Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Do you listen to the Oldies?

Hi everyone,

I'm sitting here on the sofa, obviously on my laptop, and listening to the Solid God Oldies TV station.  I love the music from my childhood years, which would be from about 1958, through about 1968.  Oh I still listened to music after that, but I had my first baby girl that year, so I was quite busy.

Then when my three daughters were in their teens, which would have been during the 1980's, I listened to both my oldies and their teen music.  I enjoyed some of the stars from the 80's.  How about you?  Have you always enjoyed listening to music?

Of course, as I've said before, I was what was considered a "Bandstand Brat".  Both my Sister and I watched Bandstand every day after school.  We both loved the music, the stars  of that time, and Dick Clark, as well as all the dances!  We learned how to do all of them. 

What is your choice in music these days?  Do you like The Big Band Music, from the thirties and forties?  I do enjoy some of that music genre, as well.  I suppose that is because both of my Parents loved that music and they loved dancing to it, as well.  I guess that would be where I got my love of both music and dance, from.  Thanks Mom and Day!

How is your week going, thus far?  Mine is about like normal, which is a good thing for me.  If you are still working, relax because today is Hump Day, meaning tomorrow you'll be on the down side of this work week.  It doesn't make much difference to me one way or the other.

I'm still working on my children's blankets, which my husband takes to our local hospital's children's wing, as well as, to two other agencies here in our hometown.

I'm also still working on my hand-made greeting cards for different holidays this year, except for Christmas, which I don't create until around October.  The rest are for birthdays, Valentines Day, Easter, Thanksgiving and such.  My new machine came today by UPS.  I am so anxious to use it.  It is a die cutting and embossing machine and it also does a few other things.  I have had one for some years now, but it is a manual one, and this new one is electric.  I'm sure it will take me a little while to get the hang of how it works, but I have no fear that I'll be using it very soon!  At least, I hope so!

I just love creating anything!  I have been so blessed by God with these creative abilities, and I am so thankful to Him every day.  I've also been thinking about starting another novel within the next few months.  I just haven't decided what I'd like to use as the story line this time.  Oh well, it will come to me, when I least expect it.  The ideas always do!

I hope the remainder of your week goes well.  Be safe always and may God bless and keep you safe.

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

How's your day going?

Hi everyone,

How's your Tuesday going, thus far?  Mine's about the same as usual, which is good as far as I'm concerned.  It was a bit of a dreary day here in South Central Pennsylvania.  It rained a bit, off and on, then later this afternoon, the sun popped out once again.  The temperature got up to about fifty today, so it wasn't too cold. 

What have you all been up to lately?  I'm sure that many of you go to work every day and those with children are busy taking care of them in the evenings.  But how about those of you who are retired, how do you fill up your days? 

Since my husband is still working a part time job, I spend a lot of time alone throughout the day, but I do try to stay as busy as I am able.  Of course, I'm still working on my blankets for children who are in the hospital.  I now have about thirty four new ones finished. 

I'm also working on my hand make greeting cards for my family.  I create all of them a birthday card, and cards for each holiday that pops up.  Well, all except for Christmas, that is.  Those I don't do until around October.  I do love doing anything creative and I thank God every day for giving me these creative abilities.  I'm afraid I would be in a deep depression if I couldn't fill my days up while sitting on the sofa with my feet up.

Here's a few photos of my newest blankets.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Is the snow gone yet?

Hi everyone,

I'm sorry I haven't written a new post for a while.  I've been fighting a sinus infection and a few other medical problems.  Hopefully things will go back to normal for me, soon! 

I am thankful that none of the snows we've had, as of yet, have been very sizeable, but I'm kind of tired of it for now.  I see that our temperatures are to be up in the low fifties by this Sunday.  That will be nice.  I haven't been anywhere for some time now.  I just can't stand going out in the cold weather.  How about you?  How have you been handling the weather where you live?

