Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Hey friends, it's Hump Day!

Hi all,

Well, it is hump day, but it's also Wednesday.  Which doesn't mean too much to me, except that I grocery shop tomorrow.  Yahoo!  At least I don't have to go to work any longer, like so many of you do.  Sorry, I shouldn't rub that in, now should I?

Seriously, I would have traded working for being chronically ill, any day, but we have to play the cards we're dealt.  I'm not complaining about being ill, not at all.  I have accepted my life just the way it is and I am very content with my life.  I give thanks to God every day for all the many blessings He's given to me my entire life. 

We all have been given many blessings, but many people just look at what they don't have and not at what they do have, which in most cases, is a lot.  If you have fairly good health, a family who loves and respects you, friends to care about, a job to pay your bills, then you are rich with blessings.

Some people just are never satisfied with what they have.  They always want more.  That is not me, and I thank God every day, that's it's not.  It's such a shame that so many folks don't realize that happiness comes from the inside, not exterior things.  That's why so many people aren't now happy nor have they ever been truly happy. 

I can truly say, even with all my health issues and my many restrictions, that I am very happy with my life.  I have a wonderful and loving family, some friends, enough money to pay our bills, enough food to eat, a car that runs, but most of all, I have God in my life.  What more do I need?  Absolutely nothing!  

There is so much negativity in this world in which we live, that it makes me so very sad.  I do what I think God is directing me to do, but it won't make any great changes to the world.  But, if I can make even a slight change in just one person, then I am happy.

How about you?  What could you be doing but aren't?  How about if all of us would just reach out to one person who needs a helping hand.  Wouldn't that be better then just putting them out of our minds and pretending that they just don't exist?  I'm quite sure that during each day, every one of us has an opportunity to do something nice for someone else, and we just don't bother.  Come on, we're better than that and we all know it.  So, I ask each of you to just reach out to one other person tomorrow, even if it's just to give them a smile and ask "how are you doing?"  You just might make their bad day, better, and make them smile in return.  Try it, I dare you.....

We have so much beauty in this world, which is right in front of us.  Just stand still for one minute and look up at the sky in all it's beauty.  I think it's so sad that so many folks never look at the sky, which is hand painted, by God, just for our seeing.

I hope you all have a good day tomorrow and be safe always.  May God bless each of you.

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