How's everyone doing today? Looks like we're going to have some higher than normal temperatures for the next six or seven days. Can't say that I'm looking forward to that. I can't wait for the temperature to start staying in the mid to upper seventies for a few weeks. I really enjoy it when the overnight temps go down into the fifties. I am so ready for Fall to arrive.
Today would have been my Mother's 91st. birthday, if she had not died in 1996. I miss her so much and I've gotten so many good traits from her and my Dad. I have to say that my Mom was a truly wonderful Mother. She was the emotionally strong one that I depended on for emotional issues. She was always there for me.
I have to admit that I'm sure I didn't always like the advice or discipline she dished out, but I know it was for my own good. She taught me all about God and His great love for me. She instructed me in cleaning, doing laundry, cooking, and just about every other thing that a girl has to learn when she's growing up. But more importantly, she taught me to put my faith in God, to trust Him at all times.
My Mom and Dad paid a great deal of money, which they didn't have, to put me and my siblings through Catholic Grade and High School. My Dad wasn't a Catholic, but he agreed that we should go through Catholic schooling.
When I was about eleven years old, my Mom took a full time job at a local sewing factory. My Sister was left in charge of both me and my Brother. I remember, back then we had a wringer washer. I wasn't allowed to use the wringer, so my Sister put the laundry through. My Mom was a great seamstress, long before she took the job at the sewing factory. She used to make many of my Sister's and my clothing. She even made my Dad some sports coats. I was never ashamed to wear hand sewed clothing, in fact, the other girls used to envy my clothes.
Mom was quite the creative person. She was good at so many things, I couldn't even begin to remember them all. In my opinion, the thing that Mom was best at, was being a Mom. She simply excelled at it. When I was in high school, all I ever wanted to be was a Mom. But, not just any Mom, I wanted to be a Mom like my own Mother.
I hope I've succeeded in being a good Mom. I've tried my best to raise my girls with all the same values, morals, ethics, hopes, faith and traditions that I received from my Mom. I hope she's proud of me because that would make me very happy.
So, today I say, Happy Birthday to my Mother, Dorothy (Welsh) Utterback. You may be forever gone, but I promise you, you'll never, ever be forgotten, by any of us!
Lots of love to both my Mom and my Dad (Harry Utterback, Jr.). I love and miss you both.
I hope you all have a great week and make sure you tell your Mom how much you love her, while she's still on this earth.
This is a portrait of my Mother when she was in her early twenties. She was so beautiful!

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