- Author/Writer
- My Soothing Poems from the Heart
- White to Black - With Many Shades In Between
- "Train-Trekking" With a Capital "T"
- Five Myths Regarding Women and Heart Disease!
- Heart Disease
- The Kauffman Farm (and other childhood memories)
- Sleepless Nights
- A Mother's Love
- The Secret in The Claw Feet Box
- Prolonged Uncertainties
- Footprints on The Pontiac
- There's a Growl In My Stomach!
- The Rail Rider
- Living and Loving With Divine Mercy
- The Day the Flowers Died
- Crafty-Cruise Wtih A Capital C
- Sassy With A Capital S
- Women & Heart Disease
- Hubert And The Fence
- Returning Home
- "Returning Home"
- Life, Love and Lies
- Generation to Generation: Passing It Onward!
Saturday, March 31, 2018
Friday, March 30, 2018
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
It's Hump Day!
Happy Wednesday to everyone, I do hope that your week is moving along well. I'm sure it could move a bit faster for all you who have jobs to go to every day. But, just be thankful that you have a paying job to go to every day. We all have so many blessing within our lives, but it's sad, that we don't always recognize them as blessings. For example: the homes we live in, the food we have to eat, the families we've been blessed to have, our health, a paying job, the gift of life, and many, many more blessings.
Well, we are now in Easter week. Did you know that today, Wednesday, was the day that Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus by colluding with the chief priests. The deal was struck with thirty pieces of silver. Also, did you know that Wednesday of Holy Week is also referred to as Spy Wednesday. That, of course, is because of what Judas did. Even back in the time of Christ, friends betrayed friends for a few coins.
Tomorrow is Holy Thursday, the day we remember Christ's Last Supper with His Apostles. Of course, the following day is Good Friday. I'm not sure why it's called, Good Friday, when it's the day that Jesus was beaten, whipped, hung on a cross and had a spear shoved into His heart and lungs, so that He'd die.
As I was praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy today, I was remembering that Mary stood at the foot of the cross Jesus was dying upon. As a Mom, I can't even begin to imagine how distraught she must have been during this time. She walked the path that her beloved Son, Jesus, took on His way to Calvary, where He was nailed to that cross and left to die. I can't even imagine myself at the foot of any my dying daughter's bed and I hope I never have to experience it.
Have you ever tried to put yourself in Jesus', Mary's or Joseph's place during the crucifixion of Jesus? I suppose that's not something that we do on a regular basis. But, this week is a special week, as it climaxes on Easter Sunday. But, the celebration of Jesus rising from the dead doesn't end there. It continues throughout the following week and climaxes, once again, the following Sunday, which is Divine Mercy Sunday.
If you truly want to be amazed, tune into the EWTN Television station around 11:00 am, on Divine Mercy Sunday. It is broadcast from Stockbridge, Mass. Thousands of people congregate there to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. The celebration is completely outside.
My husband and I watch it every year and we've seen thousands of folks, with children also, congregate in all kinds of weather: cold, snow and rain. It's one of the most moving experiences I've ever been a witness to.
I do wish each of you a blessed Easter. Please offer up some prayers on Easter Sunday, for the high school students who are fighting for their lives, not only here in the United States, but in other countries, also. I am so proud of them in fighting the NRA for better control of guns in every aspect. Yes, my husband is a hunter, but the laws these students are trying to get passed, will not affect him, or any other normal hunter, in any way. But, they can and will save our children's lives and perhaps our own.
May God bless you and your family and keep you all safe.
Well, we are now in Easter week. Did you know that today, Wednesday, was the day that Judas Iscariot betrayed Jesus by colluding with the chief priests. The deal was struck with thirty pieces of silver. Also, did you know that Wednesday of Holy Week is also referred to as Spy Wednesday. That, of course, is because of what Judas did. Even back in the time of Christ, friends betrayed friends for a few coins.
Tomorrow is Holy Thursday, the day we remember Christ's Last Supper with His Apostles. Of course, the following day is Good Friday. I'm not sure why it's called, Good Friday, when it's the day that Jesus was beaten, whipped, hung on a cross and had a spear shoved into His heart and lungs, so that He'd die.
As I was praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy today, I was remembering that Mary stood at the foot of the cross Jesus was dying upon. As a Mom, I can't even begin to imagine how distraught she must have been during this time. She walked the path that her beloved Son, Jesus, took on His way to Calvary, where He was nailed to that cross and left to die. I can't even imagine myself at the foot of any my dying daughter's bed and I hope I never have to experience it.
