How's your day going so far? I hope your answer is 'fine'. At least tomorrow is Friday and the last work day for this week, well at least for most of you. It's been quite hot and humid here all this week and I have to say that I'm not liking it one little bit! But, since there's nothing I can do about the weather, I won't complain.
Since it's throw-back-Thursday, here's a question for you: Do you remember Frankie Avalong, Bobby Darin and Bobby Rydell? Or how about The Drifters, The Supremes or The Four Seasons? Come on now, I'm sure many of you do remember all of them, just as I do. Since I grew up in the fifties and sixties, I was into Rock and Roll music and every single dance that was out at that time. I would save my allowance every week and when I had enough, I'd buy a few 45 records. I still have every one of my 45 records. I don't know what I'll ever do with them, but I know I have a couple hundred of them. I've always loved to dance, but since becoming ill, I really dance very seldom any more. I can't tell you how much I miss just jumping up and dancing to some music that comes on the television or the radio. Music and dance was so much of a part of my preteen and teenage years. I suppose I would say that they were the very best part of my childhood. Of course, it helped that my Mom and Dad also loved music and they were great dancers; not necessary the dances that we were doing, but they did a pretty nifty swing, that's for sure!
What's on your schedule for this weekend? Whatever you do, add some creativity into it, even if it's some cooking, mowing grass, working in your flower beds or painting something. There is some creativity in almost everything we do, so just empress yourself with your creativity talents. You just may surprise yourself!
I'm sorry to say that I haven't had much time this week to work on my manuscript. I did do some research though. I started my house cleaning this week and since Monday was a holiday, it was only a four day week for me. Although I'm not in any hurry, I find I'm getting anxious to see how it ends. That's sounds strange, since I already know the ending, but whenever I complete a story, I get excited about it. Since with this novel, I am stepping out of the box a bit, I'm a bit anxious and excited, all at the same time. As I've mentioned before, this novel is about a twenty year old cold case of an eight year old female child, who disappeared one day. I hope you'll be interested enough to eventually go to and either borrow or purchase the book when it's available. I'll let you all know when that happens. It won't be for a few months yet, though. I'll keep you informed.
Whatever you do this weekend, I hope you have some fun and enjoy your family. I also hope that God keeps you all safe and please be kind to one another.
** Here's a mock up cover for my new novel.