Monday, August 29, 2016

Happy Monday!

Hi everyone,

I trust you all had a nice weekend.  As for me, it is nice not to have to rush on Friday mornings to get ready to go to the campground for the weekend anymore.  Oh I do miss my friends, but it feels so nice to just stay home on the weekends now.

I just finished spending a bit over an hour working on my current manuscript.  If I'm going to have it in print before Christmas, I better get it finished!  I'm on page 147 and I think it will probably have under 200 pages in it.  Of course, then the hard part comes:  proofing it!  Oh sure, I can and do use spell check, but many words are spelled different and with different meanings, such as:  their and there.  According to spellcheck it's spelled correctly, even if it's the wrong word. 

Quite some time ago, I realized just how hard it is for me to proof read a manuscript.  When I read a book, I can read very quickly.  I'm not really seeing the spelling of the words, but I know what they are.  Many folks are like this.  That makes proof reading very difficult.  I start out reading every word slowly, and the next thing I know, I'm skimming the text.  That makes it extremely hard to proof read the text.  I give a lot of credit to those who proof read for a living.  Kudos to you!

This book will have happiness and sadness within it's pages.  Life and death occurs in everyone's daily life, at one time or another.  I'm sure that most of you have experienced both at one time.  Death is a very sad experience for a person, especially if you loved that person.  But, no one is exempt from dying, no one.  We all must pass away at one time or another.  When that time will be is usually unknown to us. 

Two days ago would have been my Mom's birthday, had she still been living.  You see, she died twenty years ago, this October.  I miss her and my Dad (he'll be gone 17 years in October) so much.  There is rarely a day goes by, that I don't think about the both of them.  I am the person I am today, because of the two of them.  For that, I thank God with all my heart and soul.  My folks were great parents and grandparents.  My three daughters and their cousins, loved their Grandma and Grandpa. 

When we're young, our life span seem like an eternity to us, but when you get to be old, like me, there's no such thing as an eternity here on this earth.  I hope to spend my eternity with God and all of those who have passed away that I loved while here on this earth.  How about you?

This has to be short, today, because I need to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy before the three o'clock hour is over.  I try to pray this chaplet every single day during this time period.  The three o'clock hour was the time during which Jesus died on the cross.  He had promised, through Saint Faustina, to pour out His Divine Mercy to anyone who says or sings this Chaplet.  I certainly want all the mercy Jesus can pour into me.  If you've never heard of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy.  You can do a search using that name or the name:  Saint Faustina.    It certainly has changed my life.  Don't you want to change yours, too?

Have a great evening and may God bless each one of you.

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