Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What's shaking?

Hi all,

First of all, let me say, "Happy Hump Day" to all of you.  And, the best thing is, that's it's almost over for many of you.  Yeah!!!

So, a few days ago, the temperature was close to eighty, today it's about 43 degrees.  What is up with the weather these days?  It's no surprise to me that there is so much illness going around, what with the drastic change in the temperature from one day to another.  The temps are to stay in the low sixties for the next seven day, during the day, but down in the forties at night.  It definitely has not been April weather lately, but hopefully this will soon straighten out, at least I hope so.

Today I've been working on some Marketing tools to help me promote the sale of my books and booklets.  I am proud to say that I'm am now on Twitter and I've set up a "page" for my novels on FB as well.  It's going slow, but I'll get there.  I've had this blog for almost two years now.  I try to post a new blog every few days or so.  Also, I have "pages" for most of my books and booklets. 

I was listening to a webisode on Marketing for writers today.  Mostly, it was about marketing yourself so you can sell books and make a living.  Well, for me, it's not about making money, but more about giving back for all my blessings.  Of course I'd like to sell some books because I work many hours on my writing and my projects can't benefit anyone else if they aren't read. 

I write both fiction and non-fiction, which includes booklets on heart disease and how to live with a chronically ill person.  I know, first hand, that when one spouse in a couple is ill, it changes not only their life, but that of their spouse also.  You have to realize that all the things and activities you both used to enjoy, can't be done by the sick person anymore.  If the well spouse doesn't like to do things alone, then they have a problem. 

I wrote a booklet called, "The Day the Flowers Died".  It is based on our life.  I've been sick eight years now and have to live a very sedentary lifestyle, but my husband doesn't.  There in lies the problem.  After he read my book he changed.  I think it helped him immensely to know that I understand that my illness has effected him as well as me.  He's never been a loner, but he has started doing things by himself occasionally, which makes me happy.  Not that he has to go alone, but that he is still living his life, the way he should.  After all, he's not sick, I am.

Have you ever thought about writing?  Have you ever had a secret desire to write anything, perhaps your life's story?  I believe that each of us has been given some creative abilities.  The problem is that many of us don't pursue them.  As I've said many times here on my blog, there are many ways to be creative.  Spring is, hopefully, coming, so get out there and be creative in your garden.  Show me some wonderful pictures of that creativity.  Just do something!

My best to all of you.  Stay safe and be healthy.

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