Monday, August 9, 2021

Monday's Mercy Minutes...


Divine Mercy Daily

Reflections from the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska

Monday, August 9 Graces of Retreats  Like Jesus in 

Suffering and Humility  [October 11, 1933, after a three-hour struggle in adoration, Jesus in His Passion appeared to St. Faustina.]

The bride must resemble her Betrothed. I understood these words to their very depth. There is no room for doubt here. My likeness to Jesus must be through suffering and humility.

See what love of human souls has done to Me. My daughter, in your heart I find everything that so great a number of souls refuses Me. Your heart is My repose. I often wait with great graces until towards the end of prayer (Diary, 268).

My Prayer Response:

Lord Jesus, bless those who are in struggles with the gift of perseverance in their prayer. May our hearts be a repose in Your agony over those who refuse You. May we be like You through suffering and humility.

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