I wanted to do a post on my blog today, mostly because it it Good Friday today. Today we relive the Crucifixtion and Death of Jesus Christ. If it weren't for Our Lord allowing His Son to be born as a fellow human being, and eventually permitting His suffering and death on a cross, we'd have nothing!
Jesus Christ has promised to each of us, as much of His Divine Mercy as we can hold in our hearts and souls. But, we have to be open to it; we have to ask for it; we have to believe that the only way to achieve eternal life with God, is through His Divine Mercy.
I few years ago, I accepted the fact that I needed to live every day of my life giving Gratitude and Acceptance to God. Along with that, I ask God, every single day, to fill me up with His Divine Mercy. Since then, my life has become very content and happy. I am thankful for my life, just the way it is, chronic illness and everyting else that happens. I can't tell you how much this has meant to me.
I'm not talking about what religious sect, to which you may be a part, but rather to your faith and trust in God. That being said, I don't care what religion you practice, I believe that God calls each one of us to be a recipient of His Divine Mercy. Please ask God to pour His Mercy into your hearts and souls. I promise you, you won't ever be sorry. Your life will be forever changed; you, like me, will find contentment and joy within your life.
I hope you all have a blessed and safe Good Friday, Holy Saturday and an Easter Sunday filled with joy and love. Enjoy spending time with your family and loved ones.
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