Saturday, March 11, 2017

How's your weekend going?

Hello everyone,
How's your weekend going thus far?  It's cold here in South Central Pennsylvania, but at least it's not snowing.  Although I am seeing reports that we are to be hit with a heavy snow storm come Tuesday.  I am not looking forward to that.  Perhaps the weather reports are wrong.  Wouldn't that be nice?

One of the newest movies which just came out is called "The Shack."  Have you heard of the book before?  It came out about ten years ago.  It was about a year after my health took a turn for the worse.  I wanted to just get out of the house for little while.  So, I drove to Walmart and just walked around a short time.  I am a frequent reader, so when I noticed their magazine and book section, I walked over to see if they had anything I might be interested in reading. 

I have to admit that 99% of the books I read are hard bound books.  There's two reasons for this.  The first is because I worked at a local book bindery for two years.  I did the accounting and then I did some hands on work on the books.  I started to realize exactly how much went into publishing a book.  The second reason is because I read every morning, while eating my breakfast.  I can eat and drink my coffee while letting the book lay open on my lap.  You can only do this with a hard bound book. 

Well, Walmart really didn't carry hard bound books, just soft cover ones.  I did notice one in particular that caught my attention.  It had a picture of a run down shack on the cover.  The title was "The Shack".  I picked it up and read some of the reviews and then placed it back on the shelf.  I started to walk away, and for some reason, I went back and decided to purchase it.  Something just told me that I needed to read this novel, which by the way, is fiction.

I started reading it and soon the tears started to flow.  There was no way I could read this book without crying.  After I finished it, using up a lot of tissues, I decided that I needed to reread it once more.  Of course during this reading, there were more tears, but I spent more time actually thinking about what was said in the book.  I later reread it for a third time, highlighting many of the remarks that I thought were note worthy.  This novel was so moving to me, more so than any other book I'd read. 

So, now the movie is out.  A few days ago my husband said, "I guess you want to go see that movie!"  My answer surprised him.  I said, "No, I don't."  He asked me why and my answer was, "In the past, I've read novels and later saw the movie.  They were always a disappointment to me, because the books were so good."  I understand that they can't put everything into a movie that runs about 2 hours, that's in a full novel. 

This happened to me with the movie "The Titanic."  I have always been interested in what happened on that ship.  I read several books written by survivors and I learned many things about the sinking of the Titanic.  After seeing the movie, I was so disappointed and let down.  Yes, it was a good movie but it wasn't factual and that's what I was looking for in the movie. 

If you've not heard of the novel, "The Shack" I'm sure you'll enjoy the movie.  If you have the opportunity to purchase the book, it was written by William Paul Young.  Oh and by the way, I am now re-reading it for my fourth time and it's still starting the tears flowing.

Enjoy your Sunday tomorrow and stay safe.

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