Wednesday, August 16, 2023

Wednesday's Mercy Minutes...


Divine Mercy Daily

Reflections from the Diary of Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska

Wednesday, August 16

Graces of Retreats Daily Bread for Me In the evening, Jesus gave me the subject for meditation. At the first moment, my heart was filled with fear and joy. Then I pressed myself close to His Heart, and the fear vanished; only joy remained. I felt entirely like a child of God, and the Lord said to me, Fear nothing. What has been forbidden to others has been given to you. The graces that are not given to other souls to discern, not even from a distance, nourish you every day, like the daily bread (Diary, 1753).

My Prayer Response: Lord Jesus, I press close to Your Heart that my fear may vanish. Like a child, I want to receive all the graces You have prepared for me! May Your graces nourish me like daily bread.

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