Monday, September 29, 2014

In three months....

Hi all,

Does anyone know what I am referring to in my title?  In case you don't, I'll tell you.  I am letting you all know that three months from now, Christmas will be over.  That, my friends, will make me very sad.  I love the time from Thanksgiving until New Years Day.  It's the time of year when we should all stop and give thanks for every single thing that God has given to us. 

I know a lot of people complain, saying that they are out of work, or that they're ill, or one of many, many other things.  But, my friends, there are so many things in our lives that we should give thanks for.  Most all of us have a roof over our heads, food to eat daily, some type of work to keep bringing the money into our homes, families whom we love and on and on.  Mostly, we have a God who loves us unconditionally, always. 

Since becoming chronically ill, back in 2006,  I have accepted God's Divine Mercy into every second of every day of my life.  I have so many blessings that I couldn't even begin to count them.  For instance, every day for over eight and one half years now, I've woke up every morning; I can still do a few sedentary things to keep myself busy and to help me feel good about myself.  No, my life isn't like it once was, but I am still alive to love and enjoy every member of my family, my extended family and my friends and neighbors.  I now know what is important in my life and what isn't.  All those little things I used to worry about simply don't matter to me at all anymore.  I don't care what people think about what I wear, what I think, or whether my home is spotless or not.  I suppose you could say that I have simplified my life extensively and I'm very happy and content with my life and my chronic illness.  Can you say the same thing? 

If your answer to my last question was "no", then perhaps you need to stop and take some time to re-evaluate your life.  The only guarantee we have in this life is that we will, someday, die.  I, for one, want to die in God's blessed graces.  That way I know I will be with God for all eternity.   What do you want?  Think about it, won't you.

What a nice weekend we just had here in South Central Pennsylvania.  The temperatures got up to about eighty degrees, but the humidity was very low, and there was a nice breeze blowing.  I have to share with you that I loved sitting out on my porch and visiting with friends.  For me, that was a wonderful weekend.  How about you?  What did you do?  Were you able to enjoy your time off from work?  I hope so.

I must say that I do love the fall.  Of course, here in this part of the country, the leaves are mostly still green and hanging heavy upon the trees.  Our grass, fields and forests are still maintaining their lush green hues.  I do like that, but I also think that when the leaves are changing color, it is so beautiful to see.  I think that if we find beauty in each of the four seasons, we will love the change of those seasons.

Well, I hope your week goes well.  Stay well and God bless you all.

Sometimes pleasure is found in the most simplistic things...

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Happy Tuesday Everyone!

Hi all,

Well, I've been back from two weeks vacation for three days now, but I can't seem to get back into a routine thus far.  I suppose two weeks of just relaxing and sitting on the terrace just seeing the sand, ocean and God's beautiful sky, has spoiled me!  My husband keeps telling me not to worry about my lack of routine, but I feel that I'm wasting too much time.

October 1 will be here before we know it.  That will mean that Christmas is only a little over two and a half months away.  I really need to get started on my hand-made Christmas greeting cards.  I usually create approximately eighty cards and that many takes a lot of time.  Since I'm ill, I can't work six to eight hours a day.  I can only work on them for maybe one to two hours a day, and that's during the morning hours.  I did go up to my craft room this afternoon for about forty-five minutes this afternoon.  I took some supplies along to the beach with me but I only worked on them one time. 

The first style of Christmas card that I'm creating is called "Iris Folding".  If you have never heard of this style, it's layering small strips of cut papers onto the back side of a cut out shape, such as a Christmas tree.  I worked on one today and it took me approximately thirty five minutes to complete it.  Please keep in mind that this is only the front panel of the card and it doesn't include anything except the object.  It will still take me about thirty to forty minutes to complete just one card.  Obviously, I don't create too many of this style of card because of the amount of time it consumes, but I do enjoy seeing the finished card.  They are simply beautiful, if I have to say so myself.

I ordered some Christmas gift and they arrived this week and actually, I started my handmade gifts way back in January and February.  I can not just wait until the last month to do everything.  I have very little patience and I tire easily, so I need to start very early.  That way, when the beginning of December rolls around, I can just finish up, relax and enjoy the blessed season of Christ's birth.

Now, I know what you're thinking.  Here she is talking about Christmas and we still have another month until Halloween.  Right?  Believe me, I'm not rushing the seasons.  I simply have to plan ahead, mostly because of my chronic illness.  Actually, we don't really do much for Halloween anymore.  Sometimes we do some trick-or-treat handouts, but that's about all.  I don't even decorate for Halloween.  I may put some fall things out, but that's about all.  I just don't have the energy anymore to do all those things.

