Sunday, August 13, 2023

Sunday's Mercy Minutes...


Divine Mercy Daily

Reflections from the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska

Sunday, August 13  Graces of Retreats Responding Faithfully to    Your Grace  As I was trying to make my Holy Hour, I saw the suffering Jesus, who spoke these words to me: My daughter, do not pay so much attention to the vessel of grace as to the grace itself which I give you, because you are not always pleased with the vessel, and then the graces, too, become deficient. I want to guard you from that, and I want you never to pay attention to the vessel in which I send you My grace. Let all the attention of your soul be concentrated on responding to My grace as faithfully as possible (Diary, 1599).

My Prayer Response: Lord Jesus, may I recognize Your grace, no matter how it comes to me. Guard me from distractions. May I receive Your grace faithfully with thanksgiving, so You may be glorified.

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