Monday, April 13, 2015

Happy First Day of the work week!

Hi all,

How's your Monday going?  Mine has been very tiring, but I did manage to do two loads of laundry and cleaned by living room and hall way.  Now I'm working on our dinner for tonight, steak, potatoes and a vegetable.  Actually the steak was so large, that's we'll have enough for another supper this week. 

I didn't get any time to work on my manuscript, which upsets me, but being ill, I can only do so much each day.  I did cut some white panels, which I'm going to embroider on, for a summer quilt.  It may take me until next summer to be able to use it, but that's all right with me.  Hand embroidery is a very slow process, one which I love doing.  I find it's very relaxing for me to sit down in front of the television and embroider.  Have you ever tried it?  If not, you really should give it a try.  Anything that relaxes me is a great activity.

Well, the weather seems to have turned to spring, which makes me happy.  I just hope the temperatures don't turn high, quickly.  I'd love to really have a Spring Season this year.  My plants have all popped up out of the ground, in my back yard.  We don't have a very big yard, because we turned most of it into two parking pads for our vehicles, but I really don't mind.  I do have two flower beds, so that makes me happy. 

Last year my husband went out and purchased a large potted geranium for our front porch.  At the end of the season, we brought it in and placed it on our sun porch, which is heated.  It did so well during the winter and now, it's just beautiful.  There are no flowers, as of yet, but it's so healthy looking.  Now I'm not sure that I want to put it back outside or not.  Plants get so used to their current environment, that sometimes when you place it somewhere else, it doesn't do well.  I'll have to think on it for awhile.

I hope you had a good Divine Mercy Sunday, yesterday.  I had a wonderful one!  I observed the celebration on EWTN, the Catholic Television Station, for three hours.  It was a beautiful Mass and there were over 15,000 people there, in Stockbridge.  Then my best friend came to visit me and she brought me Holy Communion.  Nothing could have made my day more blessed than that.  Many thanks to her for do that on Divine Mercy Sunday.  I could feel Jesus filling me up with His Divine Mercy.  I hope you did, as well.

Later in the week, I hope to find time to get back onto my manuscript.  It's coming along so nicely and I'm getting very excited about it.  What have you been doing lately?  I hope it's something creative, because it's so full-filling to ones self-worth!

Here's a photograph of my plant.

I do hope you have a great week and are looking forward to next weekend.  Write and let me know what you've been doing creatively.  Be safe and may God bless you always.

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