself.  We all need a small patch of time to just do nothing but unwind.  Find that book you've always wanted to read and take some time this weekend to read for awhile.  Reading is very relaxing.  If you don't have anything special to read, you can check out my novels and booklets by going to:  Enter my full name into the search block and all of my novels and books will come up.

Have a great day tomorrow and have some fun this weekend.  Be safe and God bless each of you.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Have a blessed Easter!

Good morning to everyone,

This post will be a short one, but I wanted to take a few minutes to wish everyone a happy Easter Sunday.  Also, to remind you all what today is really about. 

Today is the day we rejoice because our Lord and Savior arose from the dead, many centuries ago, on Easter Sunday.  So, have a wonderful day with family and friends, but don't forget to give many, many thanks to our Lord for His generosity.  He gave His only begotten Son's life, as a way to save us all.

I pray that you all have a blessed Easter Day!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

How's your life going?

Hi everyone,

How are things going in your life right now?  I hope the answer to this question is "not too bad."  The problem with most of us is that we tend to look on the bad side of things.  That's not a good way to go.  I try to see things as they truly are:  I'm still alive, I have a home to live in, I have food to eat, we have enough money to pay our bills, I have been blessed with a wonderful family, etc.

So, if you look at what you do have, compared to what some people don't have in their lives, then you will give thanks for your many blessings.  I believe that complaining has become a way of life for many folks today.  Yes, every person could find something to grip about without much effort.  I choose not to do that, although once and a while, I do, even though I don't want to! 

I've said over and over again, that happiness comes from the inside, not from exterior things.  That is a true statement.  I believe that here in the US, most people are never satisfied with what they have.  They always want more. 

I have simplified my life as much as I possibly can.  How about you?  Do you live with gratitude and acceptance every day, always giving thanks to God for His many, many blessings?  Or, do you envy those who have more than you do:  more money, better car, fancy new home, spectacular clothes, money to spend, and more?  If this is how you think, you will never find complete happiness and contentment, ever!

This is Holy Week.  The week we remember Jesus' Last Supper with His disciples, His crucifixion and death on Friday, and His rising from the dead on Sunday.  I hope, that while you're planning to attend Easter Egg hunts with your children and having a fabulous meal on Sunday, with family and friends, that you will remember the true reason we celebrate Easter.

I hope your Holy Week goes well.  May God be with you always.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

Music calms the body!

Hi everyone,
Do you listen to much music?  If you do, what era of music do you like to listen to?  We have Music Choice on our television and they offer a large range of different types of music.  My choice is, and always will be, the Solid Gold Oldies.

I loved music and dance since I was about nine years old.  Of course, that encompasses the Do Wap Era and all of the Rock and Roll era, plus a few others.  I have always loved music and dancing.  One of the regrets I now have, is that I can't dance anymore and haven't been able to for the last eleven years.  Oh, I can dance a slow dance or two, but I will only last about one minute or less doing any of the dances I used to love.  Dances like:  The Stroll, the Twist, the calypso,  the Jitterbug and many others.  But, I still enjoy listening to the music from my early days and my teenage years. 

Where you into music and dancing from a young age?  I suppose I got my love of both from my Mom and Dad.  They both loved the music and dances from the Big Band Era.  Of course, as my Sister and I were growing up, they were forced to listen to the tunes from Bandstand, which my Sister and I watched every week day. 

They just don't make music like that anymore.  I can say that I've never liked hard rock music.  I do enjoy the music from singers like Frank Sinatra, Bing Crosby and the more recent singers who sing this same type of music. 

I guess the same is true for each generation of kids.  Whatever music you grow up with is usually what you stick with into adulthood.  Although I have to admit that I do enjoy some Country Western music, as well, especially from the 90's.  Garth Brooks has always been a favorite, as well as a few others.  How about you?  What's your taste in music?  Do you like to dance?

I'm still hand making my little blankets for children who are in hospitals.  I now have 36 completed.  I've decided to work on a few Christmas embroidery projects for a little while, but I'm about ready to get back to the blankets.  I do love sitting every evening and embroidering.  I actually also do some in the afternoon hours as well. 

I hope your week is going well.  Take some time to do something that you love to do over this weekend, even if it's only for an hour.  We all need some alone time once and a while.  Be safe and may God bless each of you.  Next week is Holy Week and as we all prepare for Easter and celebrate Jesus' rising from the dead, spend some time in prayer.  We all need God's help.