Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Do you want Jesus' Divine Mercy in your life?

Hi everyone,
In case you've never heard about Saint Faustina, I'd share with you that when she was very young, back in the twenties, she always knew she wanted to be a Nun when she was older.  She actually tried to get into the convent, and more than once, before she was old enough for them to accept her.

After she finally was old enough, she joined the convent and became a Nun.  She died in 1938 from a disease, which was incurable.  But, in a short period of time, as a Nun, she was blessed to have Jesus appear before her, asking her to write down everything He said to her.  She did and she eventually had a diary, filled with all the many things Jesus told her.

There is a book called, "Divine Mercy Minutes with Jesus", which contains daily excerpts from that diary.  I read each day's reading after I get up every morning.  Here was today's entry:

September 6:  And I will tell you one more thing....take these graces not only for yourself, but also for others; that is, encourage the souls with whom you come in contact to trust in my infinite mercy.  Oh, how I love those souls who have complete confidence in Me.  I will do everything for them!

The prayer response is:  Yes, Lord, I take Your graces, not only for myself, but for souls I meet, that they may trust in You even more.  May they grow to have complete confidence in You!  Amen.

You too can read these daily entries by going to:

I hope you have a wonderful evening and that each of you are safe and content.  If you're not content with your life, then you definitely need to read about Jesus' Divine Mercy!


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