Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Have you settled in yet?

Hi folks,

Well, today is the ninth of January already.  Have you settled in to the new year and the current weather?  I'm sure, that for most of you, life has now returned back to whatever is normal in your daily life.  You know:  going to work, raising your children, cleaning the house, doing laundry, shoveling the snow, replacing a battery in your car because of the extremely cold temperatures.

Well, as for me, my children are grown up with grown up sons of their own, I do not work outside the home any longer because of my illness, but I do still have to do some laundry and cleaning.  Oh, and yes, my husband had to have my car battery replaced because of the extremely cold weather we've been having lately.  Hopefully we are getting a bit of a reprieve from the extreme cold throughout the rest of this week and into the next week.  Who knows what will occur, weather wise, after that.

Time goes by so quickly for me.  After becoming disabled, I thought that time would move very slowly for me, but it doesn't.  It's hard for me to believe that we're already into the second week of January already.

I'm still working on my blankets for children in the hospital and for some who are in the foster care and at a temporary shelter.  Here are a few photos of the last ones I've done.

I've been told that the children just love them.  I do hope that's true.  I just don't want any child to be frightened, no matter what their circumstances.

I hope your week is going well.  Stay safe and may God bless each of you, always.  Remember to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy daily!

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