Friday, February 21, 2014

My big day is tomorrow!

Hi all,

How's everyone doing today?  I'm sure most of you are very happy that it's Friday and the end of the work week.  As for me, I'm happy and apprehensive about Saturday.  Tomorrow is my Book Signing/New Release Party at Irvin's Books, here in York, Pa.  I will be there from 12:00 to 2:00pm.  I understand there will be a gentleman there in the morning, who writes non-fiction, mostly about government, church, etc. 

I was surprised to hear that there will be another lady there at the same time as me tomorrow.  But, as I understand it, she and I don't write about any of the same topics.  It appears she writes erotica stories.  That's certainly one subject I do not write about, thank goodness!  I don't know who she is, as I've never heard of her before.  If you're in the area, please stop in and visit with me.

What's on your schedule for tomorrow?  I do hope you will make some time just for yourself, even if it's only for an hour.  The cleaning, laundry and kids will just have to wait until you refuel yourself.  Pick up a good book, find a comfortable chair and read.  Find something relaxing to do!

I'm currently working on a new card design.  This will be my first attempt at this design, but so far it's working out well.  I love trying new styles.  These will be my Father's Day cards, so I hope they will enjoy them.  I also tried a new design on my Mother's Day cards.  They turned out very well, if I must say so myself.  I still have quite a few more cards to make yet, but I'm not complaining, I love creating, it doesn't matter what I'm making.

I will soon be starting on another booklet.  I simply don't feel that the time is just right yet.  Whatever that means.  It's just a feeling I have.  I'm still working on my hand embroidery pieces.  They coming along well.  I won't need them until next Christmas, but that's okay with me.

I've heard the rumors about us getting hit with another big snow storm next week.  Let me tell you, I am not happy about that, and apparently not many people around here are happy.  Unfortunately, there's nothing much we can do about the weather!

I hope that if you haven't already read my articles on heart disease on this blog, that you will do so immediately.  You can also go to and place my full name in the search block and then click.  All 14 of my books and booklets will come up.  I have a few booklets that have to do will not only heart disease, but also living with any chronic disease.  They're different than what's on my blog.  In case you didn't know, you don't have to purchase the books, you can join Kindle.  It's like going to the library and borrowing a book.  You will have it available to you for so long, and then it returns to amazon. 

Did you know that you can read electronically without having a Kindle or Nook.  You can do electronic reading on any electronic device:  Ipad, Ipod, laptop, PC, tablet, smart phone, etc.  You just need to follow the directions on Amazon.  Hope this helps.

Whatever you're doing this weekend, have some fun and stay safe.

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