Monday, February 27, 2017

What do you think?

Hi folks,

I've been thinking a lot about the powerful weather we've been having, not just in the USA but all throughout the world.  I don't remember there being such devastating weather before.  If it's not tornadoes destroying complete neighborhoods, or fierce winds and heavy rains bringing destruction to where ever they hit, or intense dry areas being completely ruined by fires, it always seems to be some drastic weather. 

My opinion is that we're getting this violent weather because God is trying to make us wake up and see what's happening in the world today.  We take everything for granted.  So many people today, don't appreciate what we do have.  They always want more and even then, aren't satisfied. 

We all need to stop and appreciate all the many blessings that God has bestowed upon us.  The really sad thing is that so many folks never do that.  All they ever can think about is having more:  money, things, fancy cars, grand homes, designer clothes and on and on!  It's time for the world to stop and be thankful for everything they do have. 

Yes, I am ill, but I also give thanks for that.  I'm grateful that even though I am ill with a damaged heart, I still woke up this morning.  I think we all need to start practicing gratitude and acceptance every single day.  We need to open our eyes and see what is happening in our world today.  Start being thankful for everything you have and stop expecting and asking, or demanding, more! 

This is just how I feel about what's happening to this world today.  I know that most people won't agree with me and that's okay.  We all have a right to our own opinions.  What guides me through my life is where I want to be in the next life.  That would be:  with God in heaven!

I hope your week goes well and that perhaps, you'll stop and think about what I've said.  Who knows, it could just change your life now and in the next life.

Be safe and may God bless you.

This is the Diary of St. Faustina.  It's very enlightening.

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