So, how are you doing?  Are you glad to see the fall season arrive?  It's been quite cold in our home today, but I simply refuse to turn on the heat yet.  We just turned off the central air conditioning.  I understand that it's to get up close to eighty degrees this weekend.  The thermostat hasn't gotten above 65 in here all day.  That's okay, I'll just wear a sweater and I'll sleep good tonight in a cold room.

Maybe things are now back to normal for most of you parents with school age children.  I do remember how hectic summers could be, but now they're all back in school once again.   It's hard for me to realize that my grandsons are almost all grown up.  I only have two of them still in high school.  One is a senior and the other a junior this year.  Their ages are:  23, 22, 20, 20, 18 and 17 years old.  How well I remember when they were just little boys and they so enjoyed having me read story books to them and help them with crafts.  I truly miss those times, but I realize that this is God's plan for all of us.  I love my Grandsons so very much and I'm so proud of the strong young men they have become. 

Here's some more beautiful and peaceful pictures.

Well, tomorrow is "hump day".  So. be happy about that!  You'll soon be on the down side of the week and that's a great thing to keep in mind.  So, for now, stay safe and God bless each and every one of you.


Saturday, September 20, 2014

How's your Saturday going thus far?

Hi all,

I'm sure that you aren't too excited about the fact that your weekend is about half over.  As for me, my husband Gerry and I just got home this afternoon after spending two weeks in Ocean City, Md.  We stayed in an ocean front condo on the boardwalk .  I have to say that I so enjoyed myself and there's no better place I'd rather visit than OC, MD.  Gerry fished every single day of the two weeks, well that is, except for the Saturday we arrived and today. We spent a lot of time sitting out on our terrace overlooking the boards.  I took swarms of photographs of the sand, the ocean and the sky.  I told Gerry that if I could just have that view every day for the rest of my life, I'd be happy and content. 

Here's some of the pictures that I took.  I hope you enjoy them.

I also took some photos which I took on my cell phone, but I haven't downloaded them onto my laptop as of yet.  After I do, I'll post some of them for you. 

Well, this coming week is the first day of fall.  Summer will be officially over and you know what that means:  winter is on it's way.  Ugh!!!  I heard that they are predicting that this winter we will have more snow storms that we did last year.  I sincerely hope they are wrong!

Tomorrow is Sunday and I hope you will all set aside some time to give thanks to God for all the blessings He's bestowed upon each one of you.  I know I will.  God has truly blessed me and my family in so many ways, that I will be eternally grateful for all His blessings. 

I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday and please stay safe.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Happy Day to all of You!

Hi all,

How is everyone doing this fine Tuesday morning?  I do hope your week is going good so far.  How's the weather where you are?  It's been good here, some days just a little over seventy degrees and others up close to eighty.  But, I'm not complaining, not one little bit. 

Last week was a very relaxing week for me.  I suppose some people would say that my life is always very relaxing, but that's not completely true.  I was able to sit out on the deck a lot last week and I do so enjoy that.  I worked on my hand embroidery, read a book and just truly enjoyed the weather. 

As you know, old man winter will soon be coming our way, even if we don't want him to come.  I'm not looking forward to the frigid cold, ice and snow, but I suppose that is a part of winter.  I understand that this winter is to have a lot of Suzy Snowflakes coming our way.  Ugh!!!!

How do you feel about summers departure?  I suppose many of you are sad to see it leave, but fall is a beautiful time of year, so don't be too depressed.  I, personally, like the cooler weather.  You know, when you can grab a sweater or sweatshirt in the mornings and evenings, but it's warm enough during the afternoons to go without a jacket.  And, I will say that there's nothing more beautiful than the autumn leaves as they change colors.  So, enjoy that while it lasts.

I suppose it's getting close to being time to pull out, or cut off, all those remnants left behind in your flower beds and flower boxes.  Now, you will have to come up with another way to be creative as we go through the winter months.  Come on, you surely can think of something!

I have decided that I'm going to start another pencil art drawing, or perhaps I'll add a bit of colored chalk to it.  It's been some time since I've done any and I'm feeling he pull to get back at it.  I think I've created enough gift card and small gift bags for Christmas this year.  So, I don't know what I'll start in regards to my hand sewing.  I'll have to give that some thought!

