First, I'd like to wish each Mom, Grandma and Great Grandma out there, a very happy Mother's Day to all of you.
As for me, I had a very nice Mother's Day. I spoke to all three of my daughters on the phone for awhile, which always pleases me. My husband brought me flowers for Mother's Day, which was very nice of him.

Then, while praying the Mass this morning, Father Wilder had such a moving sermon, that it brought tears to my eyes. He started his sermon speaking about crossword puzzles and saying how one clue leads to another. After finding the first clue you can usually find another one from that one. Then he went on to say that crossword puzzles are sort of like being a Mom. He says that God blessed Mothers with the ability to do so many things at the same time because when you have children, that is so necessary. He said that she can be carrying three bags of groceries when she's encountered by one of her children who is crying or hurt, and she immediately has the power to also embrace her child while still carrying those groceries. He went on to say how strong Moms are and all the compassion and empathy they have for not only their children, but for everyone.
I had to wipe my tears three times during his sermon. My children, three daughters, are all grown up with adult men of their own now. But, my pride in them only enhances as each year goes by. I know that as a Mom, I did the very best I could when I was raising them, which is what they did for their sons. Of course, for a Mom, you will always be in "Mom" mode, until the day God takes us home.
My daughters are still my little girls, even though they're adults. I still worry about them and their families and I suppose I always will.
I hope all you Moms out there had a wonderful Mother's Day today. Also, I hope that your children stepped up to let you know just how much you mean to them. We don't do what we do for the thanks, we do it because it's our job as Moms.
Be safe and give praise and thanks to God for the children He blessed you with.
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