Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How's everyone doing?

Hi all,

How's your Tuesday going thus far?  Mine has been quite normal, which is just how I like it.  I woke up feeling pretty good, as I had a good, solid night's sleep.  That's just what my body needs on a regular basis, but that doesn't always happen.  I am doing two loads of laundry, because it needs to be done, and since it won't do itself, it's up to me!

I am so thankful that I finished my bedspread, but I'm still working on hand embroidering designs onto hand towels for Christmas gifts.  I purchased a "Holiday Crafts" magazine the other day.  I've gone through it already and I must say there are a few crafts in there that I wouldn't mind tackling.  Some fo the suggestions are wonderful, but since I really don't do a whole lot in the crafting field anymore, I have no interest in them.  The ones I like involve hand made embroidery and the like.  How about you?  Do you hand make any of your Christmas gifts?  If your answer is not, then my next question would have to be:  Why not?  People love receiving hand made gifts, especially in this day and age, as many people don't do crafting any longer.  It's so satisfying to me, to see something I've created out of nothing.  Try it, you just may love doing hand crafting and that also includes home baking as well.

Fall as finally arrived, even though it doesn't feel like it outside.  But, I for one am happy to see the summer go away until next year.  No, I truly don't like the freezing cold weather, but I can stay indoors most of the time, so it doesn't really bother me.  I do love to see the first snow flakes of the season, as they calmly fall down from the clouds.  It always gives me a peaceful feeling as I watch those beautiful tiny snow flakes fall and cover the ground.  God does give us His beauty in so many ways.  Unfortunately, many of us don't look at it as beauty.  We have so much to give thanks to God for in our lives.  Unfortunately so many of us tend to look at only the negative things in our lives and not the positive and beautiful things that God has put directly in front of us.  If you want to change your life, try living every day with Gratitude and Acceptance to God.  When you finally can do this in earnest, your life will change.  No, you won't have anymore money and bad things still happen.  But, you will look at your life from a diffent perspective.  A very peaceful existence will take over your life and you will give thanks for every single little thing you now have.

I suppose that all of you who have school age children have already sent them back to school.  It's been so very long since I've had to prepare children for returning to school, that I am not sure I'd remember all I'd have to do.  For this, I give thanks always.  I hope your child or children have a good school year and stay out of trouble.  It's funny how trouble just seems to find some kids, now isn't it?

Well, I'm going to close for now.  I hope you all have a good week and a prosperous one at that.  May God be with you always and keep you and your family safe.

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