Monday, September 19, 2016

Life is full of good things and bad things.

Good evening everyone,

Today is the start of the work week for many of you out there.  As for me, I'm just trying to get back into my regular routine once again.  My husband and I were away for a while.  We had a very nice time, but I'm glad to be back home once again.  I will admit that I am a creature of habit.  I know most folks think that they're not, but actually I believe that most of us are creatures of habit.  It's just that most younger people with children are always running here and there with the kids.

I am very saddened at what occurred over the weekend both in New Jersey and in New York.  I am very thankful that no one was killed, although two police officers were wounded, but not permanently.  My youngest grandson is attending FIT University in NYC, and that was just too close to him, to suit me.  I am so grateful to God that none of the students from FIT were in any real harm, but they didn't know that at the time.  There just seems to be no place that a person can go that is safe these days.  I heard that it was considered a terror attack against the US.  I pray that God protects each of us here in the USA and our families.  Please pray also for all your fellow Americans.  We all need pray.

Well, I worked on my manuscript today for about two and one half hours.  It's moving right along now and for that, I'm thankful.  I would really like to have it published before Christmas, but we'll see.  Have you ever thought that you'd like to be a writer?  If so, why don't you take some on-line classes and see where it takes you.  I believe that no one is too old to follow their dreams.  As long as you can read and think, you can learn to do most anything, even if you're a bit slow.

I know that many of us senior citizens aren't into electronics like the younger generations, but you don't have to have a lot of smarts to use a PC or a laptop computer.  You just need someone to instruct you on how to do what you want to do.  If I can figure these electronics out, so can you.  Give it some thought.  Don't give up on your dreams just because you've grown old!

I hope each of you will do something creative this week.  God loves to see our creative sides.  Creating something out of nothing, to make another person smile, is a blessing from God.  Try it!

Have a safe and a good week.  Be safe and may God bless each of you.  Please pray for peace!

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