Have you ever tried to put yourself in Jesus', Mary's or Joseph's place during the crucifixion of Jesus? I suppose that's not something that we do on a regular basis. But, this week is a special week, as it climaxes on Easter Sunday. But, the celebration of Jesus rising from the dead doesn't end there. It continues throughout the following week and climaxes, once again, the following Sunday, which is Divine Mercy Sunday.
If you truly want to be amazed, tune into the EWTN Television station around 11:00 am, on Divine Mercy Sunday. It is broadcast from Stockbridge, Mass. Thousands of people congregate there to celebrate Divine Mercy Sunday. The celebration is completely outside.
My husband and I watch it every year and we've seen thousands of folks, with children also, congregate in all kinds of weather: cold, snow and rain. It's one of the most moving experiences I've ever been a witness to.
I do wish each of you a blessed Easter. Please offer up some prayers on Easter Sunday, for the high school students who are fighting for their lives, not only here in the United States, but in other countries, also. I am so proud of them in fighting the NRA for better control of guns in every aspect. Yes, my husband is a hunter, but the laws these students are trying to get passed, will not affect him, or any other normal hunter, in any way. But, they can and will save our children's lives and perhaps our own.
May God bless you and your family and keep you all safe.
Thursday, March 22, 2018
What is Divine Mercy?
Happy Thursday everyone,
How's everything in your neck of the woods? Here, we're surrounded by large piles of snow, which I will admit, that I'd like to see melt very quickly. I saw on the news at noontime today, that this is the third largest snow storm we've had in this area. The first two were back in the late 1800's. Just what we all wanted to hear. Oh well, the only good news is that the temperatures for the next few days are to be in the mid forties. Hopefully it will melt quickly.
Today I'd like to ask you how much you know about Divine Mercy. I know I've spoken about Jesus' Divine Mercy often over time, but how much do you know about it? I've been reading a new booklet, The Divine Mercy Message and Devotion Booklet, which is a new one. Below are some excerpts from this booklet, which I though may help you understand Divine Mercy.
"God is Love and Mercy itself. The message of Mercy is that God loves us, all of us, no matter how great our sins. He wants us to let it flow from us to others. It is a message we can call to mind simply by remembering ABC.
Ask for His Mercy: God wants us to approach Him in prayer constantly, repenting of our sins and asking Him to pour His mercy out upon us and upon the whole world.
Be Merciful to Others: God wants us to receive His mercy and let it flow through us to others. He wants us to extend love and forgiveness to others, just as He does to us.
Completely trust in Jesus: God wants us to know that the graces of His mercy are dependent upon our trust. The more we trust in Jesus, the more we will receive. (Of course, God knows when we're being honest and truly want His help!)
(Ask) He calls us all to ask for His mercy: (The following is what He announced to St. Faustina) "Souls that make an appeal to my mercy, delight Me. To such souls I grant even more graces than they ask. I cannot punish ever the greatest sinner, if they make an appeal to My compassion, beg for mercy for the whole world. No soul that has called upon my Mercy, has ever been disappointed." (These are direct quotes from St. Faustina's diary)
(Be Merciful) "I demand from you deeds of mercy which are to arise out of love for Me. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere. You must not shrink from this or try to excuse yourself from it...Even the strongest faith is of no avail without works. If a soul does not exercise mercy in some way, it will not obtain My mercy on the day of judgment."
(Complete trust) "I never reject a contrite heart . Sooner would heaven and earth turn into nothingness than would My mercy not embrace a trusting soul. I am Love and Mercy itself. When a soul approaches Me with trust, I fill it with such an abundance of graces that it cannot contain the within itself, but radiates them to other souls."
Perhaps you can take some time to digest the above information and trust in Jesus' Divine Mercy. I will, soon, give you some more information from this booklet.
Take care of yourself and your families. Love and thank God for all His many blessings upon you.
How's everything in your neck of the woods? Here, we're surrounded by large piles of snow, which I will admit, that I'd like to see melt very quickly. I saw on the news at noontime today, that this is the third largest snow storm we've had in this area. The first two were back in the late 1800's. Just what we all wanted to hear. Oh well, the only good news is that the temperatures for the next few days are to be in the mid forties. Hopefully it will melt quickly.
Today I'd like to ask you how much you know about Divine Mercy. I know I've spoken about Jesus' Divine Mercy often over time, but how much do you know about it? I've been reading a new booklet, The Divine Mercy Message and Devotion Booklet, which is a new one. Below are some excerpts from this booklet, which I though may help you understand Divine Mercy.
"God is Love and Mercy itself. The message of Mercy is that God loves us, all of us, no matter how great our sins. He wants us to let it flow from us to others. It is a message we can call to mind simply by remembering ABC.
