Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Good evening folks,

I hope your week is going well.  Thursday is the day that we all give thanks to God for all His many blessings.  You may be thinking:  what do I have to give thanks for?  Well you woke up this morning, didn't you?  If you're reading this, I know you did.  Did you have food to eat today?  Do you have a job to go to?  Do you have someone who cares about you?  Are you in pretty good health?  Do you have warm clothes to wear this winter?  Do you have clean water to drink?  And on and on.....

We all have so much to give thanks to God for.  I hope that on Thursday, you will stop and take a few minutes to realize all the many blessings you have now.  So many people get caught up in what they don't have and never take the time to think about all they do have. 

What's really important to you?  For me, it's my family and friends, after God, of course.  The many things we do are just that, things!  They aren't the important people in our lives.  So, on this Thanksgiving Day, please take time to consider someone else's life and how they have to live every day.  Someday, that could and may be you!

Happy Thanksgiving to each of you and may God always fill you with His Mercy and Compassion.

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