Meditate upon My Passion
More Merit to One Hour
I received permission for one hour of meditation on the Passion of the Lord Jesus and for a certain humiliation. But I was a little dissatisfied at not receiving permission for everything I had asked. When we returned home, I dropped into the chapel for a moment, and then I heard this voice in my soul: There is more merit to one hour of meditation on My sorrowful Passion than there is to a whole year of flagellation that draws blood; the contemplation of My painful wounds is of great profit to you, and it brings Me great joy (Diary, 369).
[Then Jesus went on to admonish St. Faustina very kindly:]
I am surprised that you still have not completely renounced your self-will, but I rejoice exceedingly that this change will be accomplished during the retreat (Diary, 369; see also Diary, 371-73).
[Then Jesus went on to admonish St. Faustina very kindly:]
I am surprised that you still have not completely renounced your self-will, but I rejoice exceedingly that this change will be accomplished during the retreat (Diary, 369; see also Diary, 371-73).
My Prayer Response:
Lord Jesus, may I grow in humility and surrender to Your divine will by meditating on Your Passion. Your will be done and not mine!
MAY 9, 2020 |
"The Eucharist is the bread that gives strength... It is at once the most eloquent proof of His love and the most powerful means of fostering His love in us. He gives Himself every day so that our hearts as burning coals may set afire the hearts of the faithful."
— St. Damien of Molokai |
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