Ask for His Mercy: God wants us to approach Him in prayer constantly, repenting of our sins and asking Him to pour His mercy out upon us and upon the whole world.
Be Merciful to Others: God wants us to receive His mercy and let it flow through us to others. He wants us to extend love and forgiveness to others, just as He does to us.
Completely trust in Jesus: God wants us to know that the graces of His mercy are dependent upon our trust. The more we trust in Jesus, the more we will receive. (Of course, God knows when we're being honest and truly want His help!)
(Ask) He calls us all to ask for His mercy: (The following is what He announced to St. Faustina) "Souls that make an appeal to my mercy, delight Me. To such souls I grant even more graces than they ask. I cannot punish ever the greatest sinner, if they make an appeal to My compassion, beg for mercy for the whole world. No soul that has called upon my Mercy, has ever been disappointed." (These are direct quotes from St. Faustina's diary)
(Be Merciful) "I demand from you deeds of mercy which are to arise out of love for Me. You are to show mercy to your neighbors always and everywhere. You must not shrink from this or try to excuse yourself from it...Even the strongest faith is of no avail without works. If a soul does not exercise mercy in some way, it will not obtain My mercy on the day of judgment."
(Complete trust) "I never reject a contrite heart . Sooner would heaven and earth turn into nothingness than would My mercy not embrace a trusting soul. I am Love and Mercy itself. When a soul approaches Me with trust, I fill it with such an abundance of graces that it cannot contain the within itself, but radiates them to other souls."
Perhaps you can take some time to digest the above information and trust in Jesus' Divine Mercy. I will, soon, give you some more information from this booklet.
Take care of yourself and your families. Love and thank God for all His many blessings upon you.
Wednesday, March 14, 2018
"Let There Be Peace On Earth"
Hi folks,
I am listening to the above song right now. It's also my prayer for not only our country, but for everyone place in our world. Somehow I doubt that we'll ever have "peace on earth", but I can still pray for it.
Peace starts in our own homes, neighborhoods, cities, towns, states, etc. It has to start somewhere. Even if only a few of us prayed for peace it would benefit us all. Today was the day that many high school kids walked out of their classes to protest guns in our countries.
I've often wandered where we go from where we are now. Perhaps peace lies within the next generation of children. We can at least hope and more importantly pray that it does.
My belief is that peace starts within each of us. If a person is filled with anger, hatred, violence and many more defeating feelings, then that person needs to find love and peace within themselves first. I think that many of the younger people of today, believe that they have a sense of entitlement. They don't! No one does. When we become adults, we have to make our way in life, just like everyone else does. No one owes you anything. You earn their respect through kindness, hard work and love.
The song, Here I am, Lord, is now playing and I think it's a good place for us to start. If you've never heard this song, you can listen to it on You Tube. Many centuries ago, Jesus tried to help the people and they turned against Him. They crucified Him and hung Him on a cross to die. We need to turn to the Lord and ask Him, "Here I am, Lord, what can I do to make our world a better place to live, to raise our children?"
It is my hope and prayer that our children will bring much needed changes in our cities, towns, states and everywhere. I doubt that I'll see it in my lifetime, but I pray that it will happen within my children's and grandchildren's life time. How about you? Don't you pray for this change also?
Now my favorite old hymn is playing. It's Amazing Grace. Grace surely saved me and many more folks like me. "I once was lost but now am found, was blind, but now I see..." I'd like this song to be song at my funeral, as I leave this world for a much better place. "Through any dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come.... the Lord has promised good to me, His word my hopes secure. He will my fortune be as long as life endures... and mortal life shall cease, I shall possess a life of joy and peace." "There's no less ways to sing God's praise, then when we first begun."
I pray The Divine Mercy Chaplet every day around three o'clock. It brings such peace and calm to me. As I pray, I envision what Jesus went through during His crucifixion and death upon the cross. My heart also goes out to His Mother, Mary, as she clung to the foot of the cross, as her only Son suffered and died.
I can't even begin to imagine the pain she experienced that day and for many days to come. I pray that no one in my family dies before me. I pray the Chaplet for protection, good health and love for my daughters, their spouses and my grandsons every day. As well as my husbands family and both of our extended families, and our friends, neighborhoods and all those who are ill throughout the world.
If you want to learn how to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and gather information about St. Faustina, you can go to their web page. Just do a search on either of the above. If you want peace and contentment in your life, praying the Chaplet every day, sincerely helps.
I hope you all are safe and healthy. May God bless and keep each of you and your families.
I am listening to the above song right now. It's also my prayer for not only our country, but for everyone place in our world. Somehow I doubt that we'll ever have "peace on earth", but I can still pray for it.