Well, I hope the rest of your week goes well and please stay safe.


Friday, September 5, 2014

Happy Weekend to all of you.

Hi all,

Well the work week for most of you, is now over and the weekend is laying before you.  What's on your schedule for Saturday and Sunday?  I suppose that the community swimming pools are now closed for the season, but I imagine that you can still go to one of the state parks swimming areas.  How about an end of summer picnic and games day?  Or if you mind the heat and humidity, you may just want to stay in doors in the air conditioning, reading a book and relaxing after a hard working week.  It truly doesn't matter what you do over this weekend, but remember to find some time just for yourselves.  We all need time for just ourselves.

I suppose that summer is just about completely over here in Pennsylvania.  I'm ready for some cooler temperatures with a lower humidity, even though we haven't had a very hot and humid summer this year.  Not compared to last year and for that I am thankful.

I have been thinking that I'd like to do another pencil art drawing.  It's been a few years since I've done one so perhaps it's time for another now.  All I have to do is to decide what I want to draw.  I've always felt that if you can create a pencil drawing, using many different shades of black to white, then creating a piece by painting, should be easy.  It takes a lot longer to do a pencil art piece than a painted one, but that doesn't bother me in the least.  Any ideas of what I might draw?

I finished the nine or ten Elf Bags that I was working on, so now it's on to a different type of felt bag.  I think I'm going to do one with a large snowflake on the front.  Maybe I'll include a bell in the center of it.  What do you think?  I truly love watching television and working on my embroidery work.  It relaxes me so much.  Have you ever tried embroidery?  There are many different types of stitches that you can do on a piece, so it doesn't get boring.  Try it sometime, you never know, you just may really enjoy it!

Are you ready for the fall season and then the cold, snow and blustery weather?  I'm ready for the fall season, but not for what follows it.  I'm okay with winter, if I can just stay inside all the time.  I truly hate going out in the cold weather.  At least we can start my car before we go out and get the heat going instead of getting into an ice box.  I also have heated front seats, so that's really nice.

Well, make the most of your weekend.  Have some fun and stay safe.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Was It a Good One?

Hi all,

Is anyone else having trouble remembering that today is Tuesday and not Monday?  I sure am!  How was your Labor Day weekend?  I hope you all got to be out of doors and enjoy yourself as the end of summer is fastly approaching.  I believe there were many people traveling over the weekend, because there seemed to be a lot of cars on the roads.  Perhaps the weather wasn't exactly to your liking, but I thought it was okay, that is until yesterday afternoon when it started getting humid.

I had to go for an echocardiogram this morning and it was already hot and humid then.  I, for one, can do without the humidity.  I went out to sweep off the porch and walk and by the time I got back indoors, my allergies had already kicked up.  Just what I needed to do:  take more medicine.  Right now it looks like we're going to have a storm, which is okay with me, as my car needs a good bath.  I don't mind if it rains, as I'm not going out any more today.  How about you?

We spent time with some family and friends over the weekend.  One of my grandsons and his girlfriend, came to visit us for the day.  I love spending time with my grandsons.  Since they've gotten older, we don't see them too often.  I realize that they lead busy lives of their own, but I still like to see them once and a while. 

My husband is having some medical problems.  He has a hernia and it's causing him some pain.  Then over the weekend, a friend was telling him what all can happen if you don't take care of a hernia right away.  I know she meant well, but now he has himself all upset about this.  He's already seen a specialist and he assured him that he'll be fine for a few weeks and then he'll take care of it permanently.  Some times it's best for well meaning people to just keep their comments to themselves.

Well, right now it's thundering and lightening outside, with rain coming down pretty heavy.  Perhaps
the humidity will go down after it rains.  At least I hope so.  The house is so much cooler without high humidity and we have central air conditioning.  Oh well, I can't control the weather, now can I?

I'm still working on my hand embroidered Christmas gift bags and my poetry.  Although I haven't done much with the poetry in the last few days.  I need to get back on it soon.  Time surely does go by quickly, at least it does for me.  Today is already September 2.  It seems like summer just started and now it's over.  Life moves on and we all move right along with it. 

I got a camcorder as a birthday gift and I haven't figured out how to use it as of yet.  Boy does that make me feel dumb.  I'm going to fool with it again this week to see if I can see how to take videos.

I hope your day was a good one and remember that tomorrow is Hump Day.  I'm sure you all love it that it's a short work week  for all of you.  Enjoy your evening and be safe always.