I am listening to the Solid Gold Oldies on Comcast TV right now.  Does anyone out there remember this song.  I haven't heard it for many years now.  It's "Here Comes Summer" by Jerry Keller, from 1959.  Now I realize that many of you, perhaps weren't even born in 1959, but of course, I was.  I love listening to the oldies.  As a matter of fact, whenever I'm in my craft room, working on my hand made greeting cards, I play oldies CD's.  Well, all except when I am making my Christmas cards.  Then I listen to Christmas CD's. 

These old songs just take me back to a time in my life when things were so different.  It was definitely a much simpler time and much less violent then.  You didn't hear about some shootings, robberies, attacks and drastic weather conditions back then.  Times have surely changed and I truly don't think they're all for the better, either.  Some changes have been good, but I worry about what kind of world our future generations will have to live.  Thankfully I'll be gone by then and I pray I'll be in a much better place, a place where God will forever be present! 

I'm still hand sewing animals onto pieces of fleece, making blankets for children who are in our local hospital and a two other places that are local.  I need to keep busy and I need to give back to God for all His many blessings in my lifetime.  My life has been in His hands for many, many years now and I trust Him to allow me to live, as long as He has something He wants me to do for Him.

Where ever you live, I hope you are safe in your homes.  May God bless you always. 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Have you settled in yet?

Hi folks,

Well, today is the ninth of January already.  Have you settled in to the new year and the current weather?  I'm sure, that for most of you, life has now returned back to whatever is normal in your daily life.  You know:  going to work, raising your children, cleaning the house, doing laundry, shoveling the snow, replacing a battery in your car because of the extremely cold temperatures.

Well, as for me, my children are grown up with grown up sons of their own, I do not work outside the home any longer because of my illness, but I do still have to do some laundry and cleaning.  Oh, and yes, my husband had to have my car battery replaced because of the extremely cold weather we've been having lately.  Hopefully we are getting a bit of a reprieve from the extreme cold throughout the rest of this week and into the next week.  Who knows what will occur, weather wise, after that.

Time goes by so quickly for me.  After becoming disabled, I thought that time would move very slowly for me, but it doesn't.  It's hard for me to believe that we're already into the second week of January already.

I'm still working on my blankets for children in the hospital and for some who are in the foster care and at a temporary shelter.  Here are a few photos of the last ones I've done.

I've been told that the children just love them.  I do hope that's true.  I just don't want any child to be frightened, no matter what their circumstances.

I hope your week is going well.  Stay safe and may God bless each of you, always.  Remember to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy daily!

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Happy New Year!

Hi everyone,
This will be a short post, as I have been sick.  Not a great way to start off the new year!   I hope your new year thus far, is going better than mine has.  Today I laid on the sofa and dozed off and on all day.  Hopefully tomorrow will be better.  I was diagnosed with a sinus infection.  We never seem to appreciate God's gift of feeling well, until we don't feel well.  I suppose that's just human nature.

It is good that I didn't have any plans for the start of the new year, because they would have all been broken.  We didn't even have our pork and sauerkraut on New Year's Day.  I don't think my stomach could have handled that just then.  I put the pork in the freezer and promised my husband that I'd make it once I feel better.  How about you?  Did you have pork and sauerkraut on New Years Day?

You know that I must feel sick, when I'm not even working on my embroidery projects.  I just don't have the ambition to do much of anything.  I've now had two days on the antibiotic, so hopefully by tomorrow, I will start feeling a bit better.  Please say a prayer for me, if you would.  Thanks.

This cold, frigid weather we've been having, can now leave!  I just can't seem to get warm these days.  And I truly do not want to go outside at all.  How about where you are?  According to the weather reports, large portions of the USA are having this same frigid weather as we are, here in South Central Pennsylvania. 

I hope you all are doing well.  Hopefully I'll be able to post a longer blog in a few days.  Take care of yourselves and may God bless each of you.