Peace starts in our own homes, neighborhoods, cities, towns, states, etc. It has to start somewhere. Even if only a few of us prayed for peace it would benefit us all. Today was the day that many high school kids walked out of their classes to protest guns in our countries.
I've often wandered where we go from where we are now. Perhaps peace lies within the next generation of children. We can at least hope and more importantly pray that it does.
My belief is that peace starts within each of us. If a person is filled with anger, hatred, violence and many more defeating feelings, then that person needs to find love and peace within themselves first. I think that many of the younger people of today, believe that they have a sense of entitlement. They don't! No one does. When we become adults, we have to make our way in life, just like everyone else does. No one owes you anything. You earn their respect through kindness, hard work and love.
The song, Here I am, Lord, is now playing and I think it's a good place for us to start. If you've never heard this song, you can listen to it on You Tube. Many centuries ago, Jesus tried to help the people and they turned against Him. They crucified Him and hung Him on a cross to die. We need to turn to the Lord and ask Him, "Here I am, Lord, what can I do to make our world a better place to live, to raise our children?"
It is my hope and prayer that our children will bring much needed changes in our cities, towns, states and everywhere. I doubt that I'll see it in my lifetime, but I pray that it will happen within my children's and grandchildren's life time. How about you? Don't you pray for this change also?
Now my favorite old hymn is playing. It's Amazing Grace. Grace surely saved me and many more folks like me. "I once was lost but now am found, was blind, but now I see..." I'd like this song to be song at my funeral, as I leave this world for a much better place. "Through any dangers, toils, and snares, I have already come.... the Lord has promised good to me, His word my hopes secure. He will my fortune be as long as life endures... and mortal life shall cease, I shall possess a life of joy and peace." "There's no less ways to sing God's praise, then when we first begun."
I pray The Divine Mercy Chaplet every day around three o'clock. It brings such peace and calm to me. As I pray, I envision what Jesus went through during His crucifixion and death upon the cross. My heart also goes out to His Mother, Mary, as she clung to the foot of the cross, as her only Son suffered and died.
I can't even begin to imagine the pain she experienced that day and for many days to come. I pray that no one in my family dies before me. I pray the Chaplet for protection, good health and love for my daughters, their spouses and my grandsons every day. As well as my husbands family and both of our extended families, and our friends, neighborhoods and all those who are ill throughout the world.
If you want to learn how to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and gather information about St. Faustina, you can go to their web page. Just do a search on either of the above. If you want peace and contentment in your life, praying the Chaplet every day, sincerely helps.
I hope you all are safe and healthy. May God bless and keep each of you and your families.
Wednesday, March 7, 2018
What are you feeling during this Lenten Season?
Hi everyone,
Lent is a very important time of the year to me. It's a time for all of us to stop and see what kind of a person we have become. I guess you could say it's a time to refresh your soul with God. Of course we should be doing that daily, but many of us don't.
As for me, every morning before I have my breakfast, I read the day's reading from the Divine Mercy Daily Minutes with Jesus. But on Ash Wednesday, I also started reading the daily excerpt from Footsteps to Mercy, which end on Easter Sunday. Both these readings don't take much time, but the inspiration they bring to me, is phenomenal. They only take about four to five minutes to read both of them, but they truly make me think about my life and my need for Divine Mercy every day that I live on this earth.
They are both published by The Marian Press, in Stockbridge, Mass. That's the home of Divine Mercy and I am so looking forward to Divine Mercy Sunday, which falls on the Sunday following Easter, every year. We get it on channel EWTN, here in South Eastern Pennsylvania. If you want to see something, that I promise you, will move you so very much, tune in to it around noon time on that day. Let your problems go and just see the love and faith from the hundreds of folks that gather there on that day, just to give thanks to God and to receive Jesus' Divine Mercy. You don't have to be a Catholic to receive this Mercy from Jesus. It's for everyone who opens their hearts to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and invites Them into their lives. It has become the cornerstone of my life.
Don't get me wrong, the devil still tries to work his way into my days, but I quickly say a prayer, asking God to send the devil back to hell, where he belongs. It's amazing how quickly my prayer is answered! Yours can be also.
Since I accepted Divine Mercy into my life every day, and since I started living every day with gratitude and acceptance, my life has changed. I live every day now with faith, contentment, and thanksgiving for everything within my life, including my illness. (If you've been reading my blog regularly, you already know that my illness changed my entire life.)
I hope your week is going well for you. Mine is going just fine. I'm still creating my children's, hand made blankets with dressed, teddy bears in the center of each one. My husband just delivered about forty of them to two different places this week and will deliver another 16 or so to another local place. All I want is for these blankets to give a young child less fear and a little buddy to hold onto when they're frightened. Making these blankets is my way of giving back to God for His many blessings all during my life.
Take care of yourselves and be safe. Pray always!
Lent is a very important time of the year to me. It's a time for all of us to stop and see what kind of a person we have become. I guess you could say it's a time to refresh your soul with God. Of course we should be doing that daily, but many of us don't.
As for me, every morning before I have my breakfast, I read the day's reading from the Divine Mercy Daily Minutes with Jesus. But on Ash Wednesday, I also started reading the daily excerpt from Footsteps to Mercy, which end on Easter Sunday. Both these readings don't take much time, but the inspiration they bring to me, is phenomenal. They only take about four to five minutes to read both of them, but they truly make me think about my life and my need for Divine Mercy every day that I live on this earth.
They are both published by The Marian Press, in Stockbridge, Mass. That's the home of Divine Mercy and I am so looking forward to Divine Mercy Sunday, which falls on the Sunday following Easter, every year. We get it on channel EWTN, here in South Eastern Pennsylvania. If you want to see something, that I promise you, will move you so very much, tune in to it around noon time on that day. Let your problems go and just see the love and faith from the hundreds of folks that gather there on that day, just to give thanks to God and to receive Jesus' Divine Mercy. You don't have to be a Catholic to receive this Mercy from Jesus. It's for everyone who opens their hearts to God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and invites Them into their lives. It has become the cornerstone of my life.
Don't get me wrong, the devil still tries to work his way into my days, but I quickly say a prayer, asking God to send the devil back to hell, where he belongs. It's amazing how quickly my prayer is answered! Yours can be also.
Since I accepted Divine Mercy into my life every day, and since I started living every day with gratitude and acceptance, my life has changed. I live every day now with faith, contentment, and thanksgiving for everything within my life, including my illness. (If you've been reading my blog regularly, you already know that my illness changed my entire life.)
I hope your week is going well for you. Mine is going just fine. I'm still creating my children's, hand made blankets with dressed, teddy bears in the center of each one. My husband just delivered about forty of them to two different places this week and will deliver another 16 or so to another local place. All I want is for these blankets to give a young child less fear and a little buddy to hold onto when they're frightened. Making these blankets is my way of giving back to God for His many blessings all during my life.
Take care of yourselves and be safe. Pray always!
Friday, March 2, 2018
Happy Weekend!
Good evening to you all,
I will be the first to admit that I love electronics, but only when they work the way they are supposed to work! I am too old to be learning about all the problems that arise with electronics. I had to have my tech guy come out to fix my laptop today. Turns out there wasn't really anything wrong with the laptop, it was the connection to the modem. I am thankful that this kind gentleman comes to the house to help us with our electronics. I don't even care about having to pay the bill. I trust him!
How about you? Do you get frustrated with your electronics? Or perhaps you know who to fix them yourself. I think I'm just too old to put up with the frustration. Of course, I will admit that I have no patience anymore. Well, I guess if I am being truthful, I never had a lot of patience!
What are you all up to this weekend? As for me, I'm not really up to anything more than I do during the week. Of course, I hope the weekend will be without the frustration due to my electronics. It's been so windy here all day, and it's to continue that way through tomorrow morning. We really didn't get much rain, but we surely did get the high winds. I know some areas were without electric this morning. Thank goodness that we didn't loose ours. I hope all is well where you are.
Well, whatever you have planned for the weekend, I hope you have some fun and stay safe. Just enjoy your family because we never know when someone may be taken from us!
I will be the first to admit that I love electronics, but only when they work the way they are supposed to work! I am too old to be learning about all the problems that arise with electronics. I had to have my tech guy come out to fix my laptop today. Turns out there wasn't really anything wrong with the laptop, it was the connection to the modem. I am thankful that this kind gentleman comes to the house to help us with our electronics. I don't even care about having to pay the bill. I trust him!
How about you? Do you get frustrated with your electronics? Or perhaps you know who to fix them yourself. I think I'm just too old to put up with the frustration. Of course, I will admit that I have no patience anymore. Well, I guess if I am being truthful, I never had a lot of patience!
What are you all up to this weekend? As for me, I'm not really up to anything more than I do during the week. Of course, I hope the weekend will be without the frustration due to my electronics. It's been so windy here all day, and it's to continue that way through tomorrow morning. We really didn't get much rain, but we surely did get the high winds. I know some areas were without electric this morning. Thank goodness that we didn't loose ours. I hope all is well where you are.
Well, whatever you have planned for the weekend, I hope you have some fun and stay safe. Just enjoy your family because we never know when someone may be taken